Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Not great pictures, but hopefully they show what I intend regarding BF #7

It has a central stem, but it just isn’t growing like the laterals.


If I had to guess, it looks like it will turn out a really large pinnate leaf where that central stem is. That is exactly what one of my Supafreak did. The good news? That lateral branching shows good vitality in that specimen! The leaves look the most ‘pinnate’ of all the specimen you found. This one is definitely one to keep an eye on.

If it continues a stem there I would be completely shocked. If you look at the second photo and try not to find the central stem you can tell the ‘wye’ has definitely happened. Both lateral branches far exceed the central one in terms of size and growth. Such a lovely plant.

You never told us about stem rubs or smells :wink: They should start giving off sweet berry smells as you water them. It looks like they are big enough to start throwing some smells.

Thanks for updating everyone!


OK, so I had to go check just now. I really had to rub the stems to get anything (I’m terrible about smells). It does seem there is a subtle berry sweetness from most of them. Maybe it’s just the power of suggestion, but I think it’s there.

But more importantly, I discovered preflowers, and you won’t believe it (maybe you will)…







All female!!! Not really what I wanted at all.

Hopefully #7 turns out to be male. And for sure hoping for a male in the F4s.


So bizarre. I keep looking for tomatoes😂. Love it.


I have a strong suspicion that the reason Canna Research Co isn’t providing seeds anymore is that they were all fem seeds marketed as regular.

Sprouted 12 Menthol Skunk (identical to the V1 in terms of pinnate expression) and all of them were female. I personally didn’t flower the regular leaf specimens so I can’t verify 100% but in my care I didn’t recognize a male.

Let’s see when the others show maturity if the same holds true for this line. I would be real sad if that is indeed the case, however you will have several good females to select a P1 from, or you could sultan breed them all. If one could be found which produces regular seeds and not the pinnate seeds it could be very valuable for breeding.


This is fascinating reading. I am really impressed. I have 3 Freakshow regular and I think there was excess P and/or K in the soil, because I got some flower expression waaaaaay too early on. I also started them outside in mid March, so the sunlight may have been almost exactly 12/12. But anyway, I was able to confirm 2 females and 1 male, totally perfect for what I want to do. I think the slow start may be because they are reveging somewhat. Its rained like a bastard recently, so I’m hoping that helped leach out some excess nutrients, and I’m gently supplementing N and I’ve added a layer of worm castings. So we’ll see. I’m very excited to see the outcome of the BerryFreak project.

Luckily @middleman sent me some of his ass-kicking ABC cross, so my mutant contingent is healthy even with the Freakshow team fucking around and being slow. I am daydreaming about crossing some Freakshow with a huge Himalayan Nepalese landrace I have just to see the 18ft mutant monster grow.


So, here’s what I see so far on The F4s:




A,B, and C all look female to me.

But the good news?


D is the smallest plant of all of them, but it appears to me to be the only male. Looks like he’s got his work cut out.


Update on other stuff:

I chopped the Sour Diesel male because the GTTC and the good SD female appear to be fully pollinated. (From @Jinglepot ’s seed run)

I moved them in with the herm SD. Ended up pulling about 10 male flowers off of it. Hopefully it’s done with those.

The one Bubba Kush from my first attempt with them. @Bobgrows

Not pictured, but I have 4 more seedlings of the Bubba from my second attempt.


She’s looking good!
The coloring is coming in. It looks like to be getting those coffee phenos , I’d bet!
I always thought Bubba Had some gorgeous colors and appealing scents!
The Smoke!! If you like a deep indica…oooo! The coffee flavors really come out in the Hash, too! :green_heart::v:


scrolling and was like female female female holy sit another female lmao !
Praying for a male haha
Hope all is well bro !


In my limited experience, freakshow takes a minute to develop roots, and refuses to start vegging until the roots really take hold. I’ve taken clones and sometimes they sit there not dying g or living for like a month. Then one day, boom.

One time I was just going to scrap one because it’d been soo long…I went to pull the cut out, expecting a bare stem, but it had developed plenty of roots, it just hadn’t taken off yet, it’s a real litfa tester


They’re kind of like the concrete guys, laying the foundation knowing the foreman will regret trying to put the rush on it lol


She looks loaded! Nice!


This post is just for my record:

I topped BF v1 1-6 today (4/14), and put the tops in media in an attempt to root them. (I don’t really need them since I know they’re all female, but I need the practice.)

2 parts peat
1 part vermiculite
1 part perlite

Cups will be covered with a sandwich bag with the corners cut out as a humidity dome.

Edit: #5 stands out for smell. She has a spiciness, or cinnamon berry like smell. Really nice.


@middleman your plants are looking great. Will you be putting any of them outside?


Good question. I actually have two of the (TW x GG4) x ABC outside already. They were extras so I stuck them out there. They’ve already survived a freeze and are doing fine.

I’ll probably put something else outside, but I’m not sure what. It seems like everything I’m doing is for making seeds, and I can’t do that outside.


Speaking of the (TW x GG4 RIL) x ABC, that pollination should be happening soon:

Tallest plant is the male in the back right pot at about the 2:00 position.

A close second is actually the female in the back left at 12:00.


Yay got my first mutated plant or at least wonky ass growth.

Don’t know if you can see it 3 leaves coming from 1 spot
Updated is this gonna grow?🤷
please help lol


The males are starting to drop pollen.

Unfortunately I had to cull two pistilate males and two females with pollen sacs. The males were the best looking and the tallest ones.

I culled several plants in the second generation for intersex issues. Unfortunately it’s not an easy thing to remove from the gene pool.


Can’t really tell from that photo. But if the top stops growing, you should still get growth from lateral branches on the node(s) below. Sometimes plants “self top”