Moon phases and growing cannabis

What I ment when i said there was no money to be made by it was from a capitalist point of view you cant sell it for x amount of dollars per gallon so why waste research on something thats not going to make some rich company richer.

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Yeah but don’t phd candidates choose what they want to research for their thesis? I find it near impossible that not one single PhD thesis was written on a very real and long-standing agricultural belief.

We can test it empirically if we’re willing to sacrifice enough seeds. It’s just a matter of amassing enough data to support the tidal forces idea

Seriously tho. The light reflected by the moon might be minuscule, but what the hell does a newborn seedling know about light intensity? It’s like the first time you ever had ice cream, or pizza. It didn’t have to be very good to be very good


From the top link i posted…What we do know is that moonlight, while generally similar to the sunlight it reflects, shifts a bit towards the infrared (see above spectral graph, from CIRA, at Colorado State University) and also has some gaps that may be linked to the presence of traces of sodium in the lunar “atmosphere”7. This makes moonlight not just a less intense version of sunlight—it is somewhat qualitatively different, too. Dr. Guerrini has speculated that the rhythmic, additional irradiation from moonlight is an important adjunct to the growth and metabolism of healthy plants: not only have we seen change in growth and leaf movements, but also in patterns of starch storage (highest in the waning phase) and utilization (highest in the days before the full moon). These effects, along with preliminary documentation of immune deficiency and poor wound healing from moonlight-deprived plants, encourage us to think of moonlight as an important part of a plant’s overall “nutrition”. Interestingly, this “nutrition”8 seems to be more a modulation of bio-electric activity rather than a source of photosynthetic energy.


Lol we may all be planting and harvesting according to the moon for other reasons tho. When its my wifes time of the month im looking for anything to do that doeant involve being in thw i planted seeds this last cycle and will probably be harvesting in three monthes when she is going thru another


please re send your message i will get back with you in a few days going out of town

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Hello from several years out.

Here is a post I made that touches on this subject.

Rudolf Steiner’s protege, Alan Chadwick and his Grow Biointensive method were proponents of a lunar cycle based planting, transplanting and harvesting technique that has, anecdotally for me at least, showed definitive advantages over random methods.

Steiner’s lectures, compiled in a tome named “Agriculture”, sparked the biodynamic movement.
One day I’ll have the time to read the whole thing as from the first page it looks like a saucy scandalous good time.
And that’s not even touching the “Preps”!

“But, lo and behold, Frau Prof. Schleiden rebelled. She preferred the indications of Prof. Fechner to those of her own husband. And so indeed it is. Science may be perfectly correct. Real life, however, often cannot afford to take its cue from the “correctness” of science!”

Found a pdf.

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I never did really understand that moonlight on plants is fine but everyone worries about light leaks. Why can light leaks hermi your plants but bright moon light wont?


I thought the same thing in regards to light leaks but if you get into deep esoterica like herbology/alchemy its not the actual light of the moon which effects an operation such as the growth of a plant but its the magnetic properties of that light, because the moon light is of a different nature than that of a grow light or our Sun. Dont know the mainstream science behind it but something like that


Moon gravity and lunar phases aren’t the same thing.

People act like Moon gravity affects plants because of tidal forces but forget that tidal forces are twice daily, irrespective of lunar cycle.

Apogee and Perigee aren’t even necessarily related to visibility.

I should make it clear I’m on your side, these things suggest the Moon cycle has no effect on plants.

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Same guy started Biodynamics. Fancy word for Snake Oil.

What is the fascination with this Steiner guy and burying cowhorns filled with manure and crystals?

If the same guys who recommend burying a cowhorn stuffed with shit to solve my problems as recommend moon cycle planting I’m gonna say this is nonsense.


Of course you will, allknowingness.
My posts are just there to piss you off since your limited experience with actual matters qualifies you to shit on anything and everything that doesn’t make sense to your puny mind.


And magnetism is a part of that bio-electric activity.
The Magnetic field alignment of the Moon with the Sun at both the New and Full Moon has a demonstrable effect on a plant’s growth cycles.

The other planets position in relation to the Earth and Sun also have effects on Earth too.

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I’d happily crap into a cow’s horn, stuff it with quartz, and sell it to you, as Biodynamics recommends. It’ll totally align your plant’s chakras. It’s laden with bio-magnetic-feedback-holistic-biodynamic energy, triple vegan, and possibly homeopathic.

$300 USD.

How do people fall for this stuff? Sucker/mark born every minute. Please do not waste your time and money on anything related to Biodynamics. It is a fraud. It’s like Plant Scientology.

Sorry if I can’t wrap my puny mind around Biodynamics Preparation 502, which is even weirder.
Deer urinary bladders stuff with yarrow.

Preparation 505: Oak bark stuffed inside an animal’s skull.

I honestly do not understand how a person could believe this.

Don’t take my word for it please go look this up.

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I told you already to not get me started on the Preps.
The Preps and how they benefit are things that are totally beyond your comprehension.
Better go back to watching CNN.


No, I definitely want to hear about your mystic crap horns and deer bladders stuffed with flowers.

I too use a magic mystical substance to make my plants grow better. It’s called “fertilizer”.

Stuffing a skull with bark and burying it won’t fix your problems because, and I need you to hear this above all else, magic isn’t real.

Stir in some eye of newt, a drop of your blood, and a rat’s tail, and you might be onto something.

Unless you can savvy this, you will never know.


So why waste my time?

In case anyone was wondering 13 out of 13


Kirlian photograph. Beloved by pseudoscientists such as yourself.

“Kirlian’s experiments did not provide evidence for an energy field other than the electric fields produced by chemical processes and the streaming process of coronal discharges”
Corona Discharge Photography, Journal of Applied Sciences, 1973

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It is weird how certain numbers seem to play into your mind as though they were speaking to you.
For me it was license plates.
I used to drive a lot in rush hour traffic and often numbers on those plates used to sorta leap out at me, grabbing my attention.
At first I tried to puzzle out what significance they might have.
Most cars in MI have 3 letter, 3 number plates,
Then one day a number popped up, got my attention and right then there was an ad on the radio for a lottery jackpot with the expected jackpot starting with those same 3 numbers plus 6 more 0’s!
There was no way to translate those 3 numbers into the 6 needed to win so i bought a 3 straight 3 box ticket using it …and won almost $300!

Then it got crazy, I started “seeing” numbers everywhere but not with the same attention grabbing power that that winner had.

Lost all those winnings quick, then a couple hundred more, then stopped it cold turkey.
For years.

Al little while later another plate number really got my attention and I was quick enough to notice the difference and won again.

I’m still up a few grand from that but this lockdown has me off the road pretty much nowadays.
My early losses have taught me that whatever or whenever I “notice” a number, it isn’t by willing or wishing it.
It just happens.
And the trick is you have to be quick enough to notice.

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And that’s it for that, right allknowingness?
File it away, close your eyes, go to sleep.
Saves you from having to notice what you’re seeing.
