Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

I can’t find any instructions, or precautions on the web site. I emailed the owner. Saw a review that he may be a bit condescending, so I guess I’ll find out if my questions were stupid or not, lol!


There are other members on here that have used it with great success not sure how you could search that


d’oh! I can be slower than molasses! Thanks for the nudge :slight_smile:


That sounds like a great idea!

This one looks a lot like mine and what I’d be after in there! The scent sounds off from what I’m looking for personally though, but pretty on point for what I saw a lot of in the F1s. Interested what you think of her when you get there, keeper or no :slight_smile:

Heh, you and my wife! I’ve been growing those exact same Cherokee Purple’s this year! She said she really likes them but they’re also a bit strong in flavor. My plan was to try and hybridize them with some Ace55’s to try and balance the strength of the flavor and improve the shape of the fruit but idk if it’s gonna happen this year or not.


She was a reveg from my timer fuckup, so I’m not sure if this is her best expression… actually, I’m pretty sure it’s not. I’ve got a couple of weeks before I poke her into the Solo.

Still have 3x other phenos to bloom, too :yum:

Their flavor is the deal! You know it’s strong when you cut one up, and you hear someone at the other end of the house go Whoa wassat! She might like the Chocolate Cherokees, they are just a notch lighter,and those CP cherries are even milder.

We get about 50/50 on ones that have the classic round tomato shape vs the lumpy ones. Lumpys are great for gazpacho and juice, both of which freeze nicely!


Man I’m glad your automated watering system worked out! You’ve got all kinds of cool projects going on dam, wish I was a neighbor… i’d be over there every other day picking your brain & smoking your SSDD :laughing:


It’s pretty liberating, no plants were harmed, and no floods!

Not much of the brain left to pick, but there’s plenty of SSDD… and you are a neighbor. C’mon bye and set a spell :slight_smile:


I love what your doing brother…keep it up!


Thanks for looking brotherman!

Like I have a choice, lol!


Looks like it’s been a bit, time flies when you’re eating bon bons on the couch and watching Okra!

I’d avoided a real clone machine for a pretty long time. I’ve tried every passive way I’ve seen. They all worked for a while, but Demeter must have it in for me cause I’ve never had a way that worked consistently, or even very much! I’m handy, so I built a bucket one that didn’t work , and realized I’m not handy, just delusional! Too bad I couldn’t delude myself into seeing roots.

I’d sent some cuts to @Puffalo , who put them in a Clone King and had roots on most of the cuts in a little less than two weeks. It was taking me about 4 weeks to get one root out of 10 cuts, and that was if I got lucky. I just got a Clone King.

9 days

I stuck it in a cardboard box with a SIL.

We had some weather a few days ago, and the power was out for over a day. That was one reason I didn’t want to rely on a pump, we have a shitty grid. We have a generator, but I am cheapskate, and I wasn’t going to run it for 18 hrs just to keep some cuts alive.

The genny’s mostly for the fridges and freezer, so it was running 2 hr on 3 hr off. I figured I had nothing to lose by putting cuts in a tub of water that covered their stem tips during off time.

I inadvertantly, ok stoopidly, left cuts in the machine without the pump pumping for 5 hours right before the power came back on…they were not in the water, and they didn’t seem to care?

Coincidentally, my son gave me a battery backup thing that would had powered the pump for a couple of days , and I soon as I got back with it, the power came on, lol!

On to my other issues! For a while, some, most, of my plants have been getting yellow/brownish lower leaves with very brittle stems.

Starts down low, and works it’s way up. I’ve kind of been ignoring it, but now it’s getting a little much.

I thought it was a pH problem. My Blue Lab is a few years old, so I got an Apera. Blue Lab is now owned by Scotts/Hawthorne, and I do what I can to avoid those conscienceless assholes. They do read differently. I’ve been using the Apera for about 4 months, and I’m not liking what I’m seeing. So much for conscience? I went back to the Blue Lab today… we’ll see. I also ordered some more Silica and some soluble Gypsum.

On with the show!
SSDD Keepers vegging for cuts. I don’t want to pass them out all sickly.

SSDD sorry ass keeper. She is seeded because I was screwing around with one of the males that transitioned. It was right next to her, in front of not one, but 2 fans, and I was slow.
41 days.

This is how that yellow/brown shit progresses.

Another SSDD K on the left, she’s afflicted, too. As soon as the cuts on the right one root, she’s compost.

