MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ was engraved in stone around our house!

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Different times for sure

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Today’s standards are upside down IMO. Restraint is not something we are born with. Caring discipline in uncertain terms is needed, I think, to instill some restraint into a young persons character.


I agree. Probably why I spend a lot of time shaking my head with a stunned look on my face
Although I get the same thing going on listening to politics today😂

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There’s a lot of ways to punish a kid, without severe beatings. I never beat on my boys, but they toed the line!

I know that face.

I’m sure we all do!

That’s where the “caring” part comes in. Too many people confuse discipline with punishment. That is when sad and horrible things get done to kids.
I have a strong opinion on what those parents need done.

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lol If my boys got into a fight with each other, we’d make em sit facing with knees touching and hold hands
( lordy did they hate that!)
Do something they shouldn’t, stand with arms outstretched holding cans of food or cast iron skillets, (various sizes, depending on the age) lol
Not be allowed to go huntin or fishin with me
stuff like that

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OH MAN! That would have KILLED me when I was a kid!


That’ll do it. I’m grateful every day I grew up when I did.

Oh it did to them too! lol I went every week when they were growing up. Doing one or the other, and I’d let the boys rotate through turns to go with. Sometimes just trekking through the woods, checking tracks and such

Hell lol some weeks was almost daily!

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That was a big thing with me and the kids too. My son was the easiest one to get lined out. Just a look would suffice most of the time. My daughter, on the other hand, was the most willful kid I ever saw. But that tenacity has served her well in life. She is definitely NOT a pushover.


I hear ya there lol My boys are some hellashish guys now! They never back down from a fight lol They stand up for women, children & animals. Good men to have at your back!

They won’t start shit, but they sure can finish it! They all hate bullies.


And Lord don’t the country need a couple hundred thousand of those right now!


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Damnit cuz ya got my last one again for a bit lol


It’s a viscous loop being out of likes.

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Yeah, you get dependent on using those likes.
Oh well, we’ll be independent together!


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