Thanks @ColeLennon . I appreciate that.
Awesome @MoBilly , things are ramping up for sure, gonna be some great bud in no time…
Thanks @Mrgreenthumb . I’m excited to see just how big that CY can grow them. lol
I have already figured out that she will have to have some support.
Looking good Mo. Can’t wait to see them after they are dry.
Lookin’ good @MoBilly…real good!
Them gals are starting to really get impressive there @MoBilly !!
My brother!!! You’re killing it!!!
You have a stunning garden again @MoBilly congrats. That AP is gonna be killer, by the looks of her. Good job.
In my area a lot of bigger companies have downsized a lot this year and some have even packed it in all because it’s impossible to find good workers. I was just talking to a foreman at another company yesterday who said he had one guy who lasted 3 days. Swore he had experience and then couldn’t get the mower out of the trailer, misses a ton of stuff weedwhacking. He pulled him aside yesterday to tell him he missed stuff and the kid started saying “you’re wasting my time, we’re on my time here” and shit like that giving him a ton of attitude. The foreman called the boss and told him to come take the guy home and when they were leaving he said “for what it’s worth man I’m sorry it didn’t work out and good luck”. The kid responded with “I’ll lay hands on you right now motherfucker”.
I absolutely dread hitting the point where I need to hire a helper and my days hinge on whether they show up or not.
That would not have ended well. I take threats seriously. Don’t sing it! Bring it!
Well the guy I was talking to is a giant pussy so that wasn’t an option I’ve actually seen this guy answer a threat with “Yeah well I’ll call the cops” said in the same tone as someone trying to be tough
I’ve been neglecting my plants it seems.
I’m seeing this midway up on the plant. These two AP are the worst examples and only a few leaves but the CC and the OG x GG4 RIL have a few that are developing that yellow.
I’m thinking it is Nitrogen deficiency. What say you guys?
Oh yeah and here’s a picture of my thirsty girls.
In the back corner, you can see that I bent that top over on the OG x GG4 RIL.
Magnesium def maybe. You could try adding Epsom salts when you water or foliar feed. See what happens.
I use Epsom salt every other watering at on 1tsp/gal and Molasses on the days I don’t use Epsom.
Well guess you can rule that out.
Today I added some Cha Ching and Beastie Bloomz to the mix at 1/3tsp/gal. All the yellow leaves are thinned out so I will know if any new leaves begin to turn.
Nitrogen def yellowing usually starts at the bottom.
I am doing things a little differently than I have in the past. Instead of feeding close to a full dose every other watering, I have been feeding half “suggested” dosage every watering. They had been doing well so I figured I was dialed in and golden.
Im sure it will be ok. You will figure it out.
Oh yeah. They aren’t bad at all. I just want to jump quickly but not too high. lol
I have seen with the led lights, calcium is needed at a higher rate. Calcium def usually starts in the middle