Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

What are the differences exactly? I love my apera pens and they’re usually pretty accurate but definitely need calibrated every so often. Least with apera you can buy the premade solutions, this is what I usually get

Other than that, you’re positive there’s no mites right? I thought my old ssdd cut was yellowing from nutes/root bound too and it ended up being a spider mite infestation :see_no_evil:


If you’re talking about the readings. The BL can read 0.2 higher, but now I think the BL has outlived it’s usefulness, and I’m just have to trust the Apera. I’m still using the solutions that came in the kit, but I’ve been meaning to get more, so thanks for that link. In hindsight, I probably wasn’t calibrating the Apera right.

I’m still having the same leaf issues with some of the older veggers. I was going to toss them after the clones took… so I’m keeping them for science, for a bit anyway.

I haven’t seen any mites, or evidence, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there, my eyes suck. But since you mention it, I’ll get the loup out. I had red mites a while back that I never noticed til I accidentally looked under a leaf, d’oh! Good thing they are easy to get rid of, lol! Two-spotted, not so much!

I mixed up a batch of Canna Coco AnB today, I’ll see if that changes anything.

Thanks for looking in :slight_smile:


Things are still chooglin’ in the crawl.

hmmm, wonder why that won’t play? Y’all know the words, right, lol!

Dropped 1x of Useful’s Bag of Oranges. Going to hit a few branches with @AzSeaindooin420 's Chocolate Diesel splooge. I do like chocolate and oranges.

Pulled all clones I want out of the Clone King. Most showed roots 10-14 days, #5 took 18. A lot better than none at 4 weeks, like was happening! All SSDD’s, 3x Keepers, 3x #4, 1 ea. of #1, 5, and 7. I see 10x in the pic, counting is not my specialty. Most look pretty raggedy, but they have roots!

Those on the left are getting Megacrop.

Rightos are on Canna AnB.

All the #4’s were cut from the lady who had been blooming for 7 days. They are looking the best?

2x of the larger veggers are still looking poorly. A #5 and a keeper. I’m just seeing if I can turn them around before I toss them. Probably shouldn’t have said that out loud.

This Keeper came from the same bunch. She is slowly on the mend. I’ve been periodically scratching in some Epsom’s. Do the same with the others, but getting way different results?

She shaved her own legs, then I split her trying spread out her canopy. She’s a tough broad.

No flash for a change.
SSDD F1 #4 was flipped 38 days ago. She had a strong Blueberry smell last week. It has either gotten tamer, or my honker has become used to it. She’s pretty sticky.

Tried to get a stem shot. There’s some there, but no where close to @syzygy 's. His is crazy!

I usually stay out of the crawl when the lights are on, too bright, but I do a quick check once a week or so, just to make sure everything’s doing it’s job.

Noticed this starry night scene last night.

It’s a cheapo tent. 10years old, and heavily abused… falling apart, but the zippers still work, lol!
Started taping up the holes with Gorilla tape, til I noticed light came through that. Don’t use gray… gotta find the black.

Good thing I don’t believe little light leaks cause hermies… I’ve had much bigger with no ill effects, so I probably just wasted the tape, lol!

Outside I saw this cool zinnia… I love zinnias.

Fall is falling here, a real relief after the Summer imitating Hell.

Thanks for stoopin’ in, hard hats by the door :slight_smile:


Can you elaborate a bit?


Ya they definitely appear frosty to me and those leaves are looking ultra frosty. Always cool to see garden shots as well!


Ahaha, epic. I love it.

One of my cats climbed the edge of a diy tent made with panda film. Took him a few grabs to get all the way up, so it made a ton of tiny pinholes in the tent. My lights at the time were x10 15 watt sils, each with 30 led chips. The little holes acted like a pinhole camera, each one projecting a small image of all 300 chips at different angles on the bedroom floor and walls. So, thousands of little dots. It was actually kind cool, but I also used gorilla tape to fix it. Tons of little pieces of tape, took forever haha.


I assume you mean the different results, is that right? One is getting better, the other 2 seem to be getting worse.

The one that I showed getting better is under a 315 CMH, and in a 2G airpot with really chunky coco/perlite. She seem to respond to the Mg.

The other 2 are under 200W of T-5’s, in 1G airpots, with finer coco/perlite.

Both spaces are running 16/8.

They all were getting the same feeds.

None of them had been quite right for a couple of months. I’d thought they’d turned around a few weeks ago, but those 2 must just be troublemakers. I’ve never been able to get every plant to grow perfectly, but I have had a few. I like that, so I get a little cranky when some don’t cooperate :slight_smile: I get over it, lol!


Yeahbutt, I’m still showing mine pics of yours to mine and telling them to be all they can be… I think I heard them say “well then quit giving us K rations!” LOL!


Yes, that’s mainly what I meant. I was having (might still be having) issues with my SSDD stuff, and it looked like a magnesium deficiency to me. Could be a combination of a lot of things. Just wondering if they have different requirements than other stuff, I guess, and hoping if epsom helped you it could help me too.


Before the crawl was a killing field of plants, it was a tool storage/shop, and we had a cat that would sneak in for naps. I don’t know how many times we’d hear plaintive moans emanating from the heat vents… I’d hate to think what she’d do to a cheap tent :grimacing:

I am liking the new 2x4x5 Vivosun. Really easy to open and close up. The extra foot of headroom is so nice when I slack on veg training, and the cinch up boots really work. But my favorite thing is the little velcro tab that keeps the open tent flap from flopping around. I am easily pleased :slight_smile:

I just saw where they are very proud of having a new, bigger, better viewing window. Who the fuck uses them? I tried opening it once, the velcro is so grippy I almost pulled the tent down trying. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t usually treat the SSDD’s any differently than any of the others. I’m an equal opportunity plant abuser, and I have been growing just this one pheno. But occasionally in late veg she does get what I think is a little Mg hungry. And, like I’ve said, I’m the worst at diagnosing, and it’s hard for me not to just throw the whole kitchen sink at them. Makes it hard to tell when something works, like it’s not hard enough, lol!

Now that I’ve 4 got distinct phenos going, I’m only seeing this affliction in 2.

I don’t use cal/mag, I use either or, so maybe that’s something? If #4 continues to keep me happy, she’s the one! I chase my tail enough with other things, I don’t need problem children plants.

I’ll be interested in how yours respond to the Epsoms, so keep me posted if you don’t mind. I’ve been watching your thread, and they look pretty good, to me :slight_smile:


Thanks. I think the new growth looks better, but time will tell. I did add dolomite lime to the soil, watered a couple times with cal/mag, and did a foliar spray of epsom. I can’t remember having such issues with other plants before, so I’m wondering if something is off with this iteration of the recycled soil, or my well water pH is way off. That has happened before were it shot above 8.0 for a period. Guess I should get off my lazy ass, calibrate my meter, and check it.


Depending on how mic time you want to spend on the job, and how many holes there are.
I’ve found that a solid piece of plastic taped over the holes works better than just the tape.
Something similar to thickness of credit card for example.
Like I say though, this Depends hlon how kuchen time you want to nondestructive making these repairs…



Since I’m in coco, I’m pretty sure my issue is pH related, and more directly to me not calibrating a new pen right. And, I’ve grown a lot of other plants along with this SSDD, treated them all the same, and didn’t have issues.

I just got some soluble gypsum that I will use in a flush… when I get off my lazy ass, lol!


That’s a good idea. I hadn’t noticed all the holes because I do hang an extra layer over the front when it’s closed. That’s a pain though, and in trying to keep my lazy git status in good standing, I left it off.

Luckily, they’re just pinholes, and I don’t buy into them causing hermies… or for that matter, hermie hysteria in general LOL!


Rightfully so, as am I, that little Velcro tab blew my mind too haha. Every tent I used before this was a diy of some sort, and not having the door lay on the ground when open was always the trick. A door that rolled up, then binder clipped was the best I came up with.


Or just cut a huge piece of panda film off the roll and cover everything all at once. White-side facing out, of course. Or in? Probably facing out would be best.

One half of the south-facing wall in my grow room is floor-to-ceiling windows; the other half is French doors, so pretty much the same thing. It’s all glass. You should see that shit haha. I initially used panda film to cover everything, but over the years the sun beating down on it has, like, shredded it, looks like someone took a fork to it or something. So now there’s just random pieces of more panda film dangling from the top of the wall that I’ve taped up to block the areas where the sun leaks through, big pieces of cardboard leaning behind all of that to block out the little areas where the second layer of panda film has since been shredded… It’s a mess.

I really need to re-do all of that before I start the next grow haha.


I found ‘liquid electrical tape’ (a thick black goop) worked ok for touching up small holes.



I mean that works too!
Fuck it, build a new tent @HorseBadorites :smile: :rofl:

I’d also maybe go for the white facing in?
My new tent, the current one I have going has white interior, instead of the usual silvered material.
Apparently it’s more reflective or some shit… I didn’t really read their marketing blurb on it , I bought it because it matched the size space I had.



The reason I said the white should face out is because if you tape it with that side facing in and it’s not, like, completely sealed, little bits of light might hit it and reflect into the tent during lights-off.

Whether or not Horse believes that light leaks don’t matter, I do haha!