MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

And that’s why I didn’t go overboard making hash.
If I were a cursing man…


My guess is they came in on some firewood. I stack my wood right near the entrance to my grow. I am going to have a complete rebuild of my grow in the Spring. It expanded due to necessity and not much thought went into redundant cleanliness protocols… That will be changed.


I think that’s what happened to me last year. When I blew down around my area. Sorry to see that.


I am sorry to hear about the un-wanted friends that decided to move in. :frowning_face:


That feeling sucks, I lost 8 plants at nearly 7wks into flower… so close. I dont think ill mentally recover, ever lol


With Spider Mites, it’s never been a question of ‘IF’, but rather ‘WHEN’. It’s what you do after them F’ers are spotted that matters.


Arrrrrgh! I just got rid some myself… my eyes are so bad I thought they were little bits of coco for a while, d’oh!

The webbing can be real hard to get rid of, especially on sticky girls, and it’s almost always on the nicest tops :frowning: I’ve just tossed them, but a good H2O2 wash can get rid of the bodies, and most eggs.

Not much consolation, nor an endorsement, but I know I’ve smoked much worse than mite eggs back in the 60’s when I had to buy weed… plus, they are vegans, lol!


The alcohol works pretty good. So does hydrogen peroxide. A shop vac helps get rid of them a little bit. I don’t have a problem smoking it. I’ve seen where some people put it in the freezer. I’m very sorry that happened to you. I had a bag years ago. I was out and was looking in my stuff and found a small bag. It had stuff moving in it. Not sure how. I smoked it. I got so high. Don’t know what bugs they were.


That is the sad truth. They are so easy to get.

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I would defoliate them right down to just buds

Or try this…no chemicals what so ever and nothing a good bud wash couldn’t cure …

Couple weeks ago I had a Infestation of them on my strawberry plant same room as my plants …
Carefully took that sucker and plopped it in the snow …sprayed the ladies once and it irradiated the problem…

I’m sure you Inspected them like Sherlock…
Taking the leafs away will leave less places to lay eggs …

I swear mine came from undewatering and low humidity …once I increased both it seemed to weave in with the other solutions


I’m not too sure about smoking them but I am considering something Johnny suggested. I think I’ll make hash. Two are at 6 1/2 weeks and two are at 7 1/2 weeks. They’ll have something worth hashing out.

I guess I named this thread the right thing. Let’s see how many times I can get back in the saddle!!!


I can’t count the times over the years lol One thing or the other, but not getting back in the saddle has never been an option!


don’t look back !
You’re not headed that way anyway .


Sorry to hear about the mites. That’s a real punch in the gut. Devil’s advocate here, but with hash, you really get the quality of the material you put in. If you aren’t hard up for smoke or hash, is it worth getting some of the gross spider mite material potentially mixed in to your final product if you choose to use those early harvested buds?


True words. I might as well call it a loss. It’s my frugal nature to not waste anything but health trumps most things.
I guess I’ll treat the whole greenroom with bleach water and take the chance to make a few mods in the room.
Then I’ll move on with a new plan. Since I only have the two Peanut Butter Breath and my seedlings that are still domed to worry about, I won’t have to rush.
The clones I had going never truly perked up. I believe it was due to my never having messed with rock wool. I might have taken too much of that off when I put them in dirt. I’m giving some new cuttings a try. More on that after they get here.
Yep. This thread is truly named correctly. lol
How many times can MoBilly get back in the saddle.


When you plant rockwool into dirt, you need to make sure the cube doesn’t dry out as the cut is establishing.
Maybe just put a little splash directly on the rockwool


Yeah, talking with my friend, I figured out that hat’s probably where I went wrong. I won’t make that mistake again. Thanks.


It might not be to late. Give them a splash. I’d add seaweed if possible


I think I’ll write it off and turn this problem into an opportunity to get my ducks in a dang row. That’s what I’ll do.


Sounds like it’ll save you headaches down the road. :+1::+1:

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