Mephisto canada drop Monday

Yeah I avoid root riots as well but I wasn’t sure if that was his problem as he said he was having success with his other items. So hard to say.

Personally I always germ in promix hp in a small cup and I get near perfect germ every time. Even on old seeds.

That 24 karot sounds awesome. Pretty sure I read that its sour boggle. I’m hesitant on forum stomper as I have never had success paying for cookies


i know they are not normally the best way to go, and generally frowned upon and too expensive, but my success rate with root riot plugs and photo seeds is 95%ish, the autos may hate them, that could very well be a problem I had.

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I had one false start with the Meph gear before. I dropped a few right into soil when they cameos the mail. I don’t remember exact numbers, but I want to say about 1/3 didn’t germinate, 1/3 seedlings were very weak and died off, and one of my cats saw that the other 1/3 didn’t get very far.

Waited a couple months, tried again. 100% germination, same lot of seeds, some of the same varietals. This time I scuffed, soaked for 12 hrs with a touch of peroxide and aloe, into damp paper until they were just starting to crack, then into peat/perlite seed starting mix.

The tray they were on was knocked over at about one week, I thought I was going to lose all of them. Some of them may be stunted, but they are all healthy and finishing. Well, hubbabubba is WAY stunted, but also took some serious root damage in when they fell, so just happy to be able to be getting some to finish to be able to have a taste.


One thing I have noticed is all of them seem to like the soil drier than most of the photos I have run. Maybe that plays into issues with the root riots for autos


I have a bunch of Mephisto seeds and have grown a number of their strains, but I have zero experience with all of the ones listed for Monday.

Sorry to hear they didn’t do well for you @UncleBabyBilly. I’m sure I’d feel differently about Mephisto if I hadn’t experienced 100% success rate germinating their seeds. They’ve done right by me so far. I did have a weird Northern Cheese Haze where, 2/3 of the way through, a side branch decided to shoot like crazy and grew significantly taller than the main cola. WTF? I still got a few ounces from it - just had to stagger the harvest to let that one late-bloomer branch mature. I grow them in Octopots (peat/perlite for media, Jack’s nutes in the rez) under 18/6 light. The fastest I’ve had one finish is 73 days, the longest around 90.

Besides NCH, I’ve grown Sour Crack, CannaCheese, Hubbabubbasmelloscope, and Walter White, plus a freebie of 3BOG x Strawberry Nuggets. I’ve also given seeds to a buddy so I got to see and smoke his Creme de la Chem, Sour Orange Diesel Kush (SODK), and a freebie of (CDLC x 3BOG) x Sour Stomper. They’ve all done well for us. I need to plant another sometime soon. I still have a few I haven’t tried including ManBearAlienPig and Double Grape…

Good luck on Monday!


I’m really happy to hear that my experience is the outlier on this, even though it means I likely put the hurt on some poor lil’ beans! Everything folks listed above and probably a few other things I did seem to be a bit problematic for autos. I may have to circle back to them at some point when I am under plant count for a bit.


Ideally you want them in a big-ass pot from day 1, with zero disruption to roots, and don’t… overwater. :wink:



Well I got an order this morning. Only 3 packs available. Also no #47 Strawberry Stomper. Anyone know if that was on a previous release or is it still coming?

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What did u score @MBVapester? I picked up
Alien Vs Triangle
24 carot
Grape kush walker
Mango smile

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24 Carat, Forum Stomper, Grape Walker Kush and Sour Crinkle.
Wondering what the freebies are.
@Chronickyle have to keep in touch if you make pollen.
I am hoping to try these outside this summer.

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I’m deffinetly making pollen @MBVapester I don’t wanna buy them again if I don’t have too lol. Not cheap seeds. We should deffinetly do some trading too. I’ve read all the 3 packs are 5 packs and then the freebies on top of that. I spent over the 150 so minimum 15 freebies


If you want to make some pollen as well I can send you some stuff to make sts and we can get tons of seeds going and just trade for the rest. @nefrella is making mephisto seeds as well we could get a good stock going between the few of us.


That was my thought too. Over $200 so they are pricey for sure. I did get an STS kit from Sebring but never used or femmed anything to this point so it will be a new adventure and need to do some reading on it but sounds like an idea.


copy that. I really want the cookie one and grape walker, but cant buy anymore atm lolol.


Were all here to help, and together the finish line is a lot closer. I will send you how to links after work today. And if you look at nefrellas mephisto journal it will give dates of when she is spraying and of course we’re all here to help.

Haha I just want them all :stuck_out_tongue: no point of buying many more we myswell all make seeds and trade seeds and pollen. Make our own mephisto strains as well :stuck_out_tongue:


Received the Mephisto order today

5 of each one. Freebies were:
Samsquanch x FS


Oh nice. I didnt get the samsquanch one. Hopefully it’s good!

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Mephisto has a drop in 6 minutes!

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Grabbed the pink Panama and another Double Grape!

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Grabbed pink panama sour stomper and. Skywalker. Hell yeah. If anyone can’t get in on these drops your doing it wrong I’ve tried twice and both times success!