MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Thanks @JohnnyPotseed
I’m going to be thinning them out but I have some work to do on my flower room first. I’m thinking all that growth is kinda keeping them shorter for a little while longer.
I’ll thin them out ina bit and then flip around two weeks later.


You might find the roots too much for the pot,(rootbound) as the reason for not being very tall. You see the growth on that SHE BEAST, at just a couple days over 3mo 2wk old.

That’s exactly what happened. I just uppotted to 5 and 7.5 gallon bags. They were very much root bound. I took part of the root ball when I transplanted them. Possibly 3/4"


Since you mention it though. I have noticed that my plants always seem to be slow vegging compared to most. I can’t understand why but it’s undeniable. I have good lights. The room has humidity spikes but I don’t think that would slow them down too awful much…
It’s a head scratcher and an irritation as well. lol


There can be several reasons for that, or a combination, even. I’m sure you’ll get things dialed in the more you grow. Your plants look super, brother.

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I can’t see a thing wrong with your plants @MoBilly…on the contrary, I think they usually look pretty damn good!


I agree, they do, cuz! We’re just talking about the growth (height) more than anything. Smaller plants are just as good as bigger, as long as they’re healthy, is the main thing.

Also, lol the longer they veg, the bigger they will get… So if they’re not big enough for ya @MoBilly lol just let em veg longer!


These have been topped around four times. LOL
They’re super thick. And when I do that final thinning I will be brutal and only keep the very best branches to let grow. Things should get interesting at that time.


Thanks @CanuckistanPete . :slight_smile:
I suppose I will, possibly, never stop being my own worst critic. lol


Looking great @MoBilly! Short but dense is the way I like them.

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Thanks @herojuana.tom
If they turn out the way I imagine, they’ll be around 4.5’ tall. @JohnnyPotseed said to top the hell out of them. Three of the five in that room are Frankenstein’ so I have been clipping them back like crazy. lol


So this is the thing with fabric pots. They don’t really get root bound but rather the roots get air pruned. The result is similar as plant size is limited by pot size to a degree but the plants stay healthier without the actual root bound symptoms. You can still veg as long as you want, but if the plant stalls in upward growth it’s time to repot. Wow! That’s probably my one useful snippet of knowledge. Y’all may have known that already but…… it’s my one snippet and I’m gonna throw it around! :joy:
Your plants look great! @MoBilly I love fabric pots personally. :fist:t3:
Not sure why I responded to JP. I guess I’m just pushing buttons over here! :joy:


I hate ‘disappearing likes’!!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re-potting them is a breeze. Just pull them off like a sock. I put a metal pot, that is the right size, upside down on the table then just pull it down and over the pot. They pull off like a sock with no damage whatsoever.


Yup! I use a 1 gallon paint can for my three gallons!
Also nursery bags are the shit! Come in all sizes. No need to remove. The roots grow right through. I’m using them for autos now to save space early on. Instead of transplanting I’m just transferring to a bigger pot.

AC Infinity Nursery Bags 1…

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I am eager to see what those Frankenstein do in 7.5 gallon bags.
Some of the new clones are going in SIP buckets. I’m thinking for sure the VB. I’m going to be topping x10 on her. I can only run one of them due to available space but she’ll have a giant SIP that I’m designing. I posted a long time ago about running one lengthwise along the floor. lol It won’t be this one but I will make that happen someday. If I have to I’ll build another room. lol Been there, done that.


lol here ya go, brother :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I use bags. I start every thing in them.

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I bet they would work well in a SIP system.

They are pretty cool. @Hemp I had my doubts the roots would grow through. They’re fairly durable for what they are. Roots pop through no problem. :+1:t3:
I’m gonna keep using them where my situation calls for it! :slightly_smiling_face: