Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

What’s that BOO? I really like the way she looks, with those narrow leaves and the frostiness and all.

Bummer about the Romulans, they also looked very good.

That’s exciting! I’ve really liked all of the OMG crosses I’ve grown, looking forward to seeing how those turn out for you for sure.


That would be Useful’s Bag of Oranges. Bodhi Cali-O x Sin City Tangerine Power S1. I hit a few branches with @AzSeaindooin420 's splooge from a Useful Chocolate Diesel pollen run. I really like Chocolate and oranges :yum:

Is Romulus the plural of Romulans? ha ha ha! One of them is almost done. They came from the Fall Box. I found out after planted them, they came from a booted member who’s a bit sketchy. No telling what they are really!

That’s good to hear, I’ve never grown any OMG’s. I was gonna grab the Oaxacan 3 x 88G13HP out of the vault, but these were on top, and looked like fun, and they weren’t getting any younger.

I am gonna get through all theses seeds, I am gonna get through all these seeds, I am gonna get through all these seeds… no, no I’m not, lol!


Those plants look like they are in shock I would leech them with RO or distilled water. Or a 25% strength fert solution to leech out whatever has hit them so hard.


Got her growing will be a few weeks to get big enough to snag cuts but if you need her back lmk I’ll make sure to get her to you for sure!


Gawddamn autocorrect… I fixed it after I realized it, but not, apparently, before you quoted me haha.

They look good, though, no matter what they are. I mean… except for the male flowers… haha.


I have knack for doing that to flora! And yeah, 25% pH’d nute flush is coming to room temp as I type!

I am just impressed you got one going, I have been doing pitifully. Still have one vegging, but I may be knocking on your door!

I know, I meant what I typed, damnit… nobody likes to be corrected, leave me alone, lol!


Took along time and lots of tlc over 35ish days to get 1 root :joy: but she took off looking real good even has a similar structure to my favorite of the ssdd bx I grew with the zig zagging stem and nodes I’m excited to try her


Whoa, that quickly?, lol! She is a slow one. When I first used the Clone King, I got roots in 7 days, and was over the moon… but now I’m wondering if I mislabled, d’oh. This latest batch is on day 31, with one little bitty one showing, so I still got a couple days to go :rofl:

Yours looks great! Can’t wait to hear you describe the smells and tastes… I need help!


For sure will do a smoke/grow report write up on her :call_me_hand:


Happy Hollydaze to all y’all :slight_smile:


Happy Holidays Horsey!!


Thanks Crunchy, hope it’s great for you and yours, too! Mrs H grew up in Martinsville, used to go up there every Xmas day while her mom was alive… like going to another planet and we were the aliens, lol!


Merry Christmas Bro!

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Same to you bud looks like you’re having an orange one!


How did I forget this? :joy: :christmas_tree:


I dunno how many of “the kids” are gonna get the K-Mart reference, though… haha.


Ha, you’re right, no more Blue Light Specials, what was I thinking!

Here’s a little something we can probably all relate to.


I have never, ever heard of Root Boy Slim. And I’ve heard of pretty much everybody haha. Maybe I had at one point and just forgot, I dunno, but yeah, I just read his Wikipedia page, pretty interesting. I’ll have to check him out a little more.

Kinda funny he was in the same frat as Dubya, anyway haha.


Learned something new today, I am a fan of Boogie till you puke!

His obituary is an interesting read

Thanks for sharing! Always enjoy your log and all the monster plants you grow!


Thanks for the link. I reeeallllyyyy need to head out, but I read the first few paragraphs. That third one is the exact reason why I decided to settle down with my girlfriend ten years ago haha. Also the reason why I never owned any pets until I moved in with her. I never knew if I’d meet some random person in a bar or after-hours and end up in Vegas or Miami (or, gasp! the Valley haha) for the weekend. Or even just a random Tuesday-Thursday. But the odds were good haha.

Anyway, yeah, I’m gonna read that when I come home for sure.