MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I, for one, always appreciate seeing your updates @MoBilly. Each and every one of these selections sounds fantastic! I am really hopeful that you get some blueberry flowers, and GDP is usually always a winner too. Have a great day!


Thanks @herojuana.tom !
I’m starting to get things done around the Green room now. I’m taking my time to get the environment tuned in as close as that room is capable of being.
I have it mapped out. Now comes the labor.


Do you have some sort of temp/humidity sensor that has a built-in memory? Looking at trends really helps to better understand what is going on and allows an analysis of the effects of any changes made. I have one for each separate space, including one for the lung space, so I can see whats happening in each room and the space in general.


Excellent lineup your starting. Way to roll with the punches like a pro!

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No, I have temp control without the capability of seeing hourly. My only humidity control is the dehumidifier and watching the RH daily to see if the lung room needs added moisture. Then I’ll crank up the humidifier for a while.
It’s basic but it works. lol


I use these, and find them absolutely indispensable.

13 bucks each/2 for 26. Best. Investment. Ever. There is only a phone app, though.

Among other things, the graphed data from these allowed me to determine that I need my fans to run constantly, the best setting for my dehumidifier, the best speed to set my exhaust fan to maintain a more stabile environment, and also helped me tune in my heat unit. All these allowed me to minimize all the swings I was incurring and helped me achieve one of my best harvests in a long while.


I have the basic model of that. It shows the max and the minimum the temp and RH have been since I reset it last but it doesn’t keep a running log of what’s going on. I reset it about every day but I’ll look into the Bluetooth version.
Thanks @herojuana.tom


Different brand, but looks exactly the same as I have in both rooms.
I don’t use any app though lol Just look at them to see what I need


:raised_hands: That definitely works too. For years, I had kept manual logs of my readings. Yet once I saw the graphs of the plotted data from my first device, I was amazed at how much variance my space was experiencing throughout the day and night and it allowed me to more easily assess the effects of the changes I was making. I used it to dial in my environment towards the suggested VPD ranges for cannabis and feel that the higher awareness of “the force” :joy: (my environment’s fluctuations that the graphs allowed me to observe), assisted me with dialing in my VPD levels and has resulted in a boost to, and more stability in, my final product quality.


Sweet line up. Love the names.


You need a little cheap tent. I know times are tuff. I have a 4x4 I might stop using. Wood sucks up the Rh. But cedar helps with bugs. It does hurt to spray neem oil on the floors. Just like the bug man. I spray around my house with it. My dog loves to dig. That stops her.


Yes I do. I’m thinking about going ahead and buying a tent when I can.

Good morning all you good folks!
I’m not going to be on much today because it’s our 41st anniversary.
I can’t believe that I found someone who could, or would want to, put up with me for 42 years. It took me a year to quit dodging what was good for me. LOL.
I’m thinking she has to be a Saint in training.
Be Blessed beyond measure and know that you are.


41 years hot damn brother …we r on our 4th but time is flying by …it’s easy for that to happen when you’re enjoying it …

Happy anniversary to you and the wife!


Awesome @MoBilly Well done. Congrats!


Thank you my friends!


Happy anniversary enjoy your day.


Thank you @ShiskaberrySavior .


I really hadn’t gotten that far into this thing here lol I guess I should, lol but things stay pretty consistent here, so no need really