MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Good morning Mo and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Good morning everyone.
Still going.

They cut the phone lines to two of the houses. Somehow they missed mine. But they’re still here so give them time. lol


All they lack is finishing up.


That dirt looks about as good as the soil here…. Useless without a great deal of work.


This is the crew that is laying down the orange insulated tubing. I guess another crew will come in behind to run the cable…


You know that brother @Oldjoints .
That’s why I asked you how you prepare your ground for plants a while back.

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Yep I don’t bother using the soil I dig out at all. Plus when the hole is open I like to take a piece of re-barb and put holes all around the bottom of the hole at least a foot deep and more if possible so the hole doesn’t act like a clay pot and hold the water in a pool at the bottom rotting the roots.


Next Spring I plan to put a couple on the Southern side of the ridge. I’ll be digging in like you showed me. I chickened out this year but so many are growing in the area now that cops don’t even bother unless it’s a sizeable grow. At least that’s what I’ve been told by others.


In Oklahoma not one medical patient has been checked for plant count or anything else. I don’t think they really care about med users unless they are going big and trying to sell.


A couple of the workers walked over just after my nieces fiance and I burned a bowl. He said, “Smells like someone is smoking some good weed up in here”. I’m still nervous about that kind of stuff but he was an obvious stoner. My friend asked him if he wanted a hit while the guy was still on duty. I wanted to slap him up side the head. These guys had already screwed up the waterline three times and he’s offering to get them STONED!
I would have fired one of my crew in a short second if I knew they were getting high on the job. Running and just working around heavy equipment is not something to do stoned. Period.


I climbed tree’s stoned every day for my whole career. Never had a problem doing so, but then it was my “norm” if you can believe that I am normal in any way shape or form.


OH I get that some can work just fine high. My boss’s best friend worked for us off and on and he was stoned every minute of every day. lol
Hard working guy too. He’d come to work hung over like few have ever been and still outwork the rest of the ground crew. The boss didn’t fire him because they were buds and he worked his ass off. I just didn’t put him in the backhoe or anything like that. He’d work a shovel down to the handle though. lol


Yeah… “bird” :sweat_smile:

Damn pesky gubment


I was the foreman on the job. The people over me wouldn’t fire me because I worked my ass off and I was by far the best climber they had.


That just blew my mind bro. What a world we live in. Now all they have to do is ask an AI program on a super computer how to make this happen and wait a couple of hours for the answers.
I see some crazy stuff in our future if we can keep from blowing up the damn world long enough.


My mind has been blown for quite a while now, it’s crazy what can be done with technology. I remember my grandfather talking about the universe being a computer program, with us being robots made by a super intelligent consciousness greater than our own, back in the 80’s. Especially after the ‘L’ experiences I have hinted at having… I can believe that.


Someone give me the number to get hold of them for an upgrade! All my friends are working with hard drives and I’m still messing with my floppy disc…

Batter UP!!!


I think I will stay in the dugout, that slow ball is to easy to hit……


I’m too lazy this morning… puff puff


LOL! Science postulates that we are quantumly connected, affecting anything affects everything :joy: The answers all lie within, which is where you would need to seek to apply an upgrade :sweat_smile:

Whats funny about quantum inseparability is that ancient cultures already believed in it. For example, the word “Juju” refers to a mystical belief that we are all interconnected… in Juju, you use a hair or important personal item from someone to cast spells on them… you use the quantum connectivity between objects to change a distant object by affecting the object you have access to. I think there is a lot of factors around our existence that we don’t have full comprehension of.