The Romulans… 3 out of 10. Big one dropped 7/5, other 2 on 7/19. I was actually going to chuck them all. They are going crazy, lol! I was hoping for a nice male, but now I just want to finish one to see if it helps my buddy with Parkinson’s. If it does, I’d like to find a male to hit the SSDD keeper, and see if there’s some medicinal effects.

And, saving the best for last… SSDD F1 #4. I like her. Not viney, semi-stout squiggly branches, sort of upright, kinky leaves w/ some double serrations. Nice spicey stem rub, and her cuts rooted in 9 days. I fucked up up and didn’t take them til she was a week into flower… she could be the new keeper :slight_smile:
23 days.

No weed outside, but the pollinators are going nuts. Check out this Spicebush Swallowtail caterpiller… here’s looking at you, lol!


Just outta curiosity and in case I ever try to root some cuts haha, but what was the purpose of putting the cloner in that cardboard box? Higher humidity? Or…?

Haha… I mean, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I don’t understand what the affliction actually is; is it just from the problems with the pH pen or whatever? Or is it like a plant thing?

She looks good, if nothing else! Fuck the rest! Haha…

Just kidding.


Hey, that’s great man. Roots! :muscle:


Can’t you buy them, lol!

I’m too cheap to get another tent!

I just resurrected the Blue Lab, which I bought before they were assimilated. It’s a good pen!

I am terrible at diagnosing problems… I don’t understand the affliction either, so I’m going for the next simplest possible fix. First was flush with 3x the pot size of pH’d RO. That usually works for me with coco/salts. I’ll flush again when the gypsum shows up

I know, she does. Just wanna keep it that way, and don’t want the Plant Protective Posse showing up at the door to put the rest of them in protective custody… of course the plants might like that!

Thanks for stoopin’ in.:slight_smile:


That’s on you, lol! Thanks man :slight_smile:


haha, what do you mean by resurrected? I have an old Bluelab, probably a few years old and dried out. Did you just use the calibration solutions and calibrate it again and it was good to go? I think mine is toast after being dried out for so long… I’m using PH drops now, but would like to dial it in a little more.

It does look like maybe root zone issues. No signs of fusarium or anything like that? What RH does your crawl hang at?

that’s a crazy lookin’ worm! which way is it’s butt? The thing with the eyes on it?

lol, we won’t call PPP on you… the SSDD #4 is lookin good!


Ha, it had only been sitting a couple of months, but I don’t really know how long it takes before they’re toast. I just stuck it in a shot glass of really old, expired storage solution for a while, then calibrated… the scotch in the shot glass probably helped.

I never could figure out how to use the strips or drops. The nute mixes I use are brownish colored to begin with, so I never could figure what I was supposed to see. And besides, my peepers are old!

I don’t see anything that looks like the fusarium we can get on tomatoes. Root issues are possible, but I haven’t ever had any in the air pots… of course there’s always the first time. I’ll be doing autopsies on the veggers after the clones all root, and before the composting. I’ll post pics for any plant doctors! RH is between 40-60%, depending on which meter I look at. Temps have been 79-85°F depending on how hot it is outside, or which section of the crawl I’m measuring.

It’s the head. The “eyes” supposedly scare whatever tries to eat it… nature, lol!

Thanks for lookin’ in brotherman :slight_smile:


I was thinking it was root bound. They are in air pots, so it should be root pruning itself, but the leaves yellowing from the bottom up while the top looks fine is usually root spin out.


I would agree, but the autopsy showed a ton of fine white roots, no rot, no circling. A couple of other smaller, vegging plants showed some of the same affliction. Flushing is slowly turning them around.

I tried using the Blue Lab for a week, and saw definite pH issues on some babies. Went back to Apera and did a 2pt calibration. It wasn’t far off, but really disagrees with the Blue Lab with some mixes. Weird, at least to me, lol!

It’s always something with me!


hi horse im unsure on what nutes you been measuring but if they are all or even partly organic then ec meter will not read that organic part and i believe neither does the ph read accurate either atleast in my experience which was why i stopped using the ionics as its neither one nor the other which i found very unhelpful!
does look like a ph related lock out to me which im sure you will work out in time.
the ssdd looks good as ever,thanks for sharing.


Thanks @duke… I hadn’t thought about the organic thing with salts. I’m using Megacrop, which does have some small organic inputs, like kelp. I’ve been using it for about 3 years with no problems, until a few months ago, and I can’t pinpoint what’s changed… but something has! I might have to try using Canna again… good idea, thanks :slight_smile: