Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Ya I’ll leave that to others who are more knowledgeable about light quality. I know LEDs win on efficiency too but as far as HIDs go CMH seem really nice!

I’ve never run HIDs vertically as you describe but always thought those pictures of rooms with vertical bulbs looked really cool.


Well, you clearly just don’t feel like doing it, no need to do it for our benefit haha. I’m the same way; if I don’t feel like doing something, I won’t. I’m like the dude in that episode of Seinfeld who inspires George to try postpone the wedding: “I can see you’re upset, but I’m not going,” while his girl is sobbing about it haha.


No idea, my man. I’m probably the worst person to asking about popping seeds! Especially since I’m organic and you’re in coco. Float tek worked for me for a long while but not so much recently. What type of water do you use? I’ve been using distilled but it looks like sometimes seeds develop something that looks like mold after sitting in the shot glass beyond 24 hours.


Made me feel like Heath Robinson… only with shrubs, lol!

You are right, I didn’t want to. Partly because I’ve been sucking at rooting, but mostly because it’s a lot of work for me, at least the way I do it, and I am actively trying to do less work by being more passive about it!

I used to keep clones of everything, and was like a plate spinner on the Ed Sullivan Show. Since