MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Maybe if I drink like a fish for a few years my new liver will work out better for me…
See… That’s me thinking outside of the box.


probably not a good idea lol

That’s going to hurt :joy:

That’s what I told my kids about booze. They didn’t believe me either!

I didn’t listen either. Between alcohol and coke I’m missing my 20’s

I never had a problem with drinking. A little was fun but a little more and, not so much.
I never really had any problems with anything like that until I got hurt. Pain pills are a bitch. I can tell you all about that.


Good night my friends. This old fart’s gotta hit the rack.
It’s been fun and I’m glad to be back.


I never got into pills. I have watched a lot of my friends struggling with them. It all eventually takes you to the same place
Good night everyone

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True story @Emeraldgreen .

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Yeah I’m hitting the hay too. Night all

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Night @Natea .


Goodnight cuz
I’m not back for long either

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106 posts about music, yoga and mushrooms. And no mention of Pink Floyd. WTF!


You might with that kind.

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Get ‘em Floyd.


The side effects. Tramadol makes me angry.

Good morning @moBilly. Good morning everyone

Good morning @Emeraldgreen . :slight_smile:

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So… How do I get rid of white flies on flowers? I read that they gather around plants with too high Nitrogen levels so I’ve flushed the girls just now but I need to stop this before it gets out of control.
Thanks all.
These are on my BC not the Frankenstein plants. They’re in opposite ends of the house and I always tend to the Frankies first, then change shirts and wash up my arms before going into the other room. How them little bastards got in there is a mystery. That room is sealed tighter than my Aunt Betty’s purse.


That sucks. Did you bring in new dirt?

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