Mexican Death Sativa repro

They will be featured in the NEXT THREE OR FOUR Donation and/or Giveaways!! The Brother treated the OG Community R-I-G-H-T!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: You lucked out with that selection, a fine choice!!!



Imma gonna toss it into this thing and leave it for AS LONG AS IT NEEDS :smiley:

:smiley: :seedling: :sunflower: :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Anyone have any info on the growth pattern for these? Trying to work out my winter spacing plan :wink:

Edit: I got hooked up by @lambchopedd themselves! Score and thanks all! This is gonna be a party I’m excited to share when it happens :smiley:


Has anyone seen that AK beanbrains released cornbread mafias Mexican Death Sativa today? Any thoughts?

Only 70 days flowering time?


There was an insane amount of AKBB releases at JBC today. I’ve heard a lot of good things about him, but how do you make and test so many crosses?


I think of him partly as a strain librarian who then makes old genepools available. If he claimed to make them all i’d be way more sceptical, still hard to evaluate his sources though. Ive heard good things about the dwarf boel oaxacan, so hopefully the mds is a good example.


Here’s a description from another site

Says flower time 13 weeks, and the earliest harvest window starting at 10 weeks.

Yeah, there were at least a dozen.


That’s a good way to think about it. You still have to trust where he got em from. But he’s been around for a while, and probably acquired a lot of these lines years ago and kept them in deep freeze since.


This thread’s going to make me look at that list again, and hopefully NOT pick a few things out.


I wanna compare and contrast to what this person says:

I know it’s accepted/assumed that these beans are different than Bodhis, so bare with me here.

The flowering time is more in line with Bodhis seeds — 12-14wks. I had one early female pheno that could arguably be pulled at 10wks, but I honestly wouldn’t recommend such an early harvest.

The buds pictured look similar to what mine ended up looking like. Some were dense sativa-style buds, yes, but several were more on the airy side — especially the earlier one (the fruity pheno). I like that his have some flecks of purple, because Bodhi/Doc Ds cut(s) both display dark purple fans. Mine did not (room too hot?). The only other thing to add is the red vs green petioles.

Speaking of phenos — None displayed any sort of berry/blueberry. I agree with the “cedar” smell this person mentioned, although I described it as “sandalwood”. Most of the phenos had a nice mentholated smell with a carbonated soda sort of aroma (if that makes any sense); a few were muted in terps IMO. The fruity one smelled like a mango lassi — made me hungry everytime I sniffed it.

Note: a longer dry and cure can alter the aromas. So YMMV, and my experience is totally anecdotal.

The only phenos that really stood out to me in terms of smell was the catpiss one, and the fruity one. One of the “soda” ones was very aromatic too!

Everyone asks, but I did not smoke any. My plants were so heavily seeded that I’d basically be smoking leaves and spent seed husks (ew, no thanks). I WAS going to smoke some from my favorite phenos, but I figured it wouldnt be the best representation of them anyways, and so it felt redundant.

Lastly, where the hell do I learn more about Cornbread Mafia and their MDS? Why has MDS exploded in popularity over the past year? Why hasnt AKBB posted about these at all? Where did he get em? Alaska is soo far way from Kentucky…

And why now; why release AFTER Bodhi had two drops of the same mythical strain?

Who has the foresight to wanna keep a bunch of Mexican bagseeds from the ‘80s, grown in the bible-belt? AKBB should play the lottery.

Fixing typos. Words r hard


Good morning @lambchopedd :grinning:

Just wanted to say, I really appreciate all the info :pray:

I wouldn’t recommend harvesting early to anyone either, and was surprised when I read that in the description on the site I linked.

Thank you for the details on the phenos too, I know what you mean by the carbonated soda aroma.

All I know is, your MDS is the only one I plan on growing, and are looking great!! :smiley:


Much appreciated! And I appreciate you posting the link.

I do want to say to everybody, I’m not mad at AKBB! I’m not trying to take money out of anybody’s pockets. I just have questions is all


akbb got his beatrix’ choice from bluegrass skunklord. bluegrass claims connections to the cornbread mafia or to be outdoor growing in the bluegrass state. (i’m not sure which and ig is too hard to do searches on)
this is just what i’ve deduced, (aka: made up bullshit) from posts on the internet and pod cast interviews.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


you gotta be honest with everybody especially yourself.


Considering that both Bodhi and AKBB released an MDS recently could also indicate that they’ve received them from the same source. Seems as though we’ve seen a lot of that lately, e.g. Acapulco Gold.


I’m all curious to read about the cornbread mafia now.

@lambchopedd I did find this mds grow report info in a Kentucky strains thread on icmag you haven’t seen it yet. Old School Kentucky Strains - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums



Pigeonman’s “Fallponics MEGA-POT System”

Two last things to add: 2x airstones (2x holes in top left corner) & a sleeve for the straw water level indicator.


Just arrived! Thanks @lambchopedd ! The packaging is a nice touch!


That’s EXACTLY where the MDS to be offered in the next TWO or THREE Donation/Giveaways came from!!! B-I-G KUDOS to @lambchopedd!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: