MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Yep that works also……



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Good morning :sun_with_face: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @Greenfingers, @Golfnutt, @HighTilliDie, @Oldjoints, and all the rest of the green room crew! Moving slow today was up till the sun :sun_with_face: started to come out playing my guitars :guitar: and listening to music :notes:! This thread :sewing_needle: was very lively :joy::joy::joy: last night and was most entertaining! This crew rocks :rock:! Hell yeah! I wish I could have gotten my hands :raised_hands: on a few grams of them mushrooms :mushroom: last night! Love :heart: a good magic carpet ride! :crazy_face::ok_hand::beach_umbrella::+1::facepunch::ocean::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555


Good morning everyone. Have a great day!!

So glad you had a good time last night @MoBilly


Haha goodmorning… shit I had a good time vicariously living through mobilly… last night was fun!


Glad you had a nice experience @MoBilly. It’s one of my favorite things about shrooms is they don’t leave me with any “hangover” or after effects, besides helping reset my brain a little and knock down my depression for a couple weeks.
Enjoy the rest of those magic little fungi and have a great morning 🫶🏼


I’ll tell you one thing for a fact. That was the most awesome sunset I have ever seen in person. lol


What type of funny Gus did you get?

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@Oldjoints told me but I can’t remember ATM. Hopefully he will be on in a bit and he can tell you @Emeraldgreen .


Good read , this morning :grin:


It sure was fun. lol


It was Z-Strain by MMM here on this site.


Still have 2 more syringes, one of B+ and one of Golden Teacher to grow out yet.


Golden teacher are nice

IMG_20231009_201950 Rate Photo of @MoBilly last night.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: your going to make him think your spying on him


Glad to hear the mushrooms worked and you had a good experience @MoBilly! Mushrooms are good medicine that more people need to experience in their lives.

Tiredness is always the first thing I feel when the drugs come on… I had come to believe that the heaviness/tiredness is just an awakening of the awareness of the physicality of our bodily forms… we are like crystallized light, and light usually flows at a very high speed, so as we awaken to the psychic realm from where we all originate and are beings of light, our physical bodies (which seem to be a crystallized form of light) feel “heavy” or “tired” because the body is dragging us down to the physical realm… I usually lie down and close my eyes and fall nearly asleep for just a second or a minute, and when I wake up I am tripping balls and no longer dragged down/tired.

In my opinion, @BigMike55, LSD was much more of a psychologically introspective high… LSD caused me to analyze my Self and psyche, as well as experience an interconnectivity with all beings… I would have trips that seemed to expose the interconnections between all things living, dead, past, future, and at great distances, but these thought of interconnectivity were always contemplative, versus the visual experience when on mushies. Once the stars spoke to me and winked at me when I concluded that they were actually communicating with me in real time :joy: plants and animals as well… it seemed like LSD could raise my awareness of the quantum interconnectivity of all things and I had visions of what I will consider the divine.

Mushies are a whole separate trip, bit also hinted of interconnectivity. To me Mushies are more self-centric and psychically cleansing… mushrooms tend to give me more colorful closed-eye visuals, versus LSD’s clear open-eyed visuals, I see objects that are in motion and which seem to coalesce out of what appear to be the junctures of red yellow and green light rays… the rays appear to flow and coalesce from infinity into the expression of the objects I am envisioning… as though light was coming together to create form. I have had trips where what I consider the divine has spoken to me directly as well as had visions of what appeared to be the Akashic records where I could see the interconnections between everyone who had ever lived as well as see into their daily activities and experience their life experiences as an external observer.

Mushies “seem” less extreme to me because, although they do give me visual trips, until I eat a half oz or so the visions only occur when my eyes are closed, whereas with LSD a quarter of a hit can cause me to see breathing walls, air movements, spunds, and other open-eyed visuals like auras, as well as an ability to see energies through walls and send/receive psychic transmissions from others…I have had too many experiences where I would think of someone and they would call me within a minute or two… it was “spooky”, but also seemingly like a confirmation that we are truly psychically connected.

Man, I could go on and on, but I’ll drop it here :sweat_smile: When I first moved to Haight Street in San Francisco in 1990, you could get a sheet for $30, or four for a hundred… needless to say, I ate LOTS of it :sweat_smile:

I would prefer acid if given a choice between the two: Mushies are cool for introspection, but L seems to be more of a special kind of trip to me.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, I spent years guiding others on trips and love talking about psychedelics.





Dadburnit! I forgot to fire up the lava lamp last night!

I don’t think he is… I know he is!!! Big John told me to watch out for Mr Hashpants last night. I saw a bird that I know without a doubt was a robot with a zoom lens eye!

That’s pretty deep for such a shallow thinker as myself @herojuana.tom . Maybe last night it would have made perfect sense. lol
I do have to say I understand the inter-connective phenomena you write about. Distance seems to have zero factor in that web of connection. There are more questions to be found in the universe around us than there are answers it seems. The more you learn, the more you realize just how little understanding you truly have.


Hey @MoBilly, good to hear you had a nice shroom day. I love shrooms too, it’s been about a year. I’ll have to ask the kids to get me some more.:peace_symbol: