MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

How does it compare in cost? I’ll have to check that one out.

It is fairly cheap bro, you will have to buy a Pex crimp tool and crimps but that isn’t overly expensive. What is great about Pex is that even if it freezes it will swell and not break.
I have installed a lot of it myself.


Thanks @Oldjoints
I will bring this up with my brothers and nephews. I’ve never messed with any before but one of my nephews is a home builder. I’m sure he knows all about that stuff.
Thanks for the idea.

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Every winter I would lose my job at climbing trees, sometimes I would do carpentry, sometimes help an electrician and other times help plumbers. Got to learn a lot of trades this way. Every good plumber will install Pex for their outside main feed. It’s what I installed on this trailer.


That what happens when you eat the brain fungus.
Did it make you feel funny around your private parts? Does me that way. Breaking though is the best part. I would eat so much when I was a kid I would hide on the other side of the bed. I would pray for it to stop. The next day I would be eating them again. Sometimes I would eat them a forget that I ate them. I remember I was at the checkout at the store and just started laughing. Couldn’t figure out why. Then I realized what I had done. One of my favorite things was eating them and go to this huge graveyard from the revolution days to modern days. They had above ground tombs. I can’t remember what they were called. Always felt like I could feel a presence. I can remember going to festivals and staying up till the sun came up. Dancing around like a toad. I would make tea out of them. Nasty taste. But was very strong. Drying them out and putting them in chocolate was one of my favorites. Peanut butter was cool also. I have made spaghetti with them and put them on pizza also. I had a field behind my house. Everything was cool until I took a friend. Then found out he had a big mouth. They got over picked. You want to leave some. Not pick all of them. Closed caps are the best. Washington state has some good ones.


No. I didn’t feel anything like that. It was just a great high with brilliant colors and slight visual fluidity at the most intense period of time. Not unsettling at all, just enough to make it more interesting.

BTW. Good morning brother.


Good morning everyone… @MoBilly hope everything pans out for you soon, hang in there


Good morning my friend. How have you been?


Morning @percyryan66 . Hope you are doing well today.


Goodmorning mo and everyone!!


Hello my friend. Doctors today. Seems like an every day ordeal.

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That sucks bro. As long as they are taking good care of you. I’d hate to have to drive all the way there just to open a can of whoopass on them!


Wanted to say how much I enjoy being here. Looking forward to my new grow. I’m ready. I believe it will help with my stress. Had to double up on my blue pills. Just get so stressed. Smoking helps so much with anxiety.


Someone needs to. lol I hope to see you one day.
We will be a big smoke cloud. Later


Later bro. Safe travels.

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Good morning everyone. Have a great day.

@Oldjoints what about well pipe? The pex usually only comes in rolls up to 3/4. If a bunch of people are going to be using the feed you might need a larger diameter to maintain pressure for everyone
@MoBilly you should price well pipe also


I assumed the well pipe was already installed and they had to go from the top of the well to the house/houses.


All the wells I see just continue the pipe over to the house. I know 1 inch pex comes in 20 foot sections, so I’m guessing it’s going to be more expensive than well pipe.

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Pex, Pex A and Pex B comes in rolls of hundreds of feet in 1 inch. You just can’t get it at Home Depot or Lowe’s…


Okay, didn’t know that. I’ve only seen the sections. I don’t believe our Lowe’s/homedepo carry anything over 3/4. Thought it was only supply houses carried the larger diameter. Good to know