MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

A thorough treating still, only gets the ones actually ON the plants/ areas sprayed. The ones in the surrounding areas will eventually make their way onto plants again if unchecked.
We use it every couple weeks.


How thick do I mix it again?


1.5-2 ounces per gallon of water


OK then. If you can send me some I would appreciate it. I may have enough to make ~ 1/3 gal. That should be enough to treat the plants and right around them. I’ll need to mix up enough for the room. Would that be OK?


Rose sprayed everything she could without hitting the lights or ceilings/upper walls.
I’ll send you a bigger bottle.


Thanks man. I have some spraying to do.
Catch everyone later.


Well, that didn’t take too long. I ended up with 1/2 gal of mixed spray. I got the plants and then some. The whole room needs sprayed down but the plants should start looking better. Dang my shakiness anyway! If I could use a scope better… OH well. It is what it is and will be remedied sehr schnell. Thanks again @JohnnyPotseed !

I even used a dim flashlight and sprayed those in the flower room and around them. I even sprayed the dirt they are growing in. These blasted things have probably been giving me trouble for a while and I just thought it was nutes, watering too much…
I’ll get the hang of growing this wonderful plant someday. I’ll see the damage and know immediately what to look for.


Don’t beat yourself up on this cuz! Them pests, mites, thrips, aphids, etc are everywhere, and always a pain.To get em isn’t a big deal, to not handle em can be disastrous!


Well, my Deathrow OG x Runtz BX turned out to be a male. I’d say that this SIP bucket did alright. I got a little green going on the roots but there are a lot of strong roots on this boy. Unfortunately I don’t need a male so something else will take its place.

On another note, my Atonic is a female @TopShelfTrees1 !

I’m thinking about bumping up the Nitrogen just a bit but she’s not doing bad considering all the spraying I had to do to get rid of those thrips. Man I hope they are good and gone.


Too bad death row had to walk the line, but that Atomic looks FANTASTIC! Beautiful plant Mobilly. Fingers crossed that the thrips are gone :angry:


I hope yer done with the bug’s Mo, I’ve been fighting something too. Im making some one & done from the formula posted on the site. Thanks @JohnnyPotseed, I have everything but the everclear, and my bud has some in his fridge.


Thanks @herojuana.tom . I am really happy with the way this SIP system is working out.

I only had a little of the one-n-done concentrate and I mixed it too thin. There will be more on the way but I got some Safer soap. That knocked them back but I still see eggs. As soon as I get more one - n - done they’re done.


I must have missed this post. That was right when I saw those thrips. I wasn’t thinking about much else. lol

Thank you.


You have that Arber pesticide in your shed too! I would use it for a soil drench.

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How thick would you mix it? I thought about using something to address the soil but I know there’s good bacteria… in that soil that is worth preserving.

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Arber pesticide contains an insect-toxic bacterial isolate, it shouldn’t affect other bacteria. They grow a huge batch of bacteria which produce this particular toxin, in a process similar to manufacturing spinosad, and then they kill the bacteria in the batch with heat so you can’t just buy a bottle and grow your own nor spray once and be inoculated :sweat_smile: All we need to do is add 2.5oz per gallon and water it in. My bottle has a fold-out that says to add 5oz per gallon to make a soil drench and water each plant with 1/4 cup and that was what I did to successfully get rid of fungus gnats. A buddy of mine has successfully used it against root aphids too… it is pretty good stuff to have in ones arsenal IMO


Thanks. :slight_smile:
I got mine from mom. It might have had a foldout at one time.


Oh! This might help… here is a pic just in case. For soil drench it’s 5 Tbsp/gal. Burkholderia spp strain A396 has been approved for cannabis use in at a minimum California and Oregon…and Commiefornia is pretty strict with its regulations :laughing:


Amen ! Although I must say CDFA (Calif Dept of Food and Ag) is very responsive to phone calls and will assist wherever they can with compliance questions !


Thanks @herojuana.tom .
I saved it. :+1:t4: