MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Love it when I’m outta likes but I’m high so I just keep clicking the heart :heart: :joy:


I’m soooo glad I’m not the only one!!!
:grinning: :+1:t4:


@MoBilly I’m about five hundred posts in on reading this thread and I must say I’m enjoying it very much. Makes for a good read. Like looking back in time. Takeaway so far is u r way too modest Man U grow some lovely flowers. And have a great sense of humor. I’m laughing and learning :+1:


Thanks @GallacreekD66 ! I have always been my worst critic. That’s a solid gold fact. lol
It’s been a wild ride through this one. Thanks for the reading. Hang around if you’ve a mind to.
You’re more than welcome to.


see, brother? lol I’m not the only one saying that you’re too modest! Luv yer plants and also your modesty!


Now, y’all are gonna make me blush. :slight_smile:

lol please… take a pic of this!

There I go again, lol typing while stoned!

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The closest few leaves on that Frankie look like little hands reaching out for that shirt! :joy:

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Where’s the bashful blush? lol Is that a naturally ruddy complexion?
(looking good, my friend!)

lol ya long haired hippie! oh wait, lol or is that me, a long haired hippie… :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:

lol I got turned down for service at a grocery store in Arkansas in the mid 70s. They said, we only serve our customers’… I said, ‘well what am I, if not a customer’? The reply… ‘a hippie’!


Of note, my outdoor Frankie finally has some flowers on her and WOW! I love that smell. I haven’t had those terps in a long time :yum: I can’t wait to try her.


Looking good @MoBilly, those shirts are sweet!

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I believe that lol. I love my state and the natural beauty here and don’t get me wrong ALOT of good folks here but there are a lot of back-assward assholes as well. Maybe that way other places too just know around here. And sad to say but a lot in my family :disappointed: raised around and loved some awful racist ppl but thankfully I knew better at a young age


Thanks @Natea . My wife made me straighten up for the picture. lol
She even made me brush out my beard! I had some chocolate chip cookie crumbs in there that were supposed to be my midnight snack.
Now I’ll have to get up out of bed to find something. How inconvenient.


I spent more time over the years in 4 states, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Them 4 were my ‘stomping grounds’ lol Married a gal from Pine Bluff in the 70s


We woke up straight and said did we get married? Lol still friends, but the annulment was fast! Lol


Yeah man those crumbs were a second dessert! :grin:

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I ain’t gonna show a pic of mine! lol @MoBilly gonna wanna come over here n pick my beard! These are all mine, saving for later. Get yer own midnight snak Mo! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:
:Rose made strawberry and angel food cake with home made whipped cream for desert yesterday, and I just finished it off!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
too funny!!

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Hey brother, Rose’s homemade angel food cake is heavenly! Better than any store bought stuff! Toss some diced strawberries and homemade whipped cream on it, and just try to keep me from it! lol