Mosca Frosted Raspberries

@WheelieSkidmore WOW 55 bucks for an irrigation system. Wonder what’s going in my amazon cart today? I’ll be picking up some watering rings from my local grow whop nest time I go by. Although it looks like you made a 6 way ring with the included stuff. Cool!

Wouldn’t those temp and Rh cause budrot?I still have problems managing my environment during flower/late flower

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The “Basic” model without the App is what I’ve used for about a year now. Using in ground watering spikes keeps the soil surface dry, combined with just enough time to prevent run through in my 5 gal. Plastic. Keeps gnats under control. Feeding the pumps with good water, light nutes during grow. “Easy Peasy”

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@Andrexl When you tent is packed with big plants, the environmental stuff is really hard to manage because there is so much water moving through the biomass, transpiration from thousands of leaves, etc…Most of the buckets of water you put into the pot winds up in the air eventually. I have a 5x5 that is exhausted by a 6 inch 400 CFM fan; it is overkill and hardly ever runs at full speed.
My controller fires the exhaust when the Temp OR RH exceed a setpoint.
Tiny oscillating fan down on the floor just to move air around with the plants hanging at the top. No fans pointing at the drying flower.
These plants don’t reach your knee even thou they are in 5 gal pots. It is a whole lot easier to manage RH because there is a lot more free air in the tent right now.
When the plants are looking me in the eye and are pushing 5 feet it is an entirely different story…
I say I’m shooting for 65F 60RH, but I hardly ever hit those numbers. I’ll be lucky to get the temp below 70F. Being winter my heat is going, so the RH in the lung room is entirely manageable - I have to go and pick up a humidifier to raise the RH for the drying; usually I’m running the dehumidifier and dealing with the extra heat.
If I can’t keep the RH up in the 60s consistently these things will dry up in 5 days and taste like hay; I want the dry to take 2 weeks if possible. I’ll usually water with plain old tap water up until 3 days before chop just because…
Sorry for the wall of text…I have a tendency to do that. 8^)


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Amazing looking plants.


Thoughts as this one is wrapping up.
And notes for my future self when I run them again…
Do not push the light to high PAR/PPFD!!!
80% with the “flower” button on the smart is enough.
…900 burned FR1, some of the others not so much.
…Will know more after chop to see after looking under natural light.
Feed them every other water until they show tip burn, go with every 3rd for a week, and hit them hard again.
…water and feed aggressively. They can take it. She’s no debutant.
Be ready to take them down ~F70
Police the lowers for larfy bud sites (this one applies for all my grows).
…keep the upskirt clean.
FR6 - the sativa-ish one - while it isn’t looking done, it is telling me that it is done.
Even with some yellow stoma, she’s done. (I’m used to almost all hairs degraded to red/brown)
Stop feed at F50.
Early in flower, these drank 1gal per pot every other day. Feed/water accordingly.
When you have extra clones that would normally be culled, keep them around away from the grow space for your cannabis munching critter if you have one; I have a cannabis chomping cat.
I wish I could edit the top post to put this stuff in…but no can edit older posts…I get it from a post management/storage thing.


Fantastic Wall of text,love It Brother, no worries
I also like your plants colore a lot.
Maybe I have too Little of a tent for too big plants,I Need to keep Them lower and smaller for sure.Being in Coco also got me watering a lot,and It puts out lot more vapor

Sample bud looks good ! Harvest tomorrow !


Just chopped everything this morning. Left the fan leaves for a dry trim.
Obsessively reading about optimal drying conditions even though this isn’t my first rodeo…
Also trying to figure out how to fit them in the 2x4 to better manage the environment.
Lung room RH is in the low 30s, so keeping it wet in the 5x5 is a bit of a challenge.


I use a 2X2 for drying. I can keep humidity at 60-65% using a small fan to keep tent air moving, ejecting air as needed to remove moisture. My ambient room is 68-72 f. So temperature is not so much an issue. I shoot for 60 % and 70 degrees moving to curing jars when plant material is at 60%. Everybody has their method.

How many days did you flower ?

