Mndlss' place

Happy Easter my friends, hope you’re well!

A short update on the beauties, they’re taking off. Unfortunatly I had to cull the orange bud, she developed balls too. Trannies everywhere you look these days :sweat_smile:

The orange bud, not the best Pic but you get the idea

The des*tar bx and dead whabbits are going for it, they kind of explode. I pulled 2 huge fan leafs on the affie so all the lowers get mir light. She’s not stretching but gets massive anyway.

The Bruce banners are stretching too. Yesterday I had a peek in my buddies garden and the Bruce’s stayed pretty short. He said there flowering now for about 10 weeks or so and they still need around 4 more to go. They had this metallic smell to them as I found in some jack herer phenos and here and there in other strains. It’s not what I like so there won’t be any of them kept.

I haven’t encountered some funky stem rub smells yet but there are differences.

So far



Looking pretty good man.


Tranny’s are hiding everywhere


Trannies everywhere! haaaa :joy: (not that there’s anything wrong with that)


For some reason the political ground feels a little shaky here, doesn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:



Thank goodness we’re only talking about plants lol


I believe the proper term is intersex


Do we? :thinking:

I’m drunk… :sweat_smile:


Hello there peops,

I hope all is well at yours!

A little update on ym current run. If ir remember correctly we’re at flowering day 16. They really took off and stretched big time. Especially the des*tar bx bx is an Amazonian queen lol

My stupid ass didn’t mount the fan on its place, bummed my head and it fell on the plants. It shaved on side of the affie inclusive the main cola completely. It took it really well and is back on track.

Some pictures

The affie

Des*tar bx bx

Dead whabbits

Bruce Banners



Blockhead f2 - there’s some weird grow going on on this one. I see a similar pattern on some Bruce banner leafs but not as strong as on the blockhead.

I really have to be very cautious with euforia and Bruce banner, I plugged some balls from the euforia and it looks like there’s something growing on the banners too. That kind of sucks.

So far!



So sorry to hear damn I hate when this happens
Good luck
The plants do look great


Looking good bro and hope you get the herms under control. Any chance your plants are on a cold concrete or dirt surface in a cold basement? I finally learned that hard lesson the hard way. Cold roots = herms. Peace :v:


Hey guys, I hope you had a great 420 yesterday!

Today I put the euforia out of the tent. It seems like the more balls I plug the more are back the next day. I don’t want to deal with that put it out. I’ll let stay in the yard for now but sooner or later it’ll be culled.

It’s kind of annoying because I looked forward to that nasty smell and and huge yield from back then, maybe next time



Thanks man , 420 was a very tasty day hope yours was good to.


Hey guys,

Short update on flowering day 22 the tent is packed (!)

I actually consider to put the la affie, the blockhead and the chronic/cheeseberry cross in another tent because they’re way smaller than the other 6 plants. I want to give the others some more room. What you think?

The des*tar bx bx is by far the tallest, it feels like their stretch isn’t over yet. I already ‘supercropped’ the biggest one lol The Bruce banner developed nice, looking way better than at my friend’s place. Dead whabbits looks great too, in comparison they’re the smallest of those 6 but still pretty big. They have the nicest color, Shiney and dark green.

Every plant started to produce resin, there’s hints of different smells but nothing tor report yet.

I need space badly, in one tent are the mothers that can’t be planted outside yet plus the tomatoes and habaneros for this year and in the other are the tester plants. I need to figure out how to organize everything. When I did, I’ll post some pictures of the individual plants.

So far, so good



Caught up with ur work bro. Everything’s looking great. You sure do need more space on the last picture you posted.
Good luck on your grows and I’m subbed to this exciting journey. :blush:

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hey iceman, thanks for chiming in! take a seat, a dooby and something to drink :wink:


Hello friends and fellow enthusiasts!

I rearranged everything. The LA affie, blockhead f2 and chronic cross got their own tent, which is now packed too lol

They are enlightened by a 100 watt led on full blast, they have a ppfd of around 1000 on the tops, hope that’s enough.

The big tent looks way better now. Adjusted the light so everyone gets an even amount of light.
In the back are the des*tar bx bx, middle are the banners and front are the dead whabbits.

Top view

Des*tar bx bx

Bruce Banner clones

I found some huge nanners on of the banners. I plucked them off and need to be cautious. Hope there will be not much more.

Dead whabbits

They got a good watering and I think they like their new freedom lol it’s still kind of packed…

So far, so good





The blockhead starts the resin production on big leaves too


420 lol, that’s cool

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