Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Really liking what I’m seeing from the all these BerryFreaks! I think it’s safe to say the seeds that haven’t made it aren’t going to. Such is life; only the fittest survive. The one which has me quite intrigued is the V1 pinnate specimen on the bottom right you mentioned. It’s quite an oddity. The pinnate ones will be quite a bit slower until probably like the 5th or 6th node and then they grow a bit faster. They certainly aren’t as fast as regular canna but they’re not nearly as bad as ABC. Fingers crossed that at least 1 of them are male! If I had to guess with absolutely no way of knowing I think the bottom left F4 may be a male just because of the first leaves and it’s growth. The one on the right most closely resembles the mom I kept. It will be a fascinating joy for the community to see you take them on their journey!!!

P.S. The ‘regular’ ones will absolutely delight you in the next few sets of leaves. While not fully ‘mutant’ they are special plants in their own right. I’ve heard some of the ‘regular’ phenos from all lines have very potent phenos if you’re lucky to find one.


I started this thread with the
(Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC, but I haven’t posted an update on those for a bit.

They’re looking good and growing well. I’ll probably flip them in a couple weeks.


That is soooo crazy awesome looking! :metal:
No way anyone suspects that’s weed during veg.


Just a little herb garden.


Simply: Beautiful!



A couple Kush Mints cuts using my new method finally have roots (or “a” root)…


Thank you @middleman

The rest of my mailbox excitement


Nice haul!


@middleman looking forward to those (tw x gg4ril) x abc. I’ve got 2 gg4 x abc girls finishing up and holding f2 seed. I popped at few and I came accross my 1st abc looking one :partying_face:


Welcome @bagseedbudzai Glad to have you here.


BerryFreak update.

The V1 :arrow_down:

#1 :arrow_down:

#2 :arrow_down:

#3 :arrow_down:

#4 :arrow_down:

#5 :arrow_down:

#6 :arrow_down:

#7 :arrow_down:

The F4 (no individual pics yet) :arrow_down:


#7 is crazy looking, not even sure that is weed…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Ya your right! Those f4’s look amazing!


You’re right. It reminds me of a tomato seedling.


88G13HP x SBT x ABC

My first 2 seedlings got the funky leafs. I got some more waiting to pop up.


I was literally just thinking about you and wondering if you were able to start any of those.
Thanks for posting.


Wow!! Such cool freaks you were able to summon from those seeds! :star_struck:

A couple observations:
Sometimes freaks act irrationally as seedlings. Once a root system begins to become more established they may grow out of it and grow more ‘regularly’. I had a Supafreak which topped itself by somehow turning a regular node (the only one at the time) into a fan leaf which went 360 degrees. It had like 18 fingers if I recall correctly. It was like maybe 3-4 weeks old at the time. Strangest thing I ever seen. Wish I would have saved the leaf and documented better. I believe #7 from the V1 will turn out to be an incredible specimen! It looks like it may have done something similar and you’re beginning to see the first true emergences of how it’s leaf structure may be later on. My guess is once it really gets established it’s going to be one of the stars of this show!

As for the F4 they all look fantastic! The strange one to me is the one on the bottom left. I haven’t seen a specimen which such large leaves and really sharp edges like that. If you look at it’s size comparison to it’s siblings I would say it’s the largest in terms of leaf mass. Fingers crossed this is a male! The top two specimens are looking good as well. The one on the bottom right most closely resembles the female I kept. If I had to guess I would say that’s going to be the “OG” female of the bunch. The way the leaves are it’s more gentle and curved. The majority of the leaf is close to the leaf-stem too. As it gets bigger it will expand like it’s siblings and you’ll see the ‘pinnate’ expression more fully. The specimens which really sharp edges have the possibility of having all kinds of extra little fingers come from the central leaf stem quite similar to Multileaf (Mnogolistka).

All in all your mutants are looking quite content and happy! It’s pleasant to see. Thank you.


I am going to start some of the ABC fems, and some Supafreaks soon as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Man that sounds cool as shit


Thanks for the detailed response, as usual, @crunkyeah

I wish the picture was more focused on the center top. At first it looked like it was a male starting to flower. Then I thought it topped itself. Now I’m not sure what to make of it because it just seems like a ball of undecided growth. Those two new leaves coming from the first node do seem more “as expected” though (can’t really say “normal”).

Your observations of the F4s are much keener than mine. I look at those things every day and didn’t notice the differences until you described them. I’m also a little impatient with them - I just wish they would hurry up and show me what they’re gonna do. But I’m sure they’ll be worth the wait. How well do these clone, by the way?

It is I who should be thanking you. You are the reason I’m running these, and the reason I’m ABLE to run these. So thanks.