More Legroom: SC Blue Dream, Purple Urkle, Old Soul, Super Yahmba

Alright here we go, this run has been a long time in coming, and today we’ve officially started the machine. Before anything else I wanna throw a huge amount of love to @schmarmpit for sharing the Purple Urkle and SC Blue Dream cuts with me. Getting those cuts was the catalyst for this run taking place instead of some seed work that I had lined up, as soon as those things had roots everything else I had planned took a step back to make room. I’ve been holding onto these all summer waiting for everything to finish up in the flower tent. As of this morning, thunder cats are go. I just ate a hash rosin gummy so I’ll try to be brief and stay as linear as possible and lay all this shit out for y’all.

Schmarm sent me the BD and PU cuts while I was in the middle of my Kailash run. If memory serves I had already popped the Super Yahmba seeds I got from Build A Soil’s patreon giveaway, and was holding the MOB cut that I had gotten from my accidental win in HeadieGardens discord auction. So there was a long wait ahead of them as the Kailash run finished and I flowered out the MOB cut and did a small pheno hunt through the SY seeds. Add to that that I panicked and cracked a pack of Rebel Grown’s 5G purple when I thought I was going to be without enough plants for this years outdoor, which I then needed to flower out and make more seeds of too. Bottom line is that these things sat in veg for quite a while. As of this morning I cut down the way oversized moms that I had going and planted the rooted cuts into my two earthboxes, here’s what we look like as of this morning:

So nice, so neat, so tidy. Some were between then and now I got a cut of Bodhi’s Old Soul from a local friend of mine, and after running through the Super Yahmba I had one pheno out of three that I really wanted to see grown again properly, instead of a 1 gallon bagged sample sized plant. So that brings us to this lineup of 4:

My plan is to flip these things early since I know from watching the veg that some of these things get big fast, so as soon as I see some growth on these I’m gonna pull the trigger, scrog everything out and watch the fun. The gummy is hitting me and I’m losing my train of though here, but the bottom line is big love to the homies who I got the cuts from, big love to anyone who wants to come hang out and see what all happens here, I’m fired up to see all of this flower!! :heart::v:t2::heart:


Excited to see! This should be a good one to follow.

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:sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :metal: :metal:

here for this :raising_hand_man:t3:


Awesome! Definitely down for the show . Itching to grow out the blue dream myself as it’s been a long time since I’ve smoked her and Sc Is THE cut imo!


Very cool lineup! I’ll hang around for the show. How high up do you start the scrog?

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I’ll kinda let the plants decide when it comes time to flip, I know the super yahmba and the the blue dream grow wicked fast, so I wanna set it up that it’ll curb their height but still allow the Urkle, and the old soul to hit it and spread out. Basically a shoot from the hip call haha


Ooooh a nice fresh journal! Thanks for the tag, I’m glad to be following along.
That Urkle will be slow as molasses in winter. Best have a booster seat ready for her.


Yea man, you’re not kidding about that. I had heard all the reports of Urkle being a slow vegger and damned if they aren’t spot on, she is S-L-O-W. I considered flowering out the mom I had going in her 5 gal but I figured I’d rather have her in a better volume of soil to get the best look at the flower, even if the yield sufffers a bit from being out of sync with the other plants. My plan is essentially to top/bend everything else to try to keep the Urkle somewhat close, but really the end goal is just to sample the flower to see if I wanna keep here in the mom tent. Not hard to see how/why we got to GDP from that Urkle :joy::joy: anything to speed her up! But glad to have you aboard schmarm. Thank you again for your generosity


Morning y’all, quick update here, here’s what all the ladies are lookin like:

And the individuals, clockwise from the bottom left.

Purple Urkle:

Super Yahmba:

SC Blue Dream:

Old Soul:

Plans are to fill the reservoirs tomorrow for the first time now that I’m tracking some growth. Also planning to chuck a handful of gypsum into each one to help keep the calcium levels in the right zone, hoping to see these things take off and get ready for flip shortly thereafter. While the Urkle seems to be living up to its reputation of vegging painfully slowly, it does feel like it’s been moving slightly faster in the earthbox, hoping that the reservoir full will lay on the gas even more. Hope everyone having a good weekend. Big love :heart::v:t2:


I got an Urkle cut too recently. Following along to see how it goes. I have one chucked in the flower tent hit with Highland Guerrero pollen and another one vegging for sensi. Would love a shot at that BD one day. Hear thats real nice smoke.


What’s up fam, quick little one shot photo update here. Garden is chugging along. Filled the reservoirs for the first time midweek last week, and everyone took a jump in size from the last post. As predicted the Urkle remains the smallest/slowest, with the Super Yahmba close behind. The Blue Dream and the Old Soul however seem to be in a bit of a race for the top spot. As of this morning I gave their EB res its second fill. Probably going to start training and trellising them to try to keep the canopy as close to some semblance of even as I possibly can, but I’m making my peace internally with the fact that sizes might be all over the place here

Both boxes got 4-4-4 Dr earth and EWC top dresses at transplant and I hit em both again this morning, but included a handful of gypsum as well. Hoping to get to the store this week sometime if I can to pickup trellis net and more EWC. After I start to get the canopy in a good spot we’ll be looking at a flip in the near future. Stay tuned, Be good y’all :heart::v:t2:


Your gonna like the BD. I have flowered her twice now, and about to throw her in
Again next round. All around good taste and smoke. She’s nice to smoke fresh but a good long cure is worth it. I’ll be following along my brudda :slight_smile:



I’ve heard great reports so I’m stoked to see what’s up. I don’t really get a chance to try most of the hyped cali varieties where I live so I’m stoked to get the chance to check it out and make up my own mind about it. Happy to have you along for the ride my friend :v:t2:


Got to the store today so we’re trellised up:



good luck with the grow @LegsMahoney

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Trellis is down :joy::joy::joy::joy: I had to go in today to mist the tops of the boxes and remembered what a pain in the ass it was to work around that fucking netting. I’ll just stake em.


Also, flipped to flower today. Realized it’s been like 22 days since transplant and don’t want overrun the boxes, time to get the show on the road


Hey @LegsMahoney what size tote/earthbox are they in? You running bagged soil or living soil? I made some sips and amended some bag soil, I made a few 12 gal sips I was wondering if planting 2 plants in one would be too much. Planning on finding out soon🤟🏻

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@seeds2weeds these are just the regular earthboxes, not the juniors or anything. The soil is build a soil light on its second cycle. In between cycles I grew a cover crop and chopped and dropped it and then just reamend and topdress throughout the cycle. As far as putting two plants in these I don’t think it’s the ideal but I’ve gotten away with it last run by just flipping to flower earlier so the plants don’t outrun the box. I keep some blue gold on hand though to supplement nutrients in flower if they look like they’re going to our pace the biology in the box, which may well be the case this time around, we’ll see soon enough I’m sure


Top dress day! Couple handfuls of 4-4-4 to finish out my last bag of dr. Earth amendments. Couple handfuls of the dr earth bloom formula, a pinch of gypsum and like 2-3 cups of EWC for good measure, trying like hell to keep the batteries charged for these girls. Also went from this:

To this:

A little bit of defoliation and super cropping to keep everyone slightly tamed if not even across the board. It never fails that when I’m super cropping I’ll go slightly too hard on one plant, in the case the poor little Urkle got it. Snapped a branch damn near clean in half. Tape it back together with some masking tape, fingers crossed she heals herself, one day I’ll learn to be gentle :joy: