Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Looking great bro! I have 3 of those barely stretchers too, and one that stretched right up until the day before yesterday. Hope the Ssdd is absolutely awesome and you get that buttery, pain relieving awesomeness it’s known for. For a non stretcher though that BOO is still throwing down nice!


when there facing down and attacking you there ready. ive 1 auto miles long stems too damn long before you add buds,bending can only go so far and the softy ruderalis hybrids just snap!you have some nice looking bud there and good luck with the new ones,i gave up cloning for the winter its just too hard so one crop of photos and one crop of autos it is.
how many times you going to have the covid then? jabs dont work obviously.take care,mind your head.


Thanks TST, I’ve been lurking in your thread. You have some nice specimens. Can’t wait to see the reversal working!

My SSDD keeper isn’t what I’d call buttery, but then I don’t really know what that means! She does knock out my sciatica, though, along with a danged good buzz… just wish she was a quicker rooter, lol!

I know it, took a few falls for me to get her message, though, I just thought she wanted a hug!

Fucking cloning, just when I think I’ve got down, I don’t! If it weren’t for that SSDD keeper I wouldn’t even be trying, no matter what time of the year. I really like seeds lol!

Twiice, damnit! Last Thanksgiving, and then again, this one. I’m quitting turkey, well maybe a small, open faced sandwich with stuffing and gravy, not cold turkey!

I do think that without the jabs, it would have have whacked me even harder… I’m going for another on Tuesday :slight_smile:

Thanks for drop in and comments, fellas :slight_smile:


Yeah, man, it’s pretty well-documented that the vax isn’t gonna prevent people from contracting COVID, but it will keep you from dying or developing long covid or having to be hospitalized for it etc etc, especially for the older folks :wink:

I love these anti-vaxxers, they crack me up. All of them, every single one, were vaccinated for all kinds of shit when they were children and it worked; none of them got small pox or polio or whatever, but now all of a sudden vaccinations are a bad thing…

Plants look good! Haha.


I was browsing your thread.Beautiful work!
I am at my First cloning experience and…It sucks.
I failed 1 cut and have 2 more going on for 2 weeks,no roots but they are not dying yet,so I made a Bubbles cloner with a Little plastic box and an airstone Always on.I took 2-3 more cuts and put Them into the water with some myco Powder designed for dwc and aeroponics.
We’ll see if I Cana have some fucking roots :sweat_smile:

Coco coir for the win!


Don’t worry, it’ll get worse, lol!

Is that pot you’re cloning, or carrots? I do love carrots :slight_smile:

Thanks for the kind words… we need 'em!


It Is a mutant cannabis plant.
The One in the Pic Is showing Slime already but It Is supposed to be beneficial bacterias…so Idk I ll leave It.Also Bubbles water should kill bad bacterias…?
Might have caused a mess already :sweat_smile:
Edit:I changed the water because I got paranoid :sweat_smile::grin:


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Gawd, I love you, Horse…


Hey bud, glad you kicked covids ass again! That flopped over Day 68 plant was a beauty!! Incredible basement full of :fire: as usual. I bet that’ll be a great hybrid with @AzSeaindooin420 's chocolate diesel

Any luck getting those SSDD F1’s to clone yet?


Are you fucking with me? LOL! Noooooo, and I left the cloner unplugged again… are you ready to try yet :slight_smile:

Awwww, I love ya too, man!

I don’t know about that, but I do know you don’t want to take cloning advice from me!


I’m pretty sure it was you that I got the cloning advice from where I’ve had the best success…


Can’t even count how many times I’ve done that. Even put it on a power strip so all I had to do was flip a switch and I still manage to mess it up… haha


Ha ha ha, what was it? I’ve tried so many that work for a while and I think I’m hot shit, then nada. Was there lucky chicken bones, or virgin sacrifices involved? :slight_smile:

Thanks man, it’s comforting to know I’m not alone… mine’s on a power strip too, but the switch is broken :rofl:


Straight vermiculite sitting in a shallow amount of water. I think your way used water bottle ice cube trays. I just use a 12 compartment seedling tray.


Man, that has probably been what I’ve gotten the most success with, but the mojo comes and goes! Thanks for reminding me, I’ll give that another shot :slight_smile:


Can’t be so bad as I am being :grin::sweat_smile:
I Ve seen your work in this thread,not bad at all


All 5 of the TK x Star Dawgs crapped out. Either didn’t pop, or sickly, one even damped off, which is rocking horse shit rare in the crawl.

Since I need plants, and not patients, I dropped 5x Dragonsblood Hash Plant x OMG that I got from a lost budddy on another site. I’m not sure if they were F2’d from B’s testers, or if my buddy made the cross. I’m not sure if B even put them out as testers, so if anybody’s got the skinny, I’d love to hear it. Anyway, they seem raring’ to go.

Cuts in the Clone King are pitiful. Either stalled or just plain dead. And, of course I left it unplugged again. I need to dump them, and give the ice tubes another go… god damned clones!

My veggers all looked great a couple of days ago, and today it looks like I beat them with the pH pen. All of them have some SSDD in them… I was thinking it was strong with the leaf krinkling, lol!

Not sure if I should flush them down the toilet, or do it properly… probably work out something half-assed.

Tiger Melon X SSDD #3 is looking very nice to me. She took the transplant from yogurt cup to 1G root maker in stride… and I like how easy she is to shape.

The wider leafed Romulan started throwing balls at 50 days. He was sooo frosty, I had to put him in the freezer til I think of what to do with his body.

The narrower leafed one is at 61 days, and close.

Smells nice, sort of like fresh pine branches.

BOO at 48 days. She’s got a very delicate, orange smell a bit like the inside of the peel. It’s nice.

Trimmed the SSDD F1 #7 and SSDD K I chopped a couple of weeks ago. I washed both, and they both seemed to dry much faster than if I don’t wash. Not sure why that would be.

I forgot pics. She smells like my other SSDD’s, acrid sort of incense. Nice. She gave up about 7 zips of bud. Great, because even though I don’t specifically grow for yield, I need it. I’ve 10 +/- folks I grow for and was getting low after the many summer miscues. 1st test, she’s good smoke, but doesn’t tamp down the sciatica like the keeper.

SSDD K. She was a load. Very sticky. Same nose as #7, maybe a little sharper.

Very dense nugs (actually both have them). She gave up over 11 zips, which really surprised me. I’ve never had an SSDD over 8, and have been chasing 10 as a pie in the sky goal. I’m chuffed about that.

Did a little holiday baking, and whacked out almost 5 dozen chocolate chipsters. 1/2 puts me down.

There’s probably more, but sampling is brutal ya know. Thanks for peeking in :slight_smile:


You got Some great stuff lined up can’t wait to see what comes out of the omg cross and that tigermelon ssdd cross too good looking cookies always love some good edibles things are looking great in the stable as always @HorseBadorites hope you have a wonderful holiday can’t wait to get the ssdd in flower :grin:


Mine did this last spring, only managed to save 1.


Thanks man… I hope you got some cuts, I may need one, lol!

There was one that may have made it, but I couldn’t be bothered… Might explain why I don’t see any diaries on 'em :slight_smile: