Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Looking great matey. Loving your breeding projects :blush:

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You see correctly. They are strange.

Thanks mate.


Looking excellent over there! Really like seeing that same flower structure on the male BerryFreak! He’s incredible.

All the other plants you grow look very impressive. Good work, kudos :grin:

Looks like you’ve got some good ABC stuff going on too. Not the most impressive plant imo but I think with more of us working with it as a strain/cultivar things are just going to get better and better for it. I love all my mutants but the bastards have this weird spot in my heart that the other mutants just don’t have. It’s not my favorite but I don’t ever want to be not growing one if that makes sense.

I wonder if these mutants win the hearts of others too.

P.S. Glad ya caught the mouse.


Yeah, I agree. Being the smallest plant of all those BF, I wasn’t sure if he was up to the task. But seeing him flower gives me faith. I don’t get any berry on his stem rub (or anything other than “plant”), so I’m counting on the females to provide the offspring with the terps.

Just wish I hadn’t screwed up those seedlings so that we would have more options. We do have lots of females though. Although #5 of the version 1 isn’t pinnate, she’s my favorite for stem rub.

For me, it’s the complete stealth that I’m attracted to. This recent cross seems to have more promise than my previous one. In a couple months, I’ll get some out into the world so I can get some feedback and hopefully find out we’re making progress.

I hope things are going well for you, and I hope my next photo update has a lot of swollen calyxes filled with seeds.


4/4 88g13hpSourBlutooth x ABC looking like some tiny bastards. Just put outside


Hope all is well brother!


Thanks for checking @Rabeats2093
I’m surviving. Wish I was home. Less than a week to go.


Damn brother a long two weeks I take it .
Before you know it you’ll be back to you’re routine!


So my plant caretaker while I’m away from home sent me a picture today and asked if these were seeds.

This is the Kush Mints that I had sprayed six times with STS. The first was before flipping to flower, and then every three or four days, as my schedule allowed. The last spray was over three weeks ago and this plant is about five weeks into flower. When I left over two weeks ago, there was no sign at all of reversal. I thought the STS was too old, but now I have no idea what the deal is.

@HolyAngel just an example of the variability when trying to reverse.


Dang, that is a little odd. Seems like you would have seen it, even before you left. Think it will be a problem for you? Or were you hoping for fem pollen and think it will work out?

Waiting on those 88G13HPxSBT X ABC to do something over here. Might end up choosing one to hit with Doug’s pollen, and if the times lines up, may also end up hitting one with @repins12 Stuck In Plain Sight autoreg pollen. Would be interesting to try a STS for a fem version of the SBTABC. Time will tell… as it always does. Keep it up @middleman you’ll be back at the helm of the mothership in no time!


It’s gonna be close. I was hoping to make S1s, and other than that other Kush Mints in that room, I don’t want anything else in there pollinated. Honestly, in my limited experience, those sacs look like the kind that need to be dried and grated to release pollen, so we’ll see.


I’m finally back home.

Let’s start with an update on the BerryFreaks. They look to all be pollinated. I pulled off a lot of dead and dying leaves, probably because these small fabric pots are so hard to water consistently.

The V1s



I guess I didn’t get pics of this one




The F4s



D was the male. I chopped him to try and gather what pollen I can. Hopefully I get enough and I’m able to successfully dry it to send to @crunkyeah

General impressions: I can smell these immediately when I walk in the house and these are in the basement on the opposite end. But when I try to smell them individually, I don’t get a whole lot. The F4s definitely have more “skunkiness” to them though, along with some sweetness. Hard for me to describe.
The v1s are overall bigger plants with bigger buds and bigger seeds. But it’s early in the development stage, so we’ll see.

I’ll try to update the other stuff as I work on them later.


First off I have to say, they are looking incredible! They do tend to absorb leaves as flowering goes on. I never minded it because the buds get bigger the more of them you remove.

Secondly, I never had the space to explore the non-pinnate varieties so it’s refreshing to see that the structure of the flowers on all of them seems to be consistent. I’ve heard the non-pinnate varieties are much higher yielding. I wonder if the regular ones will produce the same odd white seeds. Time will tell!

Kinda curious how half of the seed is always exposed with most varieties. As flowering progresses some of them will close up as buds will grow around them but a majority will grow and ripen just like that. Such a goofy plant. I hope you’re enjoying them as much as we enjoy looking at them! If you want more smell off this variety just fondle a bud gentle and you’ll get a little sticky in the process haha.

Fantastic job! I imagine all your regular plants look wonderful too. Will check those out when you get to them. :smile:


Roflmao! Beautiful plants you have just give em a little fondle! I know what you mean though when I rotate in my tent the smells explode!

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I chopped the (TW x GG4RIL) x ABC. No pre-chop pic. I’ll hang them tomorrow. Too tired tonight.

The two outdoor are up to 6’ tall. (Old bolted lettuce to the left and a cucumber growing behind).

I swapped a couple plants so I can try to use some of the reversed Kush Mints pollen. I’ll examine it tomorrow.

-The top left and bottom right are Kush Mints, two on the top right are Bubba Kush, and the big one in the bottom left is Crasher Toyz.

This tent now has the reversed KM. Top left is the smaller Crasher Toyz. Bottom left is a Bubba, everything on the right is KM.


That outdoor girl is a monster! They all look incredible, well done man :+1:


oh wow. your reversal took really well! fuck ya man. youre in for several thousand seeds for sure at this point.


Yep. Seems like nothing but seeds is all I grow…


youre doing gods work. i love these kinda threads. all i see in my minds eye is you sharing these with dozens of folks, those seeds becoming plants, those plants becoming blunts. its the cycle of life


Holy fire bush man!! :exploding_head: That is massive