MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

He was a beauty though. Actually my favorite looking plant of the six. lol
But onward and upward as they say.
I decided to top the BM x VB. I tell you what, they are a couple of Bulldogs! I mean they have some thick stems!

The ISS and Cherry AK47 are showing me the love. lol

Here is a picture of the five girls.

These are the two that I sprayed with the BBP @BudBusterPro . They were half the size of the ones behind them a week ago. I’d say that they’ve more than caught up. lol

I’ll put up more tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by the greenroom.


Looking good @MoBilly, the girls are happy.:green_heart:


They will start sucking it up. They will come around. I still use it. I just not as much as I did.


I know right @Hemp? I’m ready for it though. lol


Thanks @Greenfingers ! The LA Pure Kush is still struggling but I’m seeing improvement. She’s finally putting on some new growth that is apparent instead of so slow I wonder if there’s been a change at all. lol
I still have my fingers crossed for her. I have time for the plant to recover from whatever I did. lol


Sometimes cuz, a bit of time and LITFA is all that’s needed for most Ganja plants to recover from anything we toss at em!


That’s my hope. I have to have the lights on anyway so I’m just going to let her have whatever time she needs (to a point lol).


lol… always ‘to a point’. Then, if nothing changes, I’d just toss it and start over. lol


Is it strange that I get a little sentimental about certain plants? I mean, I actually got upset when my ISS died. It was like loosing something more than a plant… :thinking:
Yeah I must be weird. lol


lol naw cuz, I shed a tear every time I chop… (of joy!) :scream: :crazy_face: :rofl:

But really, @MoBilly, I understand truly. I get attached to a certain plant now n then, especially if I’ve done like you, and give it that extra luvin!


As long as it’s not just me. lol
I have enough oddness to add tree (or bush) hugger to the list.


I truly hate that part. I love to smoke but it looks so sweet to pull. I got to clean mine up some. The are huge. The voodoo juice, and Sensodyne. I’m sorry if I’m pronouncing it wrong. Has made them grow like trees. I swear some look like they grow over a half a foot from yesterday. The one bud is going to be two foot. If I push it. Not sure. I haven’t had any flower fuel yet. No big bud booster. Except bud candy and big bud.


Great update Mobilly!

I would concur with the point: If she is stunted feel free to drop her, healthier replacements are always available. I don’t know what happened to this one but she should be larger taller than the cherry AK at this point :thinking:


Sometimes they look like they’re not doing anything. But you will be surprised. I wouldn’t pull it just yet. I’ve had them take up to a week to recover. Maybe if you barely cut the ends of the leaves just a little bit it might encourage it some. And even if you got a dead leaf, if you go ahead and cut that it’ll start a new sprout. Sometimes when I had problems in the solo cups, I will go ahead and put them in another container. Little bit more airflow to the roots. I’ll some of the cherry ak47 in a few weeks. Not sure if for the same place.


Yeah, it’s been well over two weeks.
She’s still trucking just slow as molasses in Winter. lol
I may get another cutting but, like I said, she’s still kicking it down the road. lol We shall see. I know @herojuana.tom has my back if I need another.
Sorry Tom. Posting while stoned. :rofl:


Looks good :blush:. Definitely keeping my eye on the LAPK , we’ll all of them actually :joy:

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If she isn’t dead by now, there’s good odds she’ll survive. I’d stop trying different stuff, and leave her alone for a few days. Just medium light, decent temps and water lightly.


I agree with temperature. Warm it up some. Idk
Peace bed time.


Sleep well cuz. We probably not far behind ya, lol another couple hours and a couple bowls of rosin, should about do me in. lol


Yep. I was toasty when I posted that. lol