Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

:face_holding_back_tears::drooling_face: what’s it smell like? I can’t wait to run mine(I find myself saying that about so many strains)


Well that answers that lol I just saw sour diesel and got excited


I do that all the time :rofl:

@middleman that Bubba kush look so nice!


Thanks. I probably should do some training or defoliation, but I think I’m just gonna let it go. The only thing I did was top it to the fourth node awhile back.

I started it at the same time as the Sour Diesels, but it grew much slower. It’s coming into its own now.


I think you oughtta try your hand with your aero cloner again …I have only ran three rounds 60 clones total but. I haven’t only lost but 2 …knock on wood

12 days storage in the fridge …13 days with the aerocloner ! Gtct are in the blue pucks and kush mints are the orange pucks !
Day seven I changed the water and mixed a table spoon of big bloom in with it …they seemed to like the water a little cooler to the touch seemed to really take off after I changed the resiviour


Yeah, I think you’re right.

So, what is the best cycle to run the misters on?

And what are the best room conditions outside the bucket? Do you use a humidity dome? How important is temperature?


The pollination well under way for the
(Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC

A lot of stretch. I don’t like the spacing on that tallest female.

Seeds forming

Best flowers on the female in the front right.

I’ll chop the males next week and figure out which seed making item is next. Probably the Kush Mints S1, followed by the BerryFreak.


Man I built one of these with a 5 gallon bucket and used rapid start from gh I got in a combo pack to feed it. I’m so glad I didn’t spend the money on buying one or clonex


They all are looking beautiful @middleman that ggril cross should be fire!


This is really interesting work. Kind of reminds me of the Mephisto guys story (they finally did a podcast, came out this week high on homegrown podcast). Anyways this is basically how they started, crossing photos into autos in a tent. You’re crossing photos into ABC, which I see as equally interesting. Autos are a tool for convenience, ABC seems like the perfect tool for stealth. People need disguised/unique plants for all types of reasons.

It would be cool to see you Mephisto this project :+1:


That was kind of my idea when I started doing these ABC crosses. Just like there are auto versions of a lot of photo varieties, I wanted to make a bunch of ABC leaf varieties.

The problem is that it takes a long time and I have to run large numbers. Three generations just to stabilize leaf type, then more to select for bud type and effect. The other issue is that the buds seem to always come out like ABC - at least in structure. Don’t know about effects.

I still have 2nd generation seeds of ABC x DBHP and first generation of ABC x PPP, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to them. Just so many other things I want to run.


The temps outside of tent probably 67 degrees inside deff was warmer mid 70s and muggy due to the light and the cloner going… tent is half zipped …I made sure that the water wasn’t warm to the touch periodically also a mist covering the stems is the best approach for me not stems sitting in the water
The mister is on 24/7 …cooler water the better imo…no humidity dome…I found they looked less happy with one…the ones I tried rooting in cups deff need a dome
Take what I have to say for a grain of salt I’m no pro just what works for me !
Good luck bro

Oh yeah I used clone x as well :sweat_smile:


A pair of 88Abc is waking to the world…


Hey @middleman , I was wondering about your crossing and isolation process. Specifically, do you see mutant phenotypes or semi-mutant behavior in any of the F1 of reg x bastard? I thought 100% of the F1 became gene carriers, but bastardization is recessive so it doesn’t show in the pheno. The pheno would present as reg.

Hit a reg with older bastard IBL pollen, the only surviving seed popped out all crotchety, I’m trying to figure out whats up or why that might happen.


No. The “F1” plants for me have always been regular leaf, completely normal. I have not seen any irregularity or weird plants in that generation.

I have pictures in my previous thread. I’ll see if I can find them.

I’m guessing what you are seeing is not related to the “bastard leaf” gene.

Edit: here’s a link to my previous thread showing the first gen ABC crosses:


Update on the BerryFreaks:

I potted them all up to 3 gal fabric pots. I don’t like fabric pots for soil, but I don’t have enough plastic pots.

My attempt at taking clones was pretty much a complete failure. I think I’ll give these about a week to settle and then flip to flower for the seed making. If the lone male gives me enough growth by then, I may make a second attempt at taking clones from him, just incase.

@crunkyeah my plan is to let the F4 male pollinate all the females (v1 and F4s) unless you want me to do something different.


3’s don’t cut it for me with soil either.
5 gallons work, but my current favourite is a lined 5 gallon (non breathable sides down to a couple inches short of the bottom).



Sounds good to me. I like the idea of sultan breeding him to everything. I hope he has that same subtle berry stem rub.

Real busy so I’ll be eager to see the flowering process in coming weeks!


I’ve noticed freakshow clones can have a tendency to just sit there doing nothing, to the naked eye. Even when they’re rooted they’ll just sit there for a minute. They seem to hate nutes early on as well. And water, lol and maybe just people in general :rofl:


Bobgrows was kind enough to send me some of these… what a beauty!

I love the stretch haha I have a weird thing for tall lanky plants!

Everything is looking pretty excellent in your grow brother!