Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Photo dump:

BerryFreak tent (with the new Kush Mints mother hiding in the back right corner). The BF will be flipped tomorrow.

Crasher Toyz. These two were started at the same time. The bigger one is female.

Bubba Kush from @Bobgrows day 27 of flower.

Sour Diesel from @Jinglepot that had intersex issues. Day 52 of flower.

Seeded (TW x GG4 RIL) x ABC. The tall girl fell over.

Seeded Sour Diesel from Jinglepot

Seeded GTTC pollinated by Sour Diesel

ABC in back, 4 Bubba Kush in front center, 3 Kush Mints clones on the left and the Kush Mints that will
be used for S1s on the right.

The Kush Mints clone being reversed for S1s


Some trichome shots of the Sour Diesel at about 8 weeks.



Great shots up-close and personal like that. Did you make the Call @middleman or going further?


Your Tent photos, Thats like a Resume Bro
Awesome work :sunglasses:


Probably go another week and a half. Then I have no choice. Something came up and I’ve gotta be out of town for awhile. I’ll chop that, the one with seeds, and the GTTC with seeds. By the time I get back, the ABC cross will be ready to chop.

I just have to rely on help to keep things watered. At this point everything is pretty much set up as water only, no fertilizer, so it should be easy.



But honestly, looking at it makes me realize that I’m in way over my head. Once these plants are done, I have to scale way down. I’m already taking too big of a risk. 90% of this is just making seeds too.


Its funny and at the same time I completely understand…

I think the acquisition of knowledge needed to Grow Pot… is the addictive part, not the Buds

Best of Luck as this grow Cruises to a Close and Harvest.

AND, Good Luck with your Watering-Buddy ! I’m not saying a word lol

Cheers @middleman


WOW that TWxGG4 X ABC looks like it got a bud level up from the gg4. :exploding_head: :star_struck:


Popped 4 (88g13hp x Sour Bluetooth) x ABC
Had to help some seed shells get removed but this one did it on its own.


Cool. Thanks for posting. Keep us updated.


Hey brother hope all is well !
Been a minute


All good brother. Hope you’re well.
I saw you had some issues with those clones. You get that sorted out? Let me know if you need more.


Still in the process of seeing if I figured it out lmao .
Been crazy busy outside lately you get all set up for your livestock? I’ll keep it in mind for sure! I have one of each that really stood out going strong .gotta shut everything down to get the critters under control


Yeah, livestock is all set. Just working on improving my pasture (weeds, fertility, etc). Waiting on a soil test to come back. Probably gonna need to add a lot of lime (cal mag).

Trying to wrap up some of these seed making projects and reduce what I’m growing.

I’m committed to at least one more seed increase, and then I really want to get to the SSDD from HolyAngel. That’s been number one on my list for awhile, but somehow I just can’t seem to get to it.

Anyway, I’m rambling. I gotta get some sleep so I can go to work tomorrow.

Always glad to see you in here.


Woke up to this:

F$cking Mouse!
That was one of the four Bubbas

I had already killed two mice out there, but this one is eluding me. I’ve seen evidence it was there for a few days, just can’t find it. It avoided the snap trap, but hopefully it ate the poison.

Here’s the BerryFreak tent:

Anyway, hope everyone is having a better day than the one I’m having.


B-e-a-utiful! Tent is really rocking dude!

The mouse did work… sumbish! Hope you catch that basterd! haha


Man sending you positive vibes brother. Hoping your day turns around! :peace_symbol: :sunglasses:

Rest of those plants look PERFECT :100:


Damn that mouse did some damage !
Hopefully you get that sum bitch !
Everything looks soooo healthy killer work bro


Last photo update for about a month.

Berry Freak:

The lone male:

The mouse tent:
3 remaining Bubba Kush in back left, Crasher Toyz front left, 4 Kush Mints on the right

Got the mouse:

2nd Flower Room:
Seeded (Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC in back, Crasher Toyz front left, Bubba Kush front center, Kush Mints that I’ve been trying to reverse front right

Closeup of one of the ABC crosses:

Bubba (I wouldn’t describe it as coffee, but it smells amazing-a bit on the sweeter side):

Six sprays with STS on this KM and nothing. The stock solution is too old. Gonna throw this one out and try again sometime later this year with new STS.

I put the plain ABC outside to save tent space and the damn things are flowering:

I wish this next picture was better. It’s the two (Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC that I put outside and didn’t include in the seed making. They are at least 4’ tall, maybe a bit more. @FeloniousMonk


Beautiful male. Strange flowers… Or perhaps I don’t see very well.

I feel sorry for the little rodent, “moreiriños” as we call here these little farm rodents. I’m normally against killing others animals, insects and alike, unless the animal don’t follow the instructions given, but then I remember how I smash mosquitos when they bit me, and I forget :rofl: