MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Very nice!! When they are deep into flower going to be the spot to relax!! Look forward to the updates


Thought I’d give an update on the ladies. Still have one male to pull, still not 100% if I’m a pull him yet. A couple of the bigger ladies are starting to flower a little, still no huge smells just whiffs here and there. I don’t like touching them too much aside from inspecting for bugs. I sprayed for aphids this morning, which appear just about every day on certain plants. I’ll take a few pics later of my guerilla location, keep forgetting to do that. Those aren’t much bigger than the roof ones anyway. Plus they only been in the ground a few days from the pots. Well on to the show, I’m down to 68 plants between both spots after clearing out the males. Constantly starting more until I hit my goal of 150 ladies and still waiting on some more beans from some of you to help expand the strain selection over here.

Sorry my phone doesn’t take the greatest quality pics, plus they seem to degrade in quality after being uploaded. I’ll post more frequently once more of the ladies are in flower. Veg stage is beyond boring :laughing:
@MissinBissin @Thetravler @JustANobody @DougDawson @mota


Your entire grow looks so great! Congratulations! :+1:

I really like what you’re using for containers. Is the large black circular one a watering trough for large animals? That one is most impressive! I think I also see a few old chest freezers and some dresser drawers (and perhaps at least on kitchen drawer with half a glide still attached), Nice!

In picture 14, is that a strawberry plant and a baby ficus tree?

Seriously impressive! allhail


Your grow is so big and in such concentrated groups, its Awesome. Go get’m @ManyManySpliffs


I honestly thought it was a bean plant, the other I’m not sure what it is. I see them pop up all the time like weeds, I probably just let that one live cause its not in my way at the moment. I would see beans pop up and grow in the cow poo from the fields I was getting it, so I left two of them that I saw pop up here. I know I have a Sorrel plant in one of those freezer pics (4th pic up from the bottom). As for that big black thing, I was told it’s a bottom from water tanks here. Wish I had a couple of those to use.

That’s the type of water tank I heard those bottom pans are for.


Asparagus bean


Outta likes.

Excellent! Thank you! I’m unfamiliar with the asparagus bean. Does it grow a bean that’s edible by humans?

From @ManyManySpliffs description, it sounds as if they’re wild. I’ve never seen seeds for them in any seed catalog.

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It’s my first ones! The idea is they are a super long snap bean.


Right! I didn’t realize that they’re long beans! I’m familiar with them vis-a-vis Asian cookery and markets. Long beans are on lots of Asian restaurant menus, and we see them all over in grocery stores here.


The pics from my guerilla spot, well it’s two spots that’s just close to each other. I’m seeing some brown spots popping up all over most of the plants in that area. I’m assuming it’s from the new compost I transplanted them into. I had that mixed with red dirt from a field.

Plus I need to find a way to keep the soil from messing up the bottom parts of my plants. It gets so windy all the time. I read about covering the soil with sand but I would have to carry alot of sand to my roof and I’m not looking forward to doing that smh, so I’m thinking of another more viable option. Any ideas I’m open to suggestions.


How about light-coloured pieces of Fabric… bricks will keep them in place.

The Fabric will Reflect excess sunlight from the Pots/Soil. And help keep the Soil in place and the Temp., down

And they’ll dry, when wet @ManyManySpliffs

@Tlander has taken-to Painting his Grow-Pots WHITE, in Thailand!!!
Its dropping the Soil temps into the “No Stress” zone


That’s not a bad idea, can be sliced and diced to fit. I’ll have to check around to see if I can find something that would work. Thanks for that @MissinBissin


Morning Bud!

A piece of Square fabric, with one snip going to the centre. Gets it wrapped around the stalk & pot


I’m out of likes❤

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One more idea! I use rice straw ‘hay’ (comes cheap in bales) spread over the ground and in the pots. You can let it overhang the pot edges and it helps shade the sides. It can be put in 3-4" deep and does a great job of both keeping the soil from getting washed out when watering and then keeping it from being exposed to sunlight which cooks it right back out of the soil! It can get blown around a bit, but it’s not too big of a hassle to pluck it out of lower branches.


And @MissinBissin was right! The one-gallon of white latex paint has done about 100-150 x 3 gallon square pots (so far!) and I LOVE the difference in the soil temps!


Good luck!


Oh @Tlander Thanks Buddy

It looks bloody amazing is how it Looks!
Kudos to Your crew T


I love that idea, I was looking into some type of hay also. Seen it on someone else’s grow here and it came to my mind then. Appreciate the input.


I was at my guerilla spot doing a quick looksie when I seen this furry looking fuzzy stuff on the leaf of one of my plants. I’ve never seen it before, and wonder if anyone knows what it is and what could’ve caused it. I already tore off that piece, but consider that plant a loss and two of the other seedlings that were by it. They could always bounce back, marijuana is a hardy plant at times. Hopefully some of the beans that are on the way can take those spots.


@George Sir, have you any experience with this kind of Blight?

@ManyManySpliffs is seeing something new to Him. And the Caribbean is a harsh climate to work-in…

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How do you keep track of so many kids! ??? :joy:
Nice hilltop resort for the girls.