MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Just jerking your chain, bro.

But that upside down cross gots to go.


Amen and Amen.

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here ya go bro, :heart: :heart: :heart: lol I hit a like on Moā€™s comment and got this,


Hey Johnny, can Rose bail us out of jail?

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lol Sheā€™s already laughing at us! She stopped to peek over my shoulder

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Prudent choice brother. But just think of the laughter you just squelched!!!

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Tell my little sister, me and Zee are thinking about her and hope the tests come back negative for ā€œCā€.


Weā€™re staying positive here brother. I do thank you and she said same, also asked how Zee is doing?


Lmao yall always get me rolling in the morning good times here! I got a job interview Wednesday for a weekday job again. If I take it I might be around here more often in the weekends and less every other time lol. But ya know what they say money talks

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The driving force behind most folks having to get out there daily!

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Yes unfornately but this job choice would have far better career options being in the steelworkers union so itā€™s hard to pass up that opportunity and if pay is as good as my cousin says (heā€™s worked there about 3 years and apparently reeling in $1950 a week on OT due to production bonuses every day) and then itā€™s a 2k sign on bonus. Told my girl if all that is true she can be a stay at home garden mom for me lmao


She has SOME good days. But her breathing has got to the point where, when she gets up off her chair to go to the bathroom, she has to take a few breaks before she gets there.
She is pretty much chair bound. Which means Mikey gets to do everything. On top of my own chores I get to do house cleaning, cookin, laundry, wash dishes, etc, etc. How did I get this lucky.
Maybe this is my payment for all the bad shit I did in my life, haha.
I am not griping. I am actually very pleased that Iā€™m able to make life a bit easier. Like Johnny with Rose. . Zee is my life, my love. She has made me the man I am today. Some of you guys might say, that ainā€™t so much. But if you knew me back in the day??? I was not a good guy.


OH? and now you are?!!

just pickin brother lol we know ya gotta heart of gold, and Zee is everything to ya!
Same hereā€¦ except my heart ainā€™t so good. lol


If youā€™re waiting for me to get even better, youā€™re standing in Dookie. Ainā€™t gonna happen. Hehe.


Iā€™ll hold my breathā€¦ NOT! lol

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Goodmorning @MoBilly and the rest of the greenroom crew

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I know people seem to think things have changed, but sadly weā€™re still the same creature that learned everything from the neanderthals and then just kind of cruised through life on that ā€œuhg make fireā€. People look around and it ā€œseemsā€ things have changed. The only thing that really changed is our tools.


Lol idk manā€¦ we are a far cry from picking bugs out of each otherā€™s hair and grunting sounds ā€¦ I mean ā€¦ donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ bigmike and oj are still apesā€¦ so I get the confusion :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just kiddin bwahahahaha


Naw, Iā€™m talking more: Weā€™re just pigeons dancing in a box for a pellet of food. BF skinner.


Sure the world has changed. People are still driven by the same needs, wants, impulsesā€¦ as they always have. The nature of man remains constant but the world he builds around himself is constantly changing. Thatā€™s a given. The thing is, what kind of world will mankind create next?

I donā€™t resist change because I want things to stay the way they are. In fact I try to initiate it in the world around me in my own little way.
In my Utopia everyone would live life as they see fit, letting their conscience and god be their guide, barring doing something that disrupts the peace of the community. I believe that if everyone took care of their own little corner of the field and left others to take care of theirs the world would be a better place.
But doesnā€™t that go against the ā€œnatureā€ of the beast? Isnā€™t the desire to exert power over others almost instinctual in mankind? It takes proper nurturing to overcome those urges.
Dang Iā€™m stoned ramblingā€¦
Took too long of a break. lol