Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

The plan was to make everyone’s Christmas real ORANGE, but my timing was 20-30 days off :disappointed: oh well ORANGES FOR FEBRUARY FOR OG I SUPPOSE!


Awww man, I guess they’ll let anybody into Wikipedia now!

I really didn’t know much about him, either. Saw him a bunch in Georgetown when I lived in DC, but I was usually more fucked up than he was… or at least as much!

Thanks for that @Greasy… he was lot more interesting than I ever knew, and a very acquired taste. Glad to expand his fan base to 3 folks, lol!

Thanks for the kind comment, though, you may need to go in for your yearly eye checkup!

Timing and growing should never be used in the same sentence… at least around here. Oranges in February will keep the scurvy away :slight_smile:


What is an SSDD please?

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Guess I oughta update as long as I’m here. Ugly stuff first.

All 5x of the Dragonsblood HP x OMG popped, and went into coco. 3 days later, 1x never got past the almost out of the ground stage, 2x damped off (which as I mentioned previously, never happens here… never say never!), 1x is up but can’t get right, and 1x looks like a normal, but slow, crawl specimen. Pretty pitiful.

This SSDD K clone is like 2 Face in the old Dick Tracy strip. Not exactly ugly, but not exactly not.

It’s like 2 different plants on one stalk? I flushed her again… this was the third time… that’s the charm, right?

1x Tigermelon 2 x SSDD showed some lady bits, and is upcanned to a 2 gallon airpot. I forgot pics, but she’s only sort of ugly. The other 2 are just laggards, it’s been 85 days from seed, show me something, please!. The one I suspect of malishness looks good. The other doesn’t.

SSDDK flanked by the TM2’s.

Miss, I hope, ugly top. She’s on her 2nd flush.

SSDDK had some of the same affliction, but it’s been flushed away. I’m leaning towards a pH problem, even though all the veggers get the same grub, and not all of them are fucked up… and chasing my tail gives me something to do. I should get a real hobby.

BOO, Bag of Oranges, is at 54 days. Not sure what’s up with the tacoing leaves, and the some tips up some tips down thing. She’s always had a few down low, but lately they’ve been on a move towards the top. RH has been yo-yoing between 34 and 60%. Temps low 60’s to low 70’s.

I had been hopeful she’d make it til her end without any support group, but I had to call up some canes. The couple of branches I hit with the Chocolate Diesel pollen might have a few seeds, but doesn’t look like much is happening in that regard. She has a really delightful, muted orange nose. Buds are pretty firm and plentiful, too.

The Romulan F2 is at 67 days, and looks like she may need another week. Icky sticky, with a fresh xmas wreath smell. It’s very nice, and nice firm buds, too.

She’s the smallest plant I’ve had in a while, probably going be able to chop and hang her whole, so I’ll have more time to flush the problem children, yay!

Looks like that’s all the news that fits, thanks for peeking in, and don’t walk off with the hardhats :slight_smile:


This will explain it better than I can… other than me thinking it’s really good weed. :slight_smile: Sunshine Daydream (Bodhi Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info


Thank you for the reading material.


Looking great over there H.B. :100:
Hope you had a good holiday with fam!


Do you rotate the cups at all? Like, so one side of the plant gets as much light as the other side every couple days? I reeeallllyyyy don’t think that’s the “issue” with that plant haha, but you never know… Pretty interesting-looking, anyway. I wonder if one side’ll smoke differently from the other haha.

Probably. That shit happens allllll the time over here, especially in the summer, when the humidity in the tent is, like, 50% (if I’m lucky) when the lights turn on and 27% five hours later. It doesn’t matter what I’m growing.


Thanks @Gonzo, it was great, I’m still recovering, lol!

I try to, but there’s no way I could ever take them out and put them back the same way!

Ha, one side sat, the other indica… a segregated hybrid!

Still mass murdering seedlings.

3x Blueberry HP’s damped off. I even used new fresh coco, washed the cups in the DW, and sacrificed a chicken sandwich… another bit it right after that shot… down to 2x.

1x DBHPxOMG, dying BBHP, the 2x BBHP’s still hanging in there.

Dropped 5x Cobra Lips F2’s from @Budderton in the pool, hope they can stand the abuse.

Tigermelon 2 x SSDD #2 & #3 are 99 days from seed… still haven’t shown sex! I could have taken cuts, flowered, and been smoking them by now… maybe today, ha!

TM #1 showed at 76 days. Upcanned her to a 2 G airpot… and she immediately went to shit. Flushing has helped a little, gonna drown her again today.

Bag of Oranges is at 65 days, and almost ready. She smells more orangey everyday. I can sort of see a few seeds in the lower pollinated branches. If I can remember, I’ll leave them for another week or so after I chop the rest of her.

