Middleman mutants - ABC crosses and other stuff

Hell yeah, it’s a party! :partying_face:

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I shucked, cleaned and sorted the selfed Grand Traverse Tart Cherry:

I’m guessing 700 or more seeds. I’ll germ test a few in the next couple days.

This is a link to when I grew it:

This came from PowerpackGenetics, and this is a link to his pictures (after the Kush Mints, which I also got from him):

He grew it a lot better than I did, but it’s the same cut. I hope there is something similar in the S1s.


Sweet job fellow grower. I’m learning just how much work goes into dong a seed run. Congratulations


Thanks. It can be a lot of work, but I find it rewarding. My favorite part is when I finish cleaning the seeds and see what I (or the plants) produced.

This plant was the easiest reversal I’ve done. It produced a lot of female pollen and I didn’t have to collect, dry, and sift flowers like I often do.


Damn they deff look good !
How’s the kish mints .she pulling through?
Hopefully the germ test ratioz are on the up and up !


Hey bud. Good to see you.

Kush Mints is doing good. I got one backup of her now. The dozen new cuttings are going on three weeks with no roots yet, but they still look fine. I’m guessing a few will have roots within a week. If not, I’ll just take more.


Just for you.

As of a few minutes ago, the original mother:

The backup:

The cuttings:


Heck yeah that’s what I like to hear!
I couldn’t remeber what thread we were chatting in the other day. About the kush mints possibly the starting in the middle thread …this spring I’m gonna give all of em a shot in the garden!
Shit for three weeks in …soil?..
They r looking damn good as usual lol have you tried scuffing up the stems before cloning ?
The back up well she looks like she’s ready to rip already !
The mother well she has one hell of a bush brother!
How old is she ?
If yah ever wanna drop some kids off at the nursery. I’ll greet then with open arms lol :laughing:


Do you put a dome over your cuttings? Looks like the mother has plenty more cutting on her thou😀 . One big momma .


Yeah, without a dome they’d be toast. Just took it off for the picture.

Momma needs a haircut for sure. Just haven’t gotten around to it.

ETA: Post #99 above has a picture of the dome


Wanna know something crazy the first and only two times I have cloned wich is just recent …the rh has been 35 with no dome …but a aerocloner may work differently I would mist the pretty good when I got a chance …I put some under cups as mini domes but many reacted negatively…whole new ball game that’s for sure…so many diff ways !?


Yeah, that’s what I did with these. I hold trimming shears partially open and lightly run the stem across the “v”. I skipped the rooting hormone this time though.

Good question. I’ve had her over a year. I’ve trimmed the roots back at least twice. Usually I cut a third to a half from the top before she gets this bushy. Just behind schedule this time around.

I’ll PM you. I just have to figure out how to ship them, and how risky it is where I am.


Damn I don’t understand how all of you are keeping mothers for so long .deff one hell of a job on her bud .these recent cuts I took look like the stem split right in 2 .lol … I would deff check it out sir, no need to risk anything ! I have received a snip and rooted clone just recently !
Shoot me a pm


Check out this thread. :wink:


I’ll check it out. Thanks PTB.


The Sour Diesel are growing fast, and I’m running out of space until the weather moderates a bit. I up-potted the two I think are females (one for sure), and set the timer for 12/12.

Male on the left, confirmed female back right (I accidentally half broke one of her branches playing around with plant trainers), unknown but probably female in front.

These plants are super easy to grow and they have good vigor.

I topped them to control height, and I’m just playing around with 3D printed LST clips. Not really training for anything specific.


Those are awesome!


I think they may come in handy. I printed about 8 of each, except the 45, which I don’t anticipate using often, and the 60, which is the one that seemed to be perfect on those plants. I’ll have to print more of those.


The 60’s are the only ones i really use too. Those type of clips work great.


BerryFreak V1:

BF F4:
(Ignore the cup in the top right, it’s not a BF)

The V1 mostly all look the same except that bizarre one in the bottom right. Despite their lack of early vigor, a couple have 5 leaflets on their second set of leaves. I don’t see that often (if ever).

The F4s are pretty consistent also, and they definitely lack vigor.

For the next update I’ll number them and take individual photos. Hopefully the V1 will be ready for bigger pots soon.