Who else out there grows at 53 degrees north?

I have been growing outdoors in alberta for some time now and have mixed experiences and tests.

Typically i have used photoperiods and a greenhouse of some sort, where i can take the plants and put them indoors at 7 and take them out at 7 in the morning. Standard light dep stuff.

Then i got into autos for the last 2 outdoor cycles, good plants that can finish where i am, but the yield and quality arent up to my snuff. Makes great hashes.

This past year, i have done reserach into more light sensitive “classic canadian outdoor strains”.

What i have in the fridge so far is
A friesland cross
Manitoba poison
Manitoba poison x jauni
Texada timewarp
Mighty mite
Guerilla gold #2 & #5
Early erdpurt

Who else has experience going outdoors at this latitude? What strains and styles have served you best?

Light depping regular photo strains works best imo and ime, but i am curious what others have found to work for them


Most of joti’s strains are early finishers good for canada


Also forgot to add i have c-warp and g-warp. Gotten from an old member of icmag named cray .

Both are timewarp crosses, not sure what with.

I have seen joti has a few interesting strains, i am looking more for peoples personal experiences.


Check out @Labrat. He’s got some great outdoor grows posted here and I think he is about 58N.



I think this is the perfect place to say “Autos” :slight_smile: Start early indoors and move out for an Aug harvest. That way even if we get hit with some bad weather early you are still good. That’s my plan here in Ontario anyway.


Yea thats a solid plan. Wuere are you in ontario? The southern part probably has the best weather in canada for it, and is at a decent latitude so things can finish by mid october or something. Good weather like that here in alberta is rare, we generally get till mid september


They will be grown around Algonquin Park, problem with where I am in Ontario is that we tend to get tons of rain where my cottage is so it can be a bit difficult and than get hit with early frost many years.


Cool topic. I’m only at 45 deg but around 2003-6 I had a homemade, guerilla greenhouse back in the bush, behind my old house.
It was 8 x 12 and was 8 ft tall on one side and 6 feet tall on the other, to create a slope facing south. The walls where made from 1/2 spruce plywood, painted all camo and made to be light tight when the vents and door where closed. The sloped roof was made from white, semi translucent fiberglass panels, with a double tarp that could be pulled over to block out all light.
I’d start seed round January/ February and get everything sorted and vegged to 2 or 3 ft by end of May.
Then out to big homemade plywood containers filled with promix, in said greenhouse. I’d veg till end of June, than start pulling tarp, open 7am-7pm. 4 wks of that and I found I could stop pulling the tarp(beginning of August) as the decreasing amount of light each day kept the plants in flower mode with no re vegging issues. And the plants got to finish under the intense August sun, instead of the hit or miss September sun.
Worked good for a few year but the chopper paranoia
got to me and I took it down.
Strains where freizeland, M-39, Norther Berry, and a fast growing hashplant clone we acquired from a group of Asian fellas.(and held for several years)
Holy shit, that was long winded!:crazy_face::blush:


Lol I only have experience with his purple Kush and purp outdoor. Both done by the end of sept. Other then that autos work well outdoor to beat the mold. I don’t know about the west coast but the east coast can be challenging some years


I’m at 54° and any photo period is a lost cause where I am. The plants don’t get triggered to flower until mid August and frosts can start two weeks later. Overnight temperatures below ten essentially put the plant in a holding pattern even if no frost comes. Your light dep plan would work but I’m doing just autos outside next year.


I’m at 51N and have had good results with some Danish strains. They have strains that are semi auto flowering and ready for harvest in September. They can grow very big too!


Always wanted to get my own m39. it was around a lot in high school, and i would have loved to grow it out myself and give it all the love it needed. Where did you get it? the Asian fellas?

kushking, o thats pretty good, what latitude was that at? i wasn’t expecting you to list those as the outdoor strains. maybe the sea-warp, or something more outdoor focused.

qtip, yea thats basically my situation. I have had some very light sensitive photos that didn’t revert back to veg though. I dont really grow from clone though, so i never really had the chance to pick an outdoor strain that was photo but just stayed in flowering once it started. Autos are the future here. I guess I still wanna be that cool kid that worked a way around not using autos.

Stinky, right on. what strains have served you well? I have some early erdpert, which i believe is a Scandinavian strain


@jessethestoner you can still get Friesland indica/M33 from Kwik Seeds:

And they also have an Erdpurt x M33

And feminized M39 from Quebec Cannabis Seeds:


@jessethestoner nice thread and those are some serious outdoor varieties you’re packin in the fridge there.

I’m blessed by the outdoor ganja gods all the way down at 42N. I have a pack of Royal Dane and plan on putting some outside this year.

Anyone here ever grow this one? Does it really grow flowers as big as a man’s thigh? Lol, I guess we’ll find out this year :crazy_face:


Hey @jessethestoner . I got the M-39 in seed form from the Montreal seed bank (I think it was called something like that) around 2002ish. They were chunky afghans that smelled like dirty sweat socks and finished in our summer. (Central Ontario)


@jessethestoner anything from hybridsfromhell like the Royal Dane @Oldtimerunderground is suggesting will be ripe very early. I’ve had succes with their Guerilla Gold, leb27 and Hashplant. Sativa leaning varieties with quite a racy psychedelic effect! Their website is offline but the seeds can be purchased at seedheaven.net when in stock…

Actually I made some crossings and reproductions with their seeds so I can send you something to test if you want them. Just let me know and I will take a look in the fridge what I have!


Hey guys…44.5N here, and last year I felt like I could have used another couple of weeks on my outdoor plants…just to ripen the buds a bit more. It’s not the length of the season so much, we all know we can start plants indoors so they’re at various stages when we plant them out.
The problem is with finishing, so the time between when the plants go into flower, and when does it get too cold for them to do anything more.



Dirt wizard- do you have any personal experience with the m39 from quebec seeds? would love to hear about it. I am just kinda leary of them because they are completely new to me and I can’t find too much info on them or their credentials. and i guess i have been spelling erdpurt wrong.

Thanks, Otug. good to see you around here.

budderton. very interesting, i will look into them more.

Stinky- o wow, i havent heard that name in a while, i remember them from unleashthegreen, another forum back in maybe like 2012. Guerrilla gold is a great one as well. another one to put on the list. I will send you a pm if thats alright?

lobstah- yea the finish is the worst, because temps are just too variable. here i can get some pretty extreme shifts in weather during a day, and you can see how that affects plants very much. Because my earlier plants that finish in August or July are always much better, even if its the same variety. This last summer, plants did great here because we stayed very warm at night and the plants loved it. Even a really shoddy greenhouse or covering can do wonders.


@Stinky how did you like the Leb27 outdoors? Did you cross it with anything? Currently sold out on seedheaven, but says they’ll be doing a repro this year. Hope I can catch it when they restock.

Thank you for having me bro :pray: and I look forward to seeing your outdoor grow log this year :grinning:

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I don’t, personally, but I have seen reports from people saying they’ve had ok luck with them. It seems like the best bet would be trying to track down some of those F2s that got distributed by Derg Corra though, based on the discussion in your other thread.