She’s staying pretty green, and it’s been in the low 60’s F. All the other BOO’s have gone purple or even black, so it will be interesting to see if I notice any difference in effects.
With flash:

These pics are no flash with lights on. Much nicer :slight_smile:

Saw thread on here about cheap leds with a link to a sale. I’d been wanting to replace some of my 315’s, and couldn’t resist.

Seems nicely built, and only draws 100W… and it was way less expensive than I could build one…we’ll see, still have the 315, lol!

Thanks for looking :slight_smile:


Haha! Seriously… you could have cloned and sexed 'em and be smoking them already! They look nice and green though! Surely there’s gotta be some pre flowers on there by 100 days! Have you busted out the magnifying glass to peep?

Everything looks good though! Looks like you’ll have plenty of BOO to get you through the winter.

Is this the one under the new LED? You may find that the plants get stressed a lot easier under LED than CMH. I’m running my 315w CMH still for veg, and the plants really love it. They love the LEDs too, but you just have to get the height correct, and make sure the plant has everything it needs, the LEDs push them hard. If you have a fancy smartphone, you can use the Photone app to quickly estimate PAR… I find it a useful tool when setting up my LEDs.


Wow 99 days, they must look like trees.

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2x magnifying glasses, and still nada! It wouldn’t be a problem, except I have to water them 2x/day, because I don’t want to upcan a male I’m not going to keep… and I’ve been extra lazy, lol!

It is, but she looked weirder under the 315… and, nothing at all like her packmates. I run QB’s alongside 315’s in the bloom areas, and haven’t needed any thing like extra Ca or Mg, or had height problems, like i hear others do, but I am going to keep an eye out. I have tried the Photone app, but it’s way smarter than I am. I can’t figure out how to read it with being blinded, or how to lock the reading on the screen for a remote look… plus I’d have no idea what the readings mean anyway, lol! Anyway, she is looking a bit greener in the couple of days she’s been under the led… and I’m saving so much money on the power bill, :rofl:

Thanks for peeking in, and the comments… get’s lonely in here at times!


You’re never alone, we are just hanging out in the shadows.


Good to know, I thought it was just the voices in my head, lol!


You’re one of the most badass growers on O.G. lots of people look in on ya & lurk here. Only just a few of us loudmouths that post often is all :laughing:

Yup that photone app needs a “save reading” option so you don’t have to crawl under the light & look. You thinking of going all LED eventually?


Hey @HorseBadorites when did you get that pack of Blueberry HP? Was it in the last two years or so? If so, I had issues with germination in my pack too. Took at least 4 seeds before I got one to pop…

Everything is looking good, man! Nice spread of strains.


I’ve only used conversion CMH before that operated on an HPS ballast - I think Phillips offered it around 2006-08. Using CMH alone, mixed with HPS and mixed with blurple all seemed great to me. Plants seem to love those lights from what I saw. Seemed better than my old “real” MH also. Modern LEDs have it beat on coverage and intensity but CMHs do seem like really nice lights to me still.


Ha, I got the bad and the ass parts down pat, lol!

I’m thinking about it. A Philips 315 CMH bulb costs more than the led I just got… and they’ll probably stop making them like they did with the 400’s!

It was July 2023. I didn’t have any trouble popping them Float Tek stylee, it was the damping off that did them in. Same thing happened with the DBHPxOMG F2’s from 2016.

DBHP’s were in some used coco, so I thought that was it, but the BBHP’s were in fresh coco, so maybe there’s something I need to sterilize in the clone/seedling box? I’m thinking of running H2O2 through coco before I plant the Cobra Lips, and sweeping a UV-c light inside the box. Any opinions on that? I’m open to anything. I very rarely have seed problems… everything else, but not beans, and especially not 2x drops in a row.

400 watters, those were great. When I got my 1st CMH (2010), I had no idea there were HPS and MH ballasts, so I got the less expensive MH, d’oh, saved 5 bucks! Turned out Philips did make a 330W CMH that ran off a 400W MH ballast, so I got lucky there. Used to run 2x 400’s in a vertical stack, inside a cage for my protection, lol!

I’m not sure if any leds match the CMH spectrum, though, but I’m sure I’ll have to find out :rofl:

Thanks to all for stoopin’ in… don’t forget yer hardhats :slight_smile:


It’s this gawddamn winter weather… Still, just flip them already haha. That is pretty weird how long they’re taking to show sex, though. I thought 50 days was long for some of those ones I’ve been growing recently haha…


Ha, I was thinking about yours, I think I’ll just go for the record as long as I’m this far, lol! What is the record, anyway?

I just added to their stress by topping, again, and cleaning out the larfies… and no, I didn’t take cuts :roll_eyes: