Minnesota Joins the Club

more like a DUI hahaha


I mean Waxing Gibbous with next full moon Aug 1st. Sound like some in MN will be waking up to a bunch of new babies 8/1.


Congrats on legalization and that’s a beautiful cut you have there! The olfactory profile and effects you describe are pretty spot on for Zamaldelica from ACE Seeds, which is a landrace sativa from Reunion Island named Zamal crossed with Malawi and Thai. Maybe crossed with something? It’s a popular breeder choice for its vigor and power, maybe someone mixed in something quick and with some solvent marker terps to get a fast hybrid?


Good guess! That was actually my first guess too! After talking to the friend that planted the seeds, though, I was disappointed to learn that was not a possibility, but it did help confirm that African Sativa was likely the answer, just not that African Sativa.



Blatant plug. Some of us MN locals are planning on a meet-up on the 1st to celebrate the slight lift on prohibition. Head down to the Central Minnesota Cannabis Cultivators forum to weigh in. Not sure how many people are attending, but it should be a fairly small turnout.


Interesting. Will definitely check that out.

Only 3 days left, boys n girls!

Last day of prohibition!!! End of an era, beginning of another

You can tell your grandkids you were there, there in the ol’ bootleg days


Congrats Minnesota! I spent many winters there, long ago. I never cultivated in the state but had friends growing NL5 x Skunk 1 in St. Paul in the early 90s. I attended a legalization rally on the State Capitol lawn in 1991 and met Jack Herer! He wrote a long inscription in my copy of his book. It’s nice to see his efforts come to fruition.


One of the more unique challenges of growing in Minnesota that most local growers are probably aware of is the prevalence of feral hemp “ditchweed” throughout large swathes of the state. In many of my indoor grows done in the late summer I have found a few seeds in my buds when there were no hermaphroditic flowers present. I’m pretty sure they were from ditchweed. I’ve found ditchweed growing on my block a few times.

While this is a problem if you want to grow good flower, it has occurred to me that from a breeding standpoint it is an opportunity. Minnesota was the second largest hemp producing state in the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This means that the feral hemp has been growing wild here for over a century and now represents a landrace that is fully acclimated to growing in a wet, cold temperate climate. For breeders, it is our good fortune to have a local landrace, a lot of the US doesn’t have this. By crossing it to modern, high quality strains we could, over time, create strains that smoked like modern weed but were acclimated to finish in cold, wet, early autumns without mold or mildew issues. This was how Ruderalis was turned into modern autoflowers. In concept you could do the same thing with Minnesota ditchweed to create strains for northern growers in the Northeast and Midwest that will finish outdoors without issues in the local conditions.

I hope some growers here pursue this idea. I intend to do an indoor personal production grow of my faster strains every summer and start its flower cycle on August 1st with the hope of getting some chance pollination from local ditchweed to build up a seed bank of such crossings.



Fine, I’ll find it. :rofl:

It’s around. Usually tall, lanky. Turns blue-ish when the cold snaps in October. Had a few pop up in my yard over the years, those were my fuck-around grows. Technically, I didn’t even plant them. Just sorta thought it was neat and watered/fertilized it. Didn’t even top, it was… 10-ish feet? Obviously not much for yield compared to a modern strain. It smoked okay, but unfortunately it didn’t dry well and took mold. Absolutely my fault from inexperience.

Additional: Makes sense that it was all hemp based, the stems on these things were fucking intensely resilient. I had to use an actual hand saw to chop.


I’ve always heard of the mythical Minnesota feral weed, but never seen it myself. Must live too far in to the city.


Any Twin Cities people interested in getting a special cut at a meet-up, likely tomorrow night, lmk asap. In the process of organizing through another site. Keeping it strictly legal.

Will be more hand-outs, but not for at least a couple weeks. Mother plant is small.


Congratulations @Minnesota!!


Thats a beast!



Guys, I think we broke NativeCare

I wanted to go up there tomorrow. Crap.


Lol. Wish I could be the sole entity slanging in MN right now. Stacking them benjies. :rofl:


Can’t even imagine what they are charging. Good on them for making some money off the land, keeping it local.

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The Minnesota constitution may give people the right to sell their homegrown without a license:


They seem to want to “ease the rolls for home growers” all right. It’s just so difficult, you guys and they don’t think it fits well with the role they decided that you’re going to be given. Mmmm, no. We don’t think words like farmer and medicine are going to work for us. We like illegal bootlegger and … how about illicit controlled substance? We really like that one because we can still pretend that we’re doing anything other than squabbling over who gets to threaten and rob you first. Just remember, We’re From The Government. And We’re Here To Help.