More Legroom: SC Blue Dream, Purple Urkle, Old Soul, Super Yahmba

Fuckin A guys, it’s been a minute here. Had a little bit of a rough go of it recently, work has been a shitshow and then the family caught COVID right before the holidays. On top of that I’ve been having some really intense ongoing back pain, so I’ve been slacking on updates, but the girls are headed for the finish line in style:

The fade on the Super Yahmba is fuckin beautiful with those leaves turning so purple they’re almost black, then on some of the lowers the stems and leaves have stayed green but the flowers have gone super dark purple, she’s a looker for sure

The Urkle is looking beautiful despite not having proper access to the light because of the SY overtaking it, and it being seeded from the autoflower pollen in the adjacent tent. She smells like grape flinstones vitamins and I can’t wait to smoke her to see how the effects are, seeds be damned. For sure going to run her again, properly next time, so that I can see what she’s really about, and have some proper headstash:

The blue dream is living up to its reputation as an absolute beast of a plant, throwing huge colas and needing a lot of support to not topple over under its own weight. Beautiful spicy blueberry scents coming off of her:

And finally, possibly the most unique terps in the tent belong to the Old Soul, this one smells like lemon pledge and black pepper and I’m fucking here for it! Good sized spears on this one, she got a little over run by the BD, but it still coming together nicely:

Big lessons for this run have been:

  1. Be careful with cultivar selection when putting multiple plants in one EB. Probably would have been fine with like two varieties of similar size etc. but putting one stretcher with one squatter is a recipe for one plant to be underwhelming. I think moving forward unless I’m familiar with the finished size of a plant it’s a one plant per box equation. That being said I think I’d be fine to put two Urkle cuts together to really fill out a box.

  2. Pollen contamination is real, and controlling it is exactly as hard as everyone says. Don’t fuck around trying to do two things at once. If it’s a pollination, let it be a pollination. Trying to run sensi next to a pollination just isn’t going to fly.

Pretty sure everything in there is at least lightly seeded with some of the Night Owl Chemmunity service pollen, which, as I understand it will put out some regular straight up crosses, some “faster finishing” versions of the crosses, and then some straight up auto versions of the crosses, so if anyone is looking to pop some first gen photo x auto crosses here hit me up after the chop and I’ll get you laced up.

We’re in like day 60 something here and just starting to see some amber trichs developing, I’m thinking these will all come down in the next week or so after the first of the year. I apologize again for the infrequency of posting here, life is just running at full speed right now and it’s all the time I have to just keep up with the garden let alone update the logs. Gonna keep hacking it out as best I can with an eye at getting better at keeping more frequent and accurate logs here, but I’ll be real in that I’m giving myself some grace here. That’s it y’all. :heart::v:t2: