Mndlss' place

Hola amigos!

It’s flowering day 30 and here some shots of the ladies.

It’s seems like one of the des*tar bx bx and one of the whabbits is lacking cal mag so I added some in today’s feeding.

Here’s one of the des*tar bx bx with probably lack of cal mag.

Bruce Banners come along nicely, tomorrow I’ll check for more nanners on one of them, so far I haven’t seen anymore.

Dead whabbits

This one seems to need some cal mag too but the lack is not that advanced as seen above.

Now to the small cab

LA affie #11 - she’s growing well, she took her forced shaving by the fan pretty good, now a top cola is missing but it’s how it is. Smells Afghani and puts out nice resin. I think it will be a wonderful breeder as @Budderton stated.

Blockhead bx f2 - it’s a resin monster. It seems like everything will be covered in resin, from fan leaves to buds

Chronic cross - she’s slower than the rest because she was put in alter as a replacement but she’s doing all right. I have the feeling that the yield will not be that great this time

Since I’m a little exhausted these days probably one of you guys spots something I didn’t?

So far so good



Right on @mndlss ! There’ll be very little stretch on that one but it’ll stack some chunky colas for you.
Tents looks great!


Hello guys and gals,

I hope you’re well! Finally it’s getting warm outside, spring is there :partying_face:

Today is flowering day 37ish if I’m correct. The plants come along nicely. Since two of the plants show some deficiency I decided to topdress all pots except the banners. And I put in a flowering tablet. It contains all micro nutes, npk and calmag included. I bought them in autumn at Aldi for 1 Euro per bag (contains 60 PCs or so) lol I thought to test them as an alternative to the biotabs… And they were cheap af. Hope there will be no bad surprise.

I also plucked some nanners from both of the banners. 5 in total, they looked sterile but it bothers me anyway. I knew before what was coming so… Here we are. My friend told me today that he didn’t encounter any seeds so far despite going herm, there’s hope lol

I dimmed the light to around 70% yesterday because I had the impression that it might be a little strong. Some upper leaf going a little taco and such.

Right now it seems that the yield be soso but I guess it’s just me in the middle of the cycle and seeing them everyday to notice any big differences :smile: I want to grow so much more varieties, the next are already waiting to be potted in there flowering shoes.

Enough talk, here are some pics:

Des*tar bx bxs

Bruce Banners

Dead whabbits

Small cab

The affie is a ridiculous yielder. It’s so small but packed with buds everywhere, doesn’t matter if the buds are in the center receiving no light. They grow and grow lol when harvest time comes I will make detailed pictures. With a huge pot like 15 gallons and a longer veg time I have no doubt that she will yield handballs. Smell is typically Afghani and not that strong right now. A little citrussy background is noticeable.

(not the best picture I know…)

Blockhead f2 is a strange one, at least this pheno. It grows no big buds so far but is resinous as hell everywhere! On the stem, on the fan leafs, every are resin heads popping up. I has a very sweet and parfumy smell. A nice one actually, see how that goes.

The chronic cross as a week or so behind but comes along, stretch ended and it produces buds with resin. I kind of lost interest in this cross but will comfort her till the end regardless, if course :sweat_smile:

So far, that was all folks!

See you next week


I was about to water the plants but light switched off. So I took some flash pics.



Des*tar bx bx



Hello everyone!

I hope you have such a nice weather too in the beginning of a loooong weekend :grin:

Just a quick update. Hairs turn orange pretty quick on almost all of the plants :flushed:
Resin is pumping out and different smells come from all of them.

Here are some pictures

So far, so good!


Yup looking good :+1:




Pretty Ladies there!

Happy Herrentag :beers:


A beach in the middle of the mountain


Huh??? :hushed: wtf??? Is that for real?

1 Like

Jup, we’re at some sand caves in the harz mountains, there are several like that. It’s awesome. My kids crawled into some caves through very tiny tunnels lol I’m to big for this :rofl:

Now I’m enjoying the view from the castle

And @Pigeonman is also here lol


They were hitting the pipes back then too

‘tobacco pipe’


Are they made of bone? They look cool.


no,i think they are of clay.

@mndlss that sandcaves are coool. i´ve been to Blankenburg when i was kid and we were visiting the caves and the Ruins of Regenstein too.


I’m currently at castle regenstein :laughing:
We finished everything and go to our car now. I’m done for today lol


Where does the sand come from to be in the mountains? Never seen anything like that. Closest thing we have I guess is the Great Sand Dunes National Park. It’s right at the base of the mountains. Maybe there is a place here like that. The wind blew across an ancient sea bed that dried up, and the prevailing winds blew all of the sand over against the mountains. The highest dune is over 700 feet tall.

I gotta see if there is an area farther up in the trees that looks like that place. It’s about an hour and a half drive from here. Real soon, once the snow starts melting, a stream flows right through the park and it’s like a giant beach. Everyone brings their beach stuff to hang out and play in the cool water that cuts through the park.

What’s the name of that place? I’d like to Google it. OK, I found it. Thanks


It’s sandsteinhöhlen Blankenburg, i think there’s an explanation for this. It’s basically sandstone from like several million years ago


I know you’ll be impressed: the sand they use to grit the roads in winter up here have piled up on the shoulder. Tourist attraction :joy:


Hello fellow growers and smokers,

i hope you’re well! Its been another week, today we have flowering day 52 ish and they’re one the finish line it seems. alsmost all hairs are bright colourful, except some of the lower buds, the resin gets milky. I think 1-2 weeks at max since i don’t notice nay further swelling of the buds. We’ll see how they develope within the next week. They’ll recieve only water from now on since they still look grren enough to me.

Des*tar bx bx
the yield is not where i like it to be but the buds smell great and are very resinous. It smells kind of grapey, hazey, a little hashy with some sweetness on both.

bruce banner
i see some more nanners popping up but they look sterile, i plucked some here and there but will leave it be for now. smell is sweet with some metalish undertones, very resinous. the buds are pretty hard but it looks also like that the yield on those is not that much.

dead whabbits
these are my favorites of this grow together with the L.A.Affie #11.
The yield is great, they are pretty fast flowering and towering. The smell on the first one reminds me of an Emdog cut i was gifted some years ago. i love that smell and can’t wait to smoke it lol

here’s the small cab

L.A. Affie # 11
i love it. heavy yielder, stress resistant, great afghani smell. It’s not as fast as the whabbits but my favorite anyway. can’t wait to smoke that either. lol

Blockhead F2
no blocks to see lol it’s a weird pheno i guess. it smells very parfumey sweet, the yield is a joke but the resin is not joking, pretty loaden.

Chronic/ Cheeseberry cross
it developes great, is a week or two behind but will make it too.
after that run this cut will not be grown anymore.

and last but not least:

i sprouted some new beans. This time it’s all about orange/ tangie/ fruity terps.

I put the remaining 2 orange bud, 1 euforia, 3 passion fruit, 3 tropical tangie and 3 strawberry cookies seeds in water and all but one orange bud shwoed tails after 24 hours. i put them in dirt 2 days ago. See who will make it above ground.

So far, that’s all folks!

have a great day


Wonderful brother!
Action packed garden…:grin::call_me_hand:t3:
Good luck on the beans…hoping you get 100% germination…:blush::herb: