MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

I get that. There are so many things that need to change. Change can be good. I think it usually is. And it’s inevitable to boot. But so many of the things that are changing are actually worsening the situation of mankind morally, spiritually, emotionally, financially… Pick your poison.
I can’t name very many that are doing better on either one of these criteria than they were even 10 years back.

Some people (of course it’s mostly the young) feel that way. Even though technology and society are evolving at a breakneck pace, they feel it is not changing at near the speed it should. And therein lies the problem. When you desire change for the sake of change and don’t take time to make these changes well thought out and conducive to building a better, fairer, stronger and stable world then you are building a world of chaos. Chaos on a global scale leads to starvation and war on a global scale.
Common sense, in my mind, dictates taking a measured approach to change.
It may be boring but that’s better than change for the sake of change.
As always, that’s just the opinion of an old goat roper. Take it for what it’s worth.


Good morning to you and the crew @MoBilly . My folks grew up poor in rural Montana during the Great Depression. You didn’t throw anything out. You fixed it or repurposed it. Lots of shared farm implements.
I grew up hearing stories about how they got by. They were fortunate to have been able to hold onto the Ranch.
You all have a splendid day! Poodle says…


As usual, I find what you say to be very similar to my own thoughts/feelings on so many different subjects! lol ya sure we ain’t brothers?


Morning bro!


Ain’t we? lol


Good morning :sunny: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @Golfnutt, @HighTilliDie, @crownpoodle, @mota, @Oldjoints, & the rest of the green room gang. Already hot :hot_face: today on the east coast stay cool :cool: my friends and have a great day! :sun_with_face::fishing_pole_and_fish::beach_umbrella::ocean::wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Yeah lol I stand corrected!


Good morning @OhNo555 !
I hope you are doing well this morning. :slight_smile:

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@crownpoodle ,
How was the walk this morning?


IMG_1106 IMG_1105


Watch that heat out there folks. Hydrate! Still real hot inland just over the hill. I’m coming into my nice Fall weather here on the coast.
I’m real excited with my outdoor this year. I usually overamp and get started too early. My plants are looking great!


I want that! LOL
Oh and BTW, I don’t, at this moment, have plans for Saturday. I might end up giving you a call during the early evening hours if that works for you.

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Anytime bro!

As far as the t-shirt…. Take your pick:


I know which one my brother Mo will pick.
That second one has an upside down cross on it. Not Mo’s style.

Oh, and by the way. The pic says it all. Goats are evil demon possessed monsters. Hehe. Except for lil Johnny.


That boy BigJohn will make a goat advocate outta someone, for sure! lol Rose still talks about him
I started to say ‘goat-lover’ but knowing this crowd… cough cough Mike n OJ… I refrained!

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Still dark here at 5:09 @MoBilly . Got some stuff to do 1st today. I’ll walk after lunch today. My nerve pain in my foot is hideous this morning.

They are not demon possessed. Now “evil monsters”… there are times.


Not me, I’m an angel :innocent:


no like on thatun! Hope you get to feeling better by time for the walk!

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Take your time bro. Take your time.

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