Mndlss' place

Canna Terra is what my friend uses and he’s pretty pleased with it, what bothers me is the multi bottle situation, actually od like to have everything out of one bottle.

@Papalag uses Texas tomato food and was pretty happy with it if I remember correctly. Unfortunately it’s not available here.



I like pure blend pro. 1 bottle. Not the cheapest but effective.


Thanks for the heads up, botanicare has great reviews and seems to be some decent stuff. A quick search revealed that it’s not available here :confused: Maybe I find a distributor with a more intensive search when I’m home, I’m currently at a bar :smiley:


I got it last time from Amazon. The second to last time was from a hydro shop.

Lots of options this is just the one I use. I’m married to the stuff.


I used ttf and tvf for a few years, it’sgreat organics
And my plants , veggies loved it

I now use jacks it works out better for me



Is it the Jack’s Formular i read about?

If someone is so happy with a certain stuff it must be good and your everyday haze grow showed it quite well! BTW how is it now? Must be in jars like 4 weeks now? Wasn’t lurking so much the last 2 weeks, just over flying kind of


It suits my lazy style very well. Pro mix + PBP + tap water = no need to pH ever. Worth more than money to me.

The EDH is fantastic and interesting. Great yielder physically interesting upbeat and tasty. I used 2 plants for smoke and the 3rd I just turned into hash yesterday. Also a good hash yielder.

It was a very challenging grow in lots of ways but a big win and I enjoyed it.


The jacks formula is Custom in veg

A mix of 20/20/20/ and 15.5/0/0 +Epson salts

Early Bloom weeks 3 throu 5
10/30/20 + Epson salts and a monster bloom additive

Mid bloom weeks 6/7

10/30/20 + 5/12/26 + Epson salts if needed

Late bloom weeks 8/9/10 decreasing in
Ppm as we get closer to finish
Last week just water


Hey mndlss,
I’m having some decent result with Master Blend tomato food. Super cheap growing so far.
For bloom, I found MorBloom, that is very acidic, so it adjusts PH perfectly.
Just my $.02


Hey friends,

Some pics from some minutes ago:

The autopot system is dialed in, so far I refill once a week. Today I integrated a small aquarium pump to keep the water moving, pH is around 6.5 in general.

I haven’t decided on a fertilizer yet, I’m still looking lol

The thing that bothers me is my low humidity, I’m around 29% and can’t seem to get it up. Therefor I spray everyday with water short before the lights go out.



First and foremost they look marvelous

And easy way to raise humidity

Small bucket of water , fold a towel place it in the bucket ,hanging half way out over the side
It will help


Paps my friend, thanks for chiming in! I’ll do that right now and see how it helps. I put in a humidifier, just a small one, and it was raising the level by 1%.i rearranged everything (exhaust and stuff) which did like 2% so from 25/26 to 29 lol


Any time bro

It’s an old school hippie trick lol

I would have thought :thought_balloon: with the extra water from the autopots the RH would be higher

The Octopots sometimes gives me way too much rh

I’ve seen 65 % plus rh


This is what I thought too but didn’t happen. The location hasn’t changed, I was all the time a little low with like 40-45 % but since a year or so it’s as low as 25% at times.


Hey guys,

Today I was at buddie’s to hey say hello. I was able to have a joint of this plant:


It’s the sativa leaning pheno of the lady cane (fluffy spears). It’s dry for some weeks now and will be jarred up today.

The tester joint was great and the high is almost on point of what I looked for when poppi g those seeds. It’s a crystal clear, crispy high with zero body feeling. It brings you in a relaxed state of mind while in the same time you’re awake and kind of alert. ‘getting shit done weed’ so to say lol

Of course it needs some curing time for optimal results.

I’m pretty pleased and look already forward to when it’s cured :smiley:

Btw here’s another group shot from today:

My friend gave me an ec meter today so I can be accurate when introducing flowering nutes lol

I think I’ll use the canna Terra nutes for this cycle. It’s already here so…



Hello guys!

A quick update. First some shots:

Group shot

Sour lemon haze

Lady cane 1

Lady cane 2

Lady cane 4

As you may see the plants look lighter and some leafs are turning yellow. Today I refilled the tank with an ec of 1,4 and pH, 6.4. Otherwise they look great. Stretching is still in progress, they started to pop little flower heads everywhere. All in all I’m pleased so far.

Next refilling I switch to canna Terra flowering nutes. I think I will start with ec of 1.6 or even higher, what do you think?

It’s still too dry in there, l’m at 29% still. The bucket and towel method isn’t for me lol I order a big lger humidifier with like 3 to 5 liters and see how that will turn out. I’m a cheap ass and should’ve done that earlier…

That’s all folks!


Elixir or chempak are two good cheap brands : )


Hello there! I hope y’all have a great day :smiley:

It’s Update time so here we go:

I just emptied the tank and cleaned it. Man, there was some brown water coming out which actually surprised me yuck

After cleaning it thoroughly I installed a little wave Maschine to get the water moving. The air pump I installed earlier already gave up on life and decided to not work anymore. I’m still thinking about installing an air pump next to the wave Maschine, what do you guys think, is it necessary?

I refilled the tank and put in canna Terra Flores nutes, I’m at 1.55 ec and a pH of 6.2. I had to add more than what was written as maximum dose to reach the ec of 1.55, something my grow bro already ranted about. But it’s how it is.

While the solution could settle in I decided to shave the ladies. I put out a decent amount of leaves and stems and now they can breath and put their Energy in the bigger buds. While defoliating the room filled with a very nice smell. Sweet and cleanerish, very pleasing. The sour lemon haze is smelling like orange nimm 2 bonbons, so amazing. I can’t wait to taste the final product! All lady cane phenos have very similar smells, a mixture of cleaner with sweet citrus, also very a nice and a nice alternative to the heavy, kushy, skunky smells in my current stash, I say it again: can’t wait to try all of them! :drooling_face:

Let the pictures do the talking:

Group shot (lights went out in the middle of doing the tasks)

First 3 are the lady cane and last is sour lemon haze

Lady cane #4

Sour lemon haze

Lady cane #2

Lady cane #1

So far it’s going well. No bugs or even gnats, humidity still low, haven’t ordered the humidifier yet but maybe tonight lol

That’s all folks!



I remember lady cane they are beautiful my friend

Iv been thinking about adding an air pump with a air stone to each Octopots especially for the summer when it gets unBearable in the garage