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interesting topping at node 9-10 - feel this is better than topping at 5th node - Thanks for the info – great grow journal !!! great plant - looks tasty - looking forward to your next journal

The way it works is to keep everything as short as possible from day 1. I keep the lights as close as humanly possible to my seedlings. I use a PPFD meter app on my phone to measure during VEG starting at 400 and bringing it up to 700 over the first week and a half.
Basically I want the plants not to have to reach for light, or anything else, at all.
Good spacing between the plants is important to keeping them short.
Correct VPD is also important, and keeping temperatures down.
I’m not a fan of having fans on their highest speed knocking the branches around anymore; a light rustling of the leaves is where I have been lately for air circulation.
If things start getting lanky, you’ll have to top lower or the plants are going to grow up into your lights, which is never a good thing…
I’ve been luck with my last couple of runs with heavily Indica leaners. Sativa leaners would not work with my current routine.
I have a Romulan cross on deck that may present it’s own set of challenges.


A Tale of 2 controllers.
Inkbird ITC 608t running a shitty little humidifier when RH is lower than 62%.
AC Infinity controller that came with the tent injecting lung room air into the drying tent when RH is over 63 RH and when tent temp exceeds 71F.
Recent reading is steering towards 70F and 62 RH for optimal dry at 0.91 to 0.83 VPD.
Using VPD calculator ti see where I am.
Well we’ll see.


Nice plant’s! Not nitpicking, but you made a comment. “No nutes”. Several of your adds, while not labeled veg or grow nutes,still have npk values. My understanding is anything with an npk value is considered a nutrient.

just got done drying plants in this winter had to shutoff heat to one room - (lost a “star Pupil” because of drying in high heat) way hard to get perfect temp

your PPFD meter cost ? they are very expensive for a good one. Also I’m a “fan” of low speed of fans !! So your total Veg time from seed to flower ?

Took her down @ F61……I apologize for somewhat polluting your thread… mine is actually FR-S1….

Koa, is always there to observe !


All contributions are welcome, so long as it is relevant.
One of the reasons I do these is to get the strain info “out there”.
I couldn’t find anything when I cracked these beans.
Cat tax must be paid 8^)


Grown any other Mosca beans ?

Beans were cracked SEP 13th.
Chopped FEB 4th.
Flipped to flower NOV 22nd.
Male pre-flowers showed in 6 days, NOV 28.
Notes say 9 weeks seed to flower.
Seed to clone 2 months. Took 5-6 cuts from each. Clones to solo cups - 3 weeks.
…I would have flipped these a week ago, but I have 2 GG4 that I can’t make my mind up about which is the keeper, and I ran out of space in my clone tray with the 6 each of the 6 phenos.4 female and 2 male.
Clone had roots in 12 days in root riot type plugs.
Sooooo, right now:
Everything smells like hay.
Temp 68F RH 62% in the drying space; lung around 71F and 36%RH…
Got all 4 into a 2x4x5 by varying the height of the drying plants. Disabled the exhaust and using a 4 inch inline to inject fresh air. Fan spin up every couple of minutes to keep RH setpoint below 63%.
…Shitty Vicks cool mist humidifier runs all the time and provides a bit of indirect airflow and provides a bit of temperature lowering.
Fan leaves are holding on to their chi and have a ton of moisture left to give.
I use a PAR/PPFD meter on my Droid phone; suggested by Shane from Migro.
…He is completely legit and has provided the community with impeccable information and products. Find his Youtube and subscribe.
I ran a pack of Mosca’s breeder packs a while back, Black Pineapple, and i can see why they didn’t make it into his regular rotation.
No flame or hate in his direction over that…Mosca carries tried and true beans; there are piles of genuine articles about his gear. That one was a misfire.
These look to be slamming though!
Gotta find my grove Bags for the cure; I know they are around here somewhere…Although I am looking for the OZ bags on this run, on my TG GG4 RIL run I was scrambling for the QP Grove bags.
And if anyone cares…the soundtrack for this grow has been provided by WBJB, Bookdale Community College radio, The Night. The evening radio has a great mix of old school AOR music with really good new music. YMMV 8^)