MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Definitely a great way to maintain healthy soil

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Looks like botrytis cinerea to me :sweat:, too much humidity? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Edit: I see it’s going upwards, so maybe root rot, check the roots of a deceased …


Thank you @George I’ll make sure @ManyManySpliffs sees this. He’s probably out checking roots now.

Priceless information my Friend.
Thanks again J, that’s also a new Find for me, seeing this malady. “Upward moving Rot”

And things/actions associated @Hashpants


Do not handle healthy plants after touching those. I’m sure your aware. Good luck @ManyManySpliffs !


Hey @ManyManySpliffs , found your thread and just got caught up. What a beautiful spot!! It’s awesome to see plants growing under a tropical sun! Do you get enough hours of daylight throughout the summer to keep hybrids in veg mode?
Regarding the hurting plant in the guerilla spot, how long ago did you put it there and has it been hot and sunny since you put it out? I’m wondering if it’s light and heat stress that knocked back the lower growth and it the was then attacked and colonized by mold spores while in it’s weakened state. The tops seem to be adapting and coming around.
Anyhow, best of luck with your season and I’m sub in for the show now!


That plant didn’t make it, besides I removed it and put something bigger in its place. I need to take some updated pics soon, everything has progressed alot since taking these pics. Checked on my guerilla spot and one of them took off since last time I checked. Has to be about 4 1/2-5 ft easy. I usually don’t like my plants to grow out tall and Christmas tree shaped for security and personal reasons but I might leave this one be for a change. I’ll try to take and post up some pics later, if not tomorrow for certain. @Budderton


Well finally was able to get a ride to my post office this morning and was wonderfully surprised with a few envelopes.

I would like to give a big thank you to @PsillyRabbit @jesuswearsflares (can’t find your tag) and I’m not 100% on who sent the thank you card (could’ve been @MissinBissin @JustANobody @Hashpants @DougDawson @firehead). Whoever it was may the cannabis Gods continue to bless you. Those were all I’ve received so far. If you sent me a package or envelope and don’t see it, it hasn’t arrived yet. I’m going to get started on a few of these immediately. I’m so excited! Really wish I had some @JAWS in the mix to look forward to. Updates coming shortly…


Greetings @ManyManySpliffs, nothing from me there Sir.
Enjoy !!


I’ll keep on :eyes: out for it. @MissinBissin


That thank you card is from me. I’m glad they arrived! I figured I’d hook it up for my first pack to Jamaica.


Well there ya go, I knew we’d find who… thanks again for these, about to put them to good use. K++ @JustANobody


Hell ya! Can’t wait to see them grow.


Hey brother, I don’t see mine in the recent envelopes. So, still on the way. Hope they get there soon! :peace_symbol::green_heart:


Yeah me too. Got those :eyes:on em :laughing:

I sent 2 a couple days ago. I sent seeds only , just as we discussed.


Ok, I’ll be looking for those as well. Should be quite a few, thought there were supposed to be supplies too. A package of slips, pucks, gift cards, envelopes, etc to send some of these beans off that I got. Unless they’re still in transit, heard some places things just take really long to get here. Especially if not using some sort of express shipping method. I’m not in any rush tho, so I don’t mind the wait. I’ll post up as stuff gets here. I just really appreciate all the generosity and want to return it in kind… @Hashpants @Thetravler

K++ sorry outta likes


Well here’s my updated pics as promised, didn’t get to take pics of the guerilla spot like I wanted because someone was too close to the area and didn’t want to give my spot up by entering it. So I’ll do that another time. Getting really fed up with these damn caterpillars everywhere leaving their poop all over my plants. You see little brown turds, you’ll find a caterpillar not too far away above that. I’m a have to start examining each plant from top to bottom with tweezers from here on out. It’s time consuming and frustrating but needs to be done until harvest. Can’t think of any other way to keep them under control, short of buying something I can’t afford at the moment smh. Just have to continue working with what I got and making the best of it. As always the pics don’t do some of them justice.

The last few pics should be of Pinky, well that’s what I’m calling her. Haven’t seen those pretty pink pistils on a plant since my very first grow. I’m really excited about her and what she produces, will impregnate her for sure if she isn’t already lol. Thank you all for stopping by and for all of you that are help making this happen K++

@JAWS @JustANobody @Mad_Barry @InTheWoods @Emeraldgreen @Tracker @Thetravler @Ivy @DougDawson @MissinBissin @Rhai88 @mota @JohnnyPotseed @misterbee @420noob @SF0 @sfzombie13 @Hashpants @firehead @greenmonster714 @Gho13 @globalhead @resimax @Bobgrows @Zanzibar @Budderton @BU2B @BudWhisperer @schmarmpit @rasterman @JoeCrowe @Upstate @Panamajock @Fuel @belleswell @percyryan66 @OhNo555


Your grow looks so great, @ManyManySpliffs! Is your main grow (not the guerilla spot) on a flat roof, maybe a garage? It seems pretty far off the ground. Sorry if I asked this before.


Great garden man and plants looking happy and bright…
Caterpillars are a bummer though …have you tried the orange peel and vinegar solution…?? I’m sure it will make a difference :slightly_smiling_face:
Would be happy to add some landraces from my region to that amazing lot.


The Forrest!
Awesome scene you have there