Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Those days are behind me. Take me longer to build one now than to grow and offload enough for a shiny new delivered one!

That was exactly why I got this Vivosun, it fits!

Ha, you buy conspiracy theories, well blame it on the Illuminati…puns always intended :slight_smile:


So much for my problem observational skills… apparently I have none :frowning: Seems all my perceived pH, nute, and other imaginary problems were mites! Red spider mites. I had them last winter, so I should have been quicker on the uptake.

They don’t work like the two-spotted, they are much sneakier… and tinier. No tell tale leaf spots, not even any webs, unless I got them early… which I highly doubt.

I know some folks asked if I had bugs, and I was pretty danged sure I didn’t. I mean I louped everything. Unfortunately, my poor eyesight and low powered magnifiers weren’t enough. It was a insectary zoo when I checked with a real scope. Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.

I tried the Mite, Thrip, Aphid potion that @JohnnyPotseed put up. After a fail with a fogger I went to dipping and trigger spraying. They are on the run… well more like dead in their tracks, nobody’s running!

One spray did a lot of damage, but I’m gonna do 3 more over the next 10 days. And probably do that again in a month, and then another one. It’s impossible really clean the crawl, and apparently they can stay in stasis for a while. I’d rather spray than be sorry.

The only bitch is I’ve got to wash the buds at chop. I don’t like washing.

I use T-5s to start seeds/clones, and for veg. They work great, but the tubes are expensive, and don’t last, so I’ve been looking for LED replacement tubes. They’re expensive too!

I found kit of supposedly grow tubes. Stand alone, $40 for four, which is a little less than just replacement tubes. I’d hoped they would fit inside a T-5 fixture, nada. I cobbled up a fixture out of stuff at hand… this wasn’t like plumbing, which means runs at least 3 trips to the store.

10W/strip, on/off switch on each, daisy chainable, and a switch that controls all 4. T-5s are 23W/tube, 92W/fixture.

I wish they were shorter, cause I can’t use them in the other tents. I’m gonna get tubes that fit the fixtures.

I’m keeping these OG Romulans under them for now.

They are incredibly slow. 71 days from seed on this one.

57 DFS on these.

Still haven’t really shown sex, though I think the old one in the red cup is a male.

I was gonna try to hit my SSDD keeper with some splooge, but I don’t think these are particularly good examples of the strain… maybe a branch, lol!

BOO is 17 DFS. Small, but a fem, and she’s gaining some momentum.

The cuts have all rooted. Clone King for the win there.

SSDD F1 #1, 5, & 7

SSDD F1 #4. Took cuts from mom after a week of bloom lights because I forgot to get them earlier. They’re revegging now. I am hoping this one will be better than my current keeper cause their mom got that blueberry muffin thing going on in flower :yum:

SSDD K cuts.

I just topped most of those cuts.

The Romulans were supposed to be in flower by now, lol! So instead, I resurrected 2x sorry SSDD K’s I was gonna toss when their cuts took. They are still vegging just to fill out some. I can always use more of this weed!

SSDD F1 #4 mom is 53 days in. She’s lost a lot of the earlier strong blueberry muff nose, but still smells delicious. Berry, sour, and spicy. She has mites too, so I hope another round will let her show her real potential… unless she’s like I was in school, lol!

So that’s all I’ve got at the mo. Hope it was a great weekend, and thanks for poking your nuts in :slight_smile:


A fogger? What do you mean by that? Like misting?


Yes, something like this, only older, and not cannabis specific, lol!

The one I have is 2x speed, and usb rechargeable, but it takes a few hours to charge. I probably should have run it fuul bore, but didn’t know how long the charge would last. I didn’t want it to die mid-stream.

Now that I know the dipping and, trigger spray works, I’m going to hit them again tomorrow with the fogger, run wide open, and see how long it lasts. And really soak them. It’s a lot easier to use than dipping and repeatedly squeezing a trigger!

I was worried the MTA might not kill the eggs. They are supposed to hatch out in 3-5 days. Today is 3 days, and I don’t see anything but carcasses and eggs… nothing moving. So maybe it does have a residual effect, and the few ones I saw alive after the last spray were in their death throes… I hope so!

I’m assuming some eggs would be hatching by now, and by tomorrow there should definitely be some larvae if the eggs are still alive. Death to the infidels!


Ah, okay. I was worried you meant like a friggin’ flea bomb thing or something haha.

Anyway, yeah, that’s a bummer about the mites. But it sounds like you’re getting it handled.

They can’t live in dirt, right? Can they? I actually really don’t know haha. It seems to me that if you’ve killed them on the plants and medium, they really have no place else to go.

Death to the infidels indeed. Fucking assholes… haha.


Oh, I’ve used Dr. Doom… still have a 10 year old can. More worthless, and potentially harmful to me stuff, that never worked on mites anway, like No pest Strips, lol!

I’m pretty sure they can live in places I can’t get to. Apparently the mites can go into stasis when they are stressed… like when some asshole like me has it in for them! I’ve read they can go into suspended animation for a year, but I have no real idea.

I’m a slob, and have no desire to change. It would drive me nuts to have strip down and shower every time I go into the crawl. I need to go in and out of there at least once a day for something other than plants, and I have to walk through a weed filled yard to get there! Dealing with bugs every once in a while just comes with the territory… I just need to accept that, lol! And be quicker on the kill!


That’s definitely more harmful to you. Don’t use that haha.

For sure. And in your specific situation, I don’t think it’d really matter. You’re basically growing outdoors. Maybe you could get one of those hazmat suits and change into and out of it every time you enter and leave the crawl haha…


I still have some from when I did crawlspace remediation consulting… for other people! Tragic case of the shoemaker’s shoes, lol!

As sick, and stupid as it sounds, it’s actually satisfying to win any growing roadblocks… doing what it takes is another story… at least that’s what I tell myself!


It’s called being a glutton for punishment haha.

And the thing with a tyvek suit is they’re one and done. You take that off and hang it up, especially in or near the grow space, it’s just gonna end up becoming part of the problem.

I also have outside access to my basement, and while it is great for bringing things in and out, it’s not good for grow hygiene. Most of the time the spiders do their job, but sometimes you get had haha.


Thanks for being kind, lol!

I have plenty of guard spiders, they’re good company. Spider mites, not so much, but they seem to have taken a powder… pecker heads! Everyone is glad to see them gone.

These Romulans seem to be liking the leds. They are more yellow than the 4000K fluros, so they are getting pretty leafy, which I’m hoping translates to more roots, but they sure are slow to show. 86 days from seed on one, 72 on the other two.

Upcanned the Bag of Oranges to a 1G, and moved her under 100W of T5 by her lonesome. She’s still gotta use a booster seat.

She’s got some growing up to do!

Took cuts off the rooted SSDD clones. I don’t have the room, or the inclination to grow these donors out right now. Still trying to find out if there’s a keeper among the 4x F1’s.

Put SSDD F1 #7 into flower a couple of days. She’s a lopsided little thing, but there was a vacuum in the bloom area, and nature abhors that.

Also put a keeper into bloom at the same time. I’m definitely gonna be doing some bending on her. I usually flip around 2’, she’s about 40". Didn’t want to lose my standing in the Slacker’s Society.

SSDD F1 #4 is at 65 days. I switched back to 12/12 from 10/13 when I flipped her. I wanted to see if there’s anything to RC Clark’s larger trich heads under 12/12. Her heads are pretty big. She still has a really nice blueberry smell. Very sticky, and very, very dense buds. I’ll give her a few more days, and then I’ve got to give her a bath and try to get all the mite eggs off. I hate washing my weed :frowning:

I have hopes she’s the new keeper. Her cuts all rooted faster than any of the others, and she was flowering.

I’m trying to decide on what to pop next. Tigermelon 2 x SSDD or Axis x SSDD? I’m leaning towards Tigermelon , but who knows if I’ll remember that by tomorrow.

