Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Nice good luck @Andrexl ! Sounds like a solid plan.


Just a Little update:I got the seeds right today.I ll update you as soon as I cut my current autos and start my project
Thank you :heart: @middleman @crunkyeah @Gonzo


So you are going for a mutant auto?

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Yes sir,It will probably fail because I have not so big of a space indoor and also Little seeds on hand,but I ll try my best for sure and for thanking this guy who had sent them to me
Never give up


Truer words have never been spoken. Herms suck(especially if its stress caused by us the grower.) but I’ve had some pretty amazing smoke come off plants with intersex traits. It really is the price you pay for da terps sometimes. @middleman continue on with your project brother! Your work definitely motivates me!


I’m glad to hear that, although I think it’s undeserved praise. Either way, thanks for saying so.

I’ve got more cuttings of the GTTC trying to root now. As soon as I get one, I’ll flower it and use the Chocolate Diesel pollen. No reason I can’t continue the original plan and simultaneously work another path.


Got some seedos!!! Thanks much, @middleman !!!


@middleman I need some help friend! I’m running my first mutants. I have one of your ABC crosses that @FeloniousMonk crossed with Purple Auto Bastard. It’s in the veg closet and it’s doin stuff! :joy:
I’m not positive if it’s boy stuff or girl stuff! I think it’s female but haven’t seen any pistols. Can you see what it trying to tell me from these pics? I’d really appreciate the help! If not I’ll ride it out till I know! Thanks buddy! :sunglasses: :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶


@NDNCHILD I had a tough time with mine as well.
I let them go for quite awhile until I was absolutely sure what was what.
Other regular plants I rarely have a tough time dealing with, these ones are a different animal!


That’s for sure! :joy: @chronix
Either way I think I’m going to leave this one in veg for a while. It’s starting to do something and possibly it picked up the auto trait from the Purple Auto Bastard? The other isn’t yet trying to show that I can tell. These things are so interesting! :grin: I’m really enjoying watching them grow!

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I really enjoy them too. I find them interesting. The stealth bonus is awesome. They are pretty damn tough plants too from what I have found.


Yeah these are small but rigid! Like a green leafy Brillo pad! :joy:
Hope you’ve been doing well birthday buddy! :grin:


Yeah they deffo flower crazy easily on both sides of that cross. And the way that the leaves bunch up I have had some false positives. It will stretch out eventually and show its sex. If you get all dudes I can send more beans, so worst case scenario you just have to start again.


Thanks for the info! @FeloniousMonk i thought you may pop up in the wee hours! :joy: I’m gonna let it ride! It’s just the first sign of something new is happening in here! :joy: Hope you’re doing well buddy! No need to resend any beans brother! I have plenty more and male or female these have been a blast to grow thus far! :fist:t3: There will be more! :joy::grin:

Also check your PM’s :+1:t3:


Nice bastard! How old is the plant and what’s your light schedule?


Don’t know about the one in the first picture. The second one is definitely male.

Edit: you say you have “one”. So both pictures are the same plant?


Thanks bud! :facepunch:t3: @PineTarBastard The beans went in the soil on July 15th and have been on 18/6 the whole time. :+1:t3:


The pics are of the same plant. @middleman its the cross with The Purple Auto bastard. It just started showing but I didn’t know what it was showing! Thanks for the ID! :facepunch:t3: I may let him go a little longer just to watch him grow but space is at a premium. I have another going so we’ll see what it does! They’re really fun to watch! I’m already stoked about the next few I’m going to run! :grin:

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So happy to see so many people getting into the mutants - right on getting those pinnates out to OG the world middleman! :innocent:


No man it’s very deserved. Been watching your work since joining the site and it is well deserving of praise.