Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

I wouldn’t mind trying your new ABC crosses matey


Some pics of one of the Bubba Kush from @Bobgrows

This one has leaves with leaflets growing all wild from the petiole, with one little bud leaf. Smells different from the first one I grew; not coffee, not sweet, kind of stinky. The other two smell sweetish like the first one I grew (no pics of those).


I have seen them before but never had a plant that grew the little budlets on the leafs myself yet, I find them very interesting.


I think those look so cool :sunglasses:

Have you gotten the coffee phenos at all with the Bubba?

Those look so healthy! Well done! :v:


Not yet that I know of, but I’m terrible with identifying smells, so it is possible. I have a few more seeds to go through, so maybe it will jump out at me. In any event, these smell great to me, except maybe the stinkier one.

Are these fems, by the way? Because I was hoping for a male, but haven’t gotten one yet.


Not fems. May the males come out to play…


Awesome work man.


Thanks. Let me know if you want any of these.

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That is a damn good looking plant. Got me wanting to fire up some of the bubba’s Bobgrows sent me.


Do it if you can. They’re beautiful plants. So far I’ve just been searching for a male to cross with Kush Mints, but I’d like to do a proper grow with a female and do some training. I wouldn’t describe the smells as coffee, but I saw her mention caramel in another thread about them, and that’s probably a good description for most of the smells I’m getting.


If that’s the case it’ll probably be sooner than later that I end up dropping the pack in water. When my lady seen the potential smells she kind of told me my next grow would have to be these haha. Especially if you’re getting notes of caramel. She is a fiend for caramel coffee lol so if we end up with 1 or both she’d probably never let me grow anything else ever again. lol


No joke, I eat sugar free Caramel Coffee “worthers originals” 24-7. It’s one of the best flavor combos.


now thats stealthy :grin::+1:


Great job middleman

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Leaf shape really reminds me of mugwort or other artemisias, incredible. It would be interesting to see if you could select for a little more elongation in leaves so it looked even closer to common mugwort. Do you know if anyone has done any ABC crosses with strains with very narrow leaflets?


I don’t know for sure. I know that some have crossed ABC to Freakshow types which are pinnate. Can’t remember offhand what the results look like though.

I won’t be selecting for that, just because I don’t think it’s necessary for stealth, but if you’d like to, keep your eyes open in about a week I’m gonna make a small wiki and send some of these seeds out.


You’re right, it would likely make it a little less stealthy, if anything :joy: I will definitely keep my eyes open, excited to hear that. I have a narrow leaflet strain (MZPV) I’ve been working on that I’ll have a few male plants for this year which I am going to use to open pollinate all my photoperiod outdoor plants and I would love to add your mutant to the mix.

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Last summer I crossed a nice thin leafed Bangi Haze with some Subterfuge(ABC) pollen. I’d be happy to share a few seeds with you if you’d like to take them to F2 or F3.


Mutant plants are really neat, but damn does it seem like a lot of work to try to bring in other genetics!


I’ve got eight envelopes that I need to put addresses on.

One pack is from the tall girl. Her seeds were smaller than average, but I tried to get at least half a dozen regular size seeds in each pack.

The other pack is a mix from the other plants.

I have not germ tested these, but I’m going to assume they follow the ABC trend of lower than normal germination.

These are third generation, with the second generation selected only for ABC leaf type. These should all have mutant leaves.

Disclaimer: I have sent out seeds twice now that I expected to produce mutant leaves (one ABC type, and one Supafreak) that produced plants with normal leaves. I don’t know if it was pollen contamination, seed mixup, or something else. That could also happen with these. If I send you some and that happens, please let me know.

Ok, only eight for now, and I’ll try to do another round in a couple weeks.

  1. @chronix
  2. @PineTarBastard
  3. @Billybob
  4. @holygroveseed
  5. @parttime
  6. @Piter
  7. @MoBilly
  8. @LedZeppelin

STOP at 8

@anhthormap I’ll set some aside for you. Not sure if you’re back and you want them now or later. Just let me know. Also, I’m gonna try to get to those Neroli you sent me soon.