Mosca Frosted Raspberries

thank you for the detailed info hopefully that hay smell doesnt stick around i like to get my cure temp 60/60 if things are perfect but they never are so sometimes there is a 5 degree swing.


Great an valid numbers 204medismoke.
Hay smell on dry day 2 isn’t something I’m worried about; it’s all the fan leaves I leave on to slow the dry. I’ll be doing a dry trim even though it is a pain compared to wet trim.
The buds are still rank when you get your nose in there.
I’m really hoping to be able to tell you how it smells on dry day 14.
Thanks for the input!


@WheelieSkidmore how far into flower, and how tall was it when you flipped?
Looks like you didn’t top and let her go au natural.
Thanks for contributing the variety!


She was about 20” when I flipped, final height was just under 48”.
Cut her down at 61 days and yes “Au Natural”
When it comes to my bud, I’m a variety guy and want as many choices in my stock as possible. Looking for the quickest grow so I can rinse and repeat !
I also grew a Mosca Epic Lemons along side the FR… smaller yield however the bud is some of the best I’ve smoked in 50 years !

Epic Lemons


Hay smell going away as chlorophyll gets eaten.
Super nutty smells coming off plants as i shake them out a bit
With the charcoal filter out of the mix, these stink up a lot of square footage.
RH 63 Temp 69F during drying target.
Fans just starting to get crispy after 5 days.
Probably going to pull the fans in the next 2 days.
Big deal for me is that they aren’t dry after 5 days with a lung room at 40%RH.
I’m hoping to do a dry trim on these next weekend for a 14 day dry, but I have never been able to achieve a 14 day dry with smaller plants, so we’ll see…
Additional note:
First root was seen from the clones. A tiny itty bitty bit of root, but it is there, Hell, 9 days to any root tip is a BIG win.
Cloning was root riot plugs pH’d to 5.8 with local tap water and Athena gel.
…After a week or so under the dome each plug got about 9 mils of spring water. I try to remember to spray them twice a day, but that may or may not happen depending on…well stuff.


fill a bucket with tap water and sit a rag half in the water half over edge and put a fan on low blowing on or past it back n forth should bring up the humidity enough to add a couple days maybe more?


5 days to a 60-65 % average bud level… into jars for at least two weeks of cure time… it’s already very tasty… sweet and citrus already smooth, it’s only gonna get better…

Frosted Raspberry S1


I forgot about this on my FR S1

Can’t stop popping leaves !


Cool. That’s something I’ve never seen before!

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It was only four leaves. The first four large fans at the base of main stem Cola area… Interesting mutation !

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Cool thread man I’m a big fan of Mosca… here’s lava creme

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