Thanks for stoopin’ in… doobs by the door :slight_smile:


The moms in both of those crosses always sounded pretty interesting to me, seems like you can’t go wrong either way. I’ve got a pack of that Axis, actually, so if I were you, I’d plant those haha. I wanna see how they turn out.


Ha, maybe next month’s drop. 3x Tigermelon’s are floating, they were way to exotic sounding to stay in the fridge :slight_smile:


Changed the title just to keep things more confusing, and I’m too lazy to start, and keep up with another thread :slight_smile:

Chopped SSDD F1 #4 at 68 days. We were both ready. Densest buds I’ve had in an SSDD so far. Had to give them an H2O2 bath to get the MTA off. Then hung 'em out to dry.

This started out clear!

Froze all the lower stuff, even it was dense.

Still has a nice blueberry smell, but I’m not getting muffins. There’s some sour something, but I can’t exactly pin it down. A little incensey, too, but not the acrid kind the Keeper has. She’s hang drying, untrimmed. Just minus her big fans. I’m looking forward to a test smoko!

Tigermelon x SSDD’s are 6 days from seed. Did the Floatek sprouting in a shot glass thing with them, still can’t believe all these years I thought seeds could drown after a 36 hr soak, what a doofus! Seeds from 2018.

The Romulans STILL haven’t show… 92 and 78 days. They’re on the left. BOO on the right doesn’t have to, she’s a fem.

SSDD F1 #7 is 8 days from flip, she’s been cleaned up a little, but still lopsided… kinda like me.

And, SSDD K is a 8t days, too. Just cleaned out her nethers, and trussed her up. She’s filling out nicely. I let both of these bloomers get taller than usual, and they are just 1/3rd of their way through the stretch… might be a rodeo!

That’s about it for right now, just trying to be responsible and keep track !

Thanks for looking :slight_smile:


All that stuff on the clothesline is just the one #4 plant? Looks like a pretty good haul!


Gotta keep us on our toes!

Yum, pot water soup! I’m surprised they were that dirty being in the crawl, but it make sense, if it unfinished down there. I’ve never washed my stuff, but seeing that makes me consider it.

Do you wash that to hash?

Awesome! Glad they popped! I never saw too many Tigermelons grown out, that should be a fun one with the SSDD in there.

Someone around here has gotta do it! Better you than me :wink:


It was. I can usually get about 6-8 zips from those 2G airpots. If I’d been quicker seeing those mites probably would have been better… well, what would have been better would have been not letting those fuckers in at all!

I have gotten 9+ before… still trying to crack the 10 mark! It’s why I love coco :slight_smile:


That was mostly the residue from the MTA sprays, and mite bodies and eggs. The stuff cleaned up pretty well :slight_smile:

I really don’t like washing weed just because it’s a pain, so I usually don’t. I washed way too much before I got rid of PM (love ya @JoeCrowe :slight_smile: ) TBH, I don’t really get all that extra clean taste the washing apostles go on about. I smoked enough brickweed to have probably inhaled every bug there is, and probably some paraquat. Mites are vegans, and these were full of my weed, lol!

Probably. I was just going to try and thaw and press it for rosin, but I didn’t think to wash that stuff. Might try it anyway, how bad could it be?

I’ve never seen any of these Sunny Tigermelons grown out, much less plain Tm’s, so it should be very interesting. The TM lineage is deep, lol!

Thanks for looking in fellas :slight_smile:


Things are still moving at a crawl… makes it easy for me to keep up.

Tigermelon 2 s SSDD’s 18 days from seed. One of these is not like the others :slight_smile: They are on full veg grub.

Bag of Oranges 50 days from seed. Ball 'o green. Topped more than once.

SSDD Keeper, 20 days from flip. She went into bloom at about 34" above her pot, a lot taller than I usually flip. I hope she’s finished stretching, I’ve been bending, tying, and clipping. She’d be around 5’ otherwise.

