MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Good morning my friend! I hope you are doing well today.


So far so good. Half way through 1st cup of coffee watching snow fall


Ok! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It is cold but I couldn’t handle the snow. I love it when it is hot.


I like it right in the middle!


St. Patricks Day is almost here!

Me Irish eye’s are smile’n
Leprechauns are coming! Hide yeh golden pot, day’ smoke like a chimney in winter. :sunglasses:


@MoBilly Top o the morning to yah! midjourney has fixed the hand problem! Waaaahooooo Version 5 also made a huge difference in the photorealistic department.

On with the Race!

Looks back to see…

Oh no I’ve been followed from @ReikoX ’s place!

Everybody Take a hard right turn and meet me @Jetdro ‘s Here.


Just stopped by to hey.:peace_symbol:


It’s been a while since my last pic drop on here and I know they look bad but here goes nothing.
I’m still not happy with their progress. I’m not sure what’s going on. I flushed them three days ago and just watered again last night with a half dose of nutrients. If you look you can see some leaf canoeing going on with the ISS and the Pure Kush and a little on one of the BM x VB. I thought it was due to over watering so I backed off and the leaves didn’t straighten up… Thoughts? I have seen no sign of pests… but my eyes are not all that sharp anymore. New glasses are in order when I get the cash. lol
It seems like everything in the room is taking forever though. Could it just be impatience? No. I just checked. these larger five plants are exactly two month old. I know I topped them but they should be a lot bigger. WTH?
I believe the BM x VB is normally a short plant but I figured it would be somewhat larger than this.
That Pure Kush is going to get topped today. I need some branching going on dang it. I know it’s stunted badly but I am not giving up on this one. Until I get my grow problems straightened out I’m not having anyone send me anything else. That’s wasted cash if I can’t get them to grow. :frowning:

You can also see that the babies are shaping up a lot better than before. These are also growing slower than I am used to but I know why. I tried to kill them with too much water. They’re doing better but I slowed them down considerably. Rookie mistake there.

I know I haven’t been consistent with my thread.
I stopped posting about my life outside of growing because it just began looking like my life is nothing but crap. We all go through that at times. Reading back on my thread, it seems like my situation has turned from bad to worse this year but, trust me, even with all that’s been going on, I still count myself blessed beyond measure.
I have been with the same wonderful woman for over 41 years now. I have land that is payed off, I’m getting around better than I have in years since my last procedure on my knee and my tremors have lessened to a point that I don’t even notice it much with my new meds… I’m doing a lot better than many many folks out there.

And I have all of you. This forum has become a refuge of sorts. You have all come to mean a lot to me and I will keep my journal about growing and more positive things in the future. I apologize if I have been a downer to all you good people. I should not have shared so much. I believe that I ran some of you off.
But I get it though. Nobody likes to see constant negativity.

Bless you all my friends.


It’s all good, brother.
I feel like that’s a good reason to come here. You can always find an open ear. You just be YOU, Mobilly. We wouldn’t have you any other way.


Thank you brother.


Your a good man @MoBilly :smiley:


Thank you my friend.


Mobilly…. Lots of caring people here. Its much more than just a place trying to overgrow the world. Its friends being there for friends. Through good times and bad. We all have our ailments but find relief from some by being here. We are all blessed each and everyday we wake. And with this blessing we bake. Amen. By the way. Plants look great. Dont be too rough on yourself. We sure wont be. Prayers buddy.


I know you’re right Smooth. This forum has some amazing people on it. I want to lift spirits though, not bring folks down. lol
So I am putting on my smile. :slight_smile:
Thanks Smooth.


@MoBilly, you just keep on being that wonderful dude we know and luv, cuz! You’re a very caring & giving person. Never apologize for being you! I’m always here for you. Just to listen if nothing else.


Hey @MoBilly , you ever need a ear to chew on im always around here to listen, OG wouldn’t be the same without you my friend. :green_heart:


Thanks guys. I appreciate your friendship.


Wait, what? You are a good man @MoBilly . I have seen no negativity in this thread. I see nothing but goodness and wholesomeness and miss your regular updates. Hollywood producers travel the world trying to film and capture the emotions and feelings that we experience here on OG daily so they can share these experiences with the world. Never be afraid to share what brings you down. To me, reading these experiences of the up’s and downs you work through and manage helps lift us all up as a whole.


@MoBilly I just can’t recall you being a downer ever. You share what you have going on in your life. Everything hardship you have shared has shown you moving forward in life with grace and dignity. I can’t think of a more positive example!
I read of the hardships all of you share and see examples of how I can possibly conduct myself if I find myself in the same place.


Very well said, cuz!

I say that knowing folks like @MoBilly actually makes ME a better person, by simple association!