MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I don’t see why the wouldn’t. They bottom water just fine. I noticed if you turn them inside out and fill them they stand better on their own and hold water in better than a regular fabric pot. Surprised they bottom water so well. The water retention is cool if you use peat based soil. Less runoff if it goes hydrophobic on ya. :+1:t3:

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They go through them pretty easy. Easy with auto’s.

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Looking good @MoBilly, nice bushes. You look dialed in buddy.:green_heart:


Thanks @Greenfingers . :slight_smile:
With a little help from my friends. lol

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Everything looks great @MoBilly!
How long do you think the flower time is going to be on the VB?

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@buck90 ,
I’m guessing… :thinking:
A little more than a long time…
I’ll be relying on friends. hint hint @Guitarzan . lol


One thing you should be able to count on, brother. Now that you moved em into 5 & 7.5 gal containers, there’ll be a good growth spurt, in height as well as outward, since ya fimmed em so much!

You can well end up with something along the lines of that thing I have going, lol


I want bushes but hedges will work too. lol

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After they get a bit more height, if you spread their wings, the two of em side by side…you’ll have a jungle lol

Hell brother, for that matter… you can start tying em down to train em now.

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That’s the plan. I’m going to spread them and about any branch that points down or any that are not showing good growth will be removed. Then I’ll let them reach up for a little while before I flip the plants.


Don’t do it! @MoBilly Its a trap! You’ll run outta property to keep those monsters! :joy: Nah! But for real…. Be careful! :wink:


If I have to I’ll take out the ceiling and grow to the rafters. :slight_smile:

Ummm. that was a joke.
I get your point though. lol

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If the start getting to tall, you can always use p[liers and pinch/crush the stems, then bend/tie down. You WILL want to flip soon, they have a growth spurt that pretty much doubles., … during flower cycle.

I already know I’ve gone entirely too long in the veg for this gal. lol I’ll have to break the tallest stems down and bend em way over, once they go into flowering.


I’ve been bending, breaking, convincing, etc. for quite a while on them. I’ll be using bamboo to spread them out when the time comes but a lot of branches are already trained to run horizontally.


Use bigger bamboo than did, lol I only had small diameter bamboo and she shrugged that off, popping the tape I used at each notched end of the spreader bars.
She also bent one in half. lol too thin of bamboo.


I’ve anchored coat hanger wire to the bags before and made a “rack” of sorts to bind the girls to. I’ll keep them under control. Or it won’t be from lack of trying. lol


Wire clotheshangers should do the job. If not try doubling em

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I bent the tops of my Frankie fem clones last night. It was all I could do to get it done. They just bent 180 and I had to squeeze the two now touching parts of stem together pretty darn hard just to get a little snap. :joy: Frankie don’t care! Pliers are highly recommended!


@MoBilly how you been doing dude?


Merry Christmas to you and yours my friend @MoBilly