MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Its a long line but I’ll get to everything sooner or later. Especially the gifted seeds, I figure if someone gives me seeds when I ask for them, I’m obligated to grow them and tag them. I don’t want to hoard seed’s. I may keep a few in storage but I’ll start at least half and run them. I use the old don’t put all your eggs in the same basket, just in case something happens.


It was a good deal.


I must admit @Greenfingers , when I first came here I had no seeds to grow out. My first two grows costed my wife and I a ton of money. Lights, nutrients, grow bags, moisture meter, light meter… And then the seeds! We paid $14 a seed for the first two attempts. That was close to $200 just in seeds alone.
When I was invited to try this site I didn’t know about the free seeds that were being gifted out on here. My friend just said there were some good folks on here and the moderators were not wrapped up in their own importance and power.

I found so many generous people on here and made it my home on the net. But “all good things come to an end.” That was how I was raised. When good times are present, store up for the inevitable lean times that will be around the corner. I had read where this site was shut down for a long time once before so I snatched up a lot of seeds. I am guilty of that. lol
I have shared a lot of those but kept back some of each gift. They are all marked with the date given and who was kind enough to give me the seeds.
As I can get to them I notify the person that I have dropped the seeds they gave me. With my plant count restrictions I am limited to how fast I can get around to them but get to them I will.

I know right!? That was an awesome sale that @JohnnyPotseed put on!
As I said to Greenfingers, seed banks are too proud of their seeds. Over $10 a seed for most that I would be interested in is way too much. Thank goodness for those good ones like our friend that understand how to treat folks right. Treat your customers right and you end up with loyal friends for customers and those are the ones that you can count on to keep coming back for more. They are also more apt to spread the word of your righteous business practices just exactly as I just did.


As badly as we can use the money we generate from seed sales, I still feel bad about even the small donations we ask for them! lol I’m used to giving beans out freely. I feel my selling does a twofold service, 1, it helps our fixed income (notta lotta SS) cover the bills, and 2, also serves to give the high priced seed shops the middle finger.

Also, like you said @MoBilly. by giving good prices and service, it brings customers back for repeat business!


I gave out some seed packets to two of my friends here. They were so happy.


Happy Easter @MoBilly
And Happy Easter to everyone!


I try to spread the love as much as I can. Its only possible because of other OG’s sharing and caring. The world would be a different place if they all grew and smoked more weed.:green_heart:


Happy Holiday @MoBilly and to everyone in the greenroom :wave:t3::green_heart:


Happy Easter @BU2B ! That’s a very beautiful girl!


I honestly don’t understand why folks insist on using that name! It’s simple,
Frankenstein S1!!
Actually, I do get the ‘why’… lol that’s GrouchyOldMan’s attempt to change the name to make it ‘his’ … smh
That said, she’s a fine example of Frankenstein!


Sorry - bud not going there :v:


Good idea…


On another note, I have thrips on my plants. All of them.


Sorry, @MoBilly


You used the one-n-done spray, right? Then this happens? It doesn’t leave any residue that stops any pests. Want me to shoot ya some more?


Oh man … happy Eek Sir! :flushed:

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You did say I can use that one n done even in late flower. I think she’s going into week 6.


I’ll get some more off to ya cuz!
It does work well. But most growers, those living out in the country especially, are almost always going to need treating every couple weeks to get rid of the new ‘guest’ that will certainly appear!


I still have some brother. I’m fixing to mix it up and wanted to check on the measurement.
This is in my veg room. I didn’t spray it when I got those spider mites. I scoped the crap out of them and found none. Now I wish I had sprayed them too. They were just so little though so I was kinda afraid to.


I have to spray the flower room now too because I flipped three plants yesterday. Crap.