MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Thanks Terps. My brothers will get it squared away. That’s the way it has been since we were teenagers. I’d run the guts out of an old truck and take it to them when I started having problems. One would loan me a ride until they got mine going again. Shoot them two would rebuild an engine that didn’t need overhauling just for something to do on a weekend. Of course that was back when a rebuild kit would only run around $130 for an 8 cylinder engine too though. Those days are long past and gone.


Yeah I’m not even close to a gear head and punch the catalytic out since you have no emissions test.

There’s a reason catalytic converters are stolen!!


Dang @MoBilly
You’ve had a rough day. And it ain’t even over yet.
What in the wide world of sports did you do to piss off the Pope?

I have punched holes in catalytic converter before. It will run fine. Try it. If it don’t work, you were buying another one anyways, right?


Those idiots dug into a line in front of my nieces home. Right? OK so you stop and fix the break. Right?
NO! You continue digging up 80’ of waterline and then take off to buy waterline to fix the 80’ of messed up line. OH and then why don’t you leave your equipment parked right in the middle of the drive with trees on both sides where nobody can drive through! My wife took mom to a Dr appointment and now they can’t get down the drive when they get home. I’m going to have to take the damn tractor and chainsaw up there and clear a temp path through the woods so they can get to the house.
Frigging frigging frigging MORONS!!!
Catch you all later.


I’m saying they’re geniuses!!! Your clearing the trees :rofl::rofl:


Sorry about your luck, man. Wish I was there to help a brother out.

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They just called me back and said they would cut the temp road for me. I guess they figured out I was pissed off.
They called the crew back here asap he said.


Any good firewood in the mess? Tell them you’ll make their job easier and take it

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There’s a patch of young Walnut trees over in there. They’re marked but with these idiots I think I’ll go up there and oversee the work.


Good afternoon everyone… @MoBilly …hope everything comes together for you…hang in there bud

Use the chain, but not to clear a way… use it to tow their shit out of the way!


Good afternoon @MoBilly and friends! Hope yall are having a great day so far! I snagged that job just waiting till Monday so that’s awesome! Now the not so awesome I guess my right side tonsil is swollen up. About the size of a packing peanut and man it’s been bothering me like crazy past 3 days. Today no smoking. Yesterday I said no smoking but 3 beers later it was a different story and i broke out the pinchy (immediate regrets after the hit). Looked it up today and yep drinking makes your tonsils sore too and I’m like sheesh. Today I’ll just take 2 pieces of shroom chocolate and get some edibles made. Seems like I’ll be taking a week long tolerance break at this point from smoking smh


Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks for the kind words @Oldjoints I appreciate it! Yeah I just got work Friday then I’ll be off again till I start the new job Monday so I’m trying to take it easy that way I don’t start this new job whispering to people lol

Man that sucks… inconsiderate asses

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Sorry I missed your trip when you were soaring LIVE @MoBilly, but the Green Room was certainly a vibrant place at the time. Very good stuff!

This is the way. Mushrooms combined with Mother Nature, great friends, and something to keep you all active/involved with each other. Playing music together (as long as you’re not too far gone) can unlock lots of doors for exploration. …Or if you’ve got an athletic bent, sports like Ultimate Frisbee, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc…

These are the sort of things that help us realize the BEAUTY that Bruce Cockburn refers to when he sings “Understanding Nothing”:

All these years of thinking
Ended up like this
In front of all this beauty
Understanding nothing


So the water is off again. lol They got past my place and took out the waterline to my grandniece’s place. The same well feeds all the homes on the family’s land so I had to shut the water down to everyone… except me. The well is on my place and I set it up with an outside spigot at the well that is separate from the main system. No matter what I had to have water for my critters. So glad we thought ahead on that.
Anyway they took out the waterline and the phone line at their place so we’re waiting for the five stooges to get the new screw up fixed.
If it wasn’t so inconvenient it would be funny.


This place is starting to look like comic con! :joy::joy::joy:

@MoBilly did you have to step into a phone booth to transform into Super Goat :goat:? You would be hard pressed to find one today! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:



He had to go 88 mph in a DeLorean! Go change … and pop back into our timeperiod


If you think about it, why would anyone in their right mind grow zucchini, when you can get all you want for free, and never go to the trouble of growing them.