Right now, she’s a couple of inches from the lights. I noticed the cmh bulb was firing, but not staying on a few nights ago… not sure long that had been going on… she may have stretched even more. I’m hoping for some fat nugs, they oughta help her lay down a bit. I’m liking her node spacing.

SSDD F1 #7. One of the pack I popped in February, finally made it to bloom! 20 days, too.

She’s been pretty manageable. I may have to raise her up closer to the lights. Her stems are a bit brittle, some snapped when I was doing some coaxing into the clips, but still kept on keeping on, even hanging by a thread!

Longer node spacing, very few krinkly leaves, or double serrations.

Neither of the bloomers have any noticable smell, other than nice fresh produce :yum:

Still waiting on the Romulan’s to show, fuckin’ laggards. 105 and 91 days from seed, and new land speed record… for a snail!

Temps have dipped into the mid 60’s, RH 40’s. Megacrop 1 part 1.3ec for veggers, 1.45 for bloomers.

And, the clone king is still kicking them out… as long as I remember to plug it in :frowning: I have to unplug it to check the roots, unless I want a snootful of spray. Forgot it for 18 hours, then 2 days later forgot it again for the same :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: None croaked, but it sure didn’t help.

Hard hats by the door, thanks for looking!


looking good in the groom horse,i like those hybrids with long internodes they make nice buds and seem less prone to budrot ime.
cold aye!


Hey @duke, thanks for popping your nut in :slight_smile: Gonna do a photo dump of more hybrids… I’ve got 'em everywhere, it seems!

Tigershines, formerly know as Tigermelon 2 x SSDD, just easier to type! 3 different phenos. Haven’t really shown sex yet, some days it looks like all 3 are females. 63 days from seed, so it shouldn’t be too long. They do have an interesting smell… just don’t ask me to describe it other than it’s very pleasant.

They’ve been topped multiple times… 2x are red bleeders.

Bunch of SSDD F1’s. I’d like to toss them all, I need the space, but I’m having a tough time getting any of their clones to root.

Chopped the SSDD Keeper and moved BOO into her space. 32 Days from flip. Not sure what her deal is, she only stretched about 6". Never had one like that. Had to make her a booster seat. @TopShelfTrees1

She has a very soft orange nose, it’s very nice too!

Pollinated 2x branches with Chocolate Diesel from @AzSeaindooin420 6x days ago… there’s some withers :slight_smile:

SSDD F1 #7 came down yesterday. She had shown a couple of spots of PM a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t want to spray, so I whacked her with the UV-c. I had covid, and was a bit foggy… apparently, I over whacked… kept the pm in check though. 67 DFF.

She was very, very viney. Long internodes, smaller buds, so maybe more on the OG side? Sharp, incensy nose, at least to my reckoning. Not as sticky as the keeper. No blueberry, muffins or otherwise. No butter that I’ve ever smelled, either.

I was going to let the keeper go another week, but I screwed up her trellis and ran the hoop too low. Her tops hung over so much that she has been pretty wobbly for a while. Today she fell completely over, and on me, too. Whacking time! 68 DFF.

Much chunkier, denser, larger buds. Not as viney, shorter internodes… she was pretty hefty… especially on my head.

Very sticky, more muted incense with a high mountain Spring meadow thing… none of the advertised stuff with her either… just a really nice sensory stimulator.

Had to wash both the SSDD’s. I’d sprayed them months ago, in veg, with MTA for mites. It killed the buggers, but left some residue… and there was the matter of the eggs, yuck. I hate washing, especially in the winter. It wasn’t warm enough to dry her off today, so she’s still hanging in the poly tunnel. Gonna be 38° tonight, hoping that doesn’t mess with her.

Dropped some Triangle Kush x Stardawg seeds from @misterbee. Want to find out what the TK noise is about. Haven’t found much about them, so if anyone’s got clues, I’m listening.

That’s all I’ve got for now, hope everyone had a great weekend, and thanks for stoopin’ in :slight_smile: