Mosca Frosted Raspberries

I was thinking about making this my first breeding project/chuck.
This is the first time I have ever kept males around.
Well today I found out that male stress testing is a lot different from female testing…
I have 2 males FR#3 and FR#5 under 8/16 lights in solos; cuts were taken about 60 days ago from all 6 plants.
The females are sitting in a slow VEG, but the boys…jeez they’re like autos.
I had to top FR#3 cause it was totally putting on the balls; FR#5 had a couple of male parts showing at the top.
Wow, dealing with males is a LOT more trouble than I anticipated.
I should have cloned them weeks ago, I know, and now I’m looking at super cropping live pollen bearing clones.
This complicates things quite a bit, as I’m dialing in the clone dome during winter/low RH season.
Gonna FLOOD them with VEG food to attempt to reset the lowers,
Nothing popped as far as I can tell, but I obviously need to come up with a method of segregation, as right now there is zero filtration in the “mother” zone.
The old lady is gonna love hearing that I want to pick up another tent…


Welcome to week 8
Bloom/Flower food has been cut off.
Watering with Power Si, NM Fluvic, Fish Sh!t, Budswel, GO Calmag & bio Marine.
And Blackstrap molasses.
According to the pack. we should be done in a week…
And they are all under 2 feet tall.

I’m seeing a pile of fresh stoma, so I’m doubting this…
Looks like they are not digging the full 100% light settings, and now I am remembering something about the MAC not loving the high light levels.
Presently knocked the wattage down from 760 to 700 by turning off the flower light button on the Smart 8. Bonus by adding blues for end of flower I guess.
F 56 Tent:

F56 FR1:

F56 FR2:

F56 FR4:

F56 FR6:

Still waiting on the new scope; hopefully this weekend will yield some cool pics from it,
Gonna have to spend some time picking balls off the studs which is a major wrench in my cloning schedule, as I was hoping to F2 the stubby male back into the keeper from these 4 gnarly girls.
The lung room has a nice gas overtone; no raspberry smell.
…Maybe Mosca was talking about the ripe stoma color; That is where I am seeing colors.
1&2 are similar chonkers, 4 has the least frost on the sugar leaves, 6 is it’s own animal entirely…

Good fortune with your grows!


Outstanding looking buds dude… think your getting that new light dialed in.


Light I am using in Medic Grow Smart 8,and while I don’t think it is al that smart, it throws a lot of light for the price.
Having a handy Dandy PAR/PPFD meter really makes a huge difference.
Beats the hell out of the manufacturer’s light height/intensity settings that are really generalized recommendations.
Some cultivars/genotypes just don’t like being blasted with 1K watts of HPS at 24 inches; some love it. Totally a YMMV factoid.
…Looking at you foxtailing strains…
I wish breeders would include knowledge nuggets about this. What is the optimal light intensity for that particular strain; it could make a huge difference in density(along with 14 other nugget density factors).
I picked a cheapo little box at amazon, but I really think the free ones that you install on your phone would work fine.
Sean at Migro is one of the most legit folks on youtube that I have watched:
Sean’s review
The pollen donor for these was Capulator’s MAC, and I remember reading something about them not liking being blasted with light…
I’m pretty sure the burn spots I am seeing are spots that I nipped shade leaves and the stuff exposed to direct light freaked out a bit after 5 weeks shaded.
As far as dialed in…I’m remembering to crank it back to 100% about 90% of the time after I dump it down to 40% when I’m working under it.
Bonus Pic…My 1.8 year old cannabis munching cat (He has no interest in anything flowering)


those big fat baseball bat tops look great. looking forward to harvest

I am having no luck finding reliable pictures and information on the MAC 11.
If anyone has run it before, please let me know.
…my google fu is failing me here.
…The bat pheno seems to be typical of the Raspberry Boogie mother.
Futzing around with the new scope has been fun; I still can’t get a non blurred shot.
In general I saw clear and amber with like almost no cloudy which kind of matches what I see on stoma/hairs development…
Something different I am seeing is purple and reds in the trichome stalks; That is new for me IRL. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary on the trichome heads.
Hopefully I can manage some clear trich pix soon, but either way we are looking at another 2 weeks…
Feed Blackstrap Molasses, Power Si, Fluvic, Fish Sh!t, Calmag+, Budswel.
No noticeable fade/senescence; still healthy green across the top to bottom.
All 4 Fems look so good I’m gonna have to bring in some blind testers to figure out the keeper…

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F 60
I am pleasantly surprised about development here.
60-63 days to cutting according to Mosca; 3 of the 4 plants are within that window.
It does bother me that I don’t see the plants winding down, or senescence.
…They have not gotten any bloom food in almost 2 weeks, but I did feed pretty darn heavy the month prior, so there has to be a ton of food still in those pots.
What is different about these from my experience is while things are looking ripe, there are new bright yellow stoma all over from the top to the base of the buds.
I zeroed into the more ripe areas mid bud for the pictures and found mostly cloudy with small amounts of amber and clear trichs.
FR1 - closest to done:

FR2 - not far behind:

FR4 - third place:

FR6 - way behind the other 3:

Obviously I need more training with this scope…


Yeah basement grow…forgive me…
FR#2 selected because it was convenient, but they are all treated the same.
Checking in on the nurture vs torture. Both in 1 gal fabric pots.
Left side clone is the nurtured one fed correctly, temp & RH controlled, Azos/Mycos applied, media up potted correctly blah blah. It has been taken care of.
Right side was neglected. Left in a solo WAY too long. Fed with nothing but high pH tap water until recently. Way too low RH and temp most of the time. They have bee both starved and over fed.
These were all flopped on their sides to check that the tip was pliant enough to reach for the light.
Interesting thing is that red vein and stalk appears the same on both despite drastically different feeding.
While I will be taking clones from both(mostly from the big one on the left), it is the one on the right that is going into my flower tent,
Doesn’t make sense right, 2 clones of the same phenotype/chemotype, but you flower the weaker one.
If I am going to make an F2 of these I have to make sure these are stable, so there will be light leaks, interrupted light period, unfavorable VPD, and anything else mean I can think of to do to them.
Well, all that, and the healthy one would probably wind up 5 feet tall. If I can grow a 2 foot plant with quality 6-8 inch tops, that IS a win for me…
I’m sure any one of these could have been put in a 10 gallon pot, and with a long enough VEG could fill a 4x4 with a beautiful canopy of buds from a single plant.
The only training was to top it (node 7 I think) and pull down the branches.
The 2 boys from this pack will not be tortured any further, so as not to release pollen if I can help it…that shit gets everywhere and makes me sneeze.
F61 FR#2 - side by side:


Thoughts…looking back on the pics from 4 weeks ago, the growth is outstanding.
4 weeks ago, the tops were thumb sized buds that have become fist sized, rock hard, dense buds.
TBH, a comparison to those 10 oz cans in appropriate, rather than the size of anyone’s fist…
Honor the adage of waiting 2 weeks,
What is going to become a real pain in the ass here is that these were true F1s of entirely different cultivars:
#1 looks DONE. #2 looks almost there. #4 is close, but could stand a bit more time. #6 needs another 2 weeks.
I usually cut everything down at once, do a quick clean of the 5x5, and then dry them in there until they are done. Then really clean and hose down the 5x5 with the HOT HOT H2O2.
This staggered ripeness is putting a crimp in my jam. FR#6 is going into my 2x4 with flower round 2 of the tortured females which is less than optimal, as she’s pushing 3 foot wide. I think there’s another dozen yoyos around her that I can use to ameliorate that, but the DLI is gonna be wrong for the new flowering plants. Ugh.
Then there is the judging dryness of plants 2,4,8 14 days apart. And when to trim them up. It’s gonna be trim jail staggered over a month; thank god for Grove bags.
Moar pics coming for F64 at 8 weeks.
Cranked the Smart 8 up to 760 from 706 watts for the final push.
.Complicated this…pushed the RED flower button on the light.
Good fortune you incredible people!


According to the pack we are done, and, surprisingly, I would harvest 1 of the 4 right now. The FR1 and FR2 are very similar and take after their mother with the bat shaped nugs.
FR4 nugs are more cone shaped after their fathers side.
FR6 looks like an entirely different plant from either and looks to be taking weeks longer than the other 3 to ripen, so she’s out unless here’s something special about her smoke.
On all 4 there isn’t much fade, so they are going for another week at leas, and they are throwing new flowers all over the place.
Judging from trich development, only FR6 isn’t ready.
…TBH the bottom one, FR6, is so different looking and smelling that I think Mosca got his beans mixed up…
Anyways pictures:
FR!- I could chop her this weekend:

FR2 - I could chop her next Wednesday:

FR4 = Also happy to chop next Tuesday:

FR6 that doesn’t look or smell like any of the other plants - another 2 weeks:

I’m a dry trimmer, so next week ought to be chop and hang whole plant time


Frosted Raspberries, day 54 of flower. Living soil, drip irrigation easy-peasy grow.


Nice looking plant :+1:

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Great looking plant! You might be done in a week or so… What’s the digital gizmo attached to the pot? Weight based watering?

F67 landscape shot.
super squatty
Still WAY too green, should have cut the nutes back a week earlier, but they have been drinking tea or plain H2O for the last 2 weeks.
The smell - Outstanding!!!
Probably should have chopped the one on the right this weekend.
F67 Profile


just how i like my women short and thick. those look like some fatties

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Frosted Raspberry -Whole lotta Rosie!
I probably should have hacked the 2 on the right this weekend, but i gotta pick up a humidifier, as drying at 36% RH is less than optimum.
Once I pick up a humidifier from Target, AC Infinity will have the release of their super cool guy humidifiers.


what you aiming for a 55/60 humidity ? someone needs to make a combo dehu/humidifier/ac unit for tents that are mountable a nice automated unit to keep things at 60/60 would be amazing

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Shooting for 65F 60RH. any colder would bum me out, as I spend most of my day in the lung room where I would be doing the controlling.
If I commoditized any of this I would think about a Cannatrol box, but I cannot stomach the 1.5K USD price per box.


yea thats a tough price tag to get behind… maybe one day ill hit the lotto and buy us both one lol

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It’s a Rainpoint Irrigation pump/timer. Set to water once a day. Time is typically set somewhere between 3 and 5 minutes a day, depending on growth stage. It’s worked very well so far.
One per plant for individual plant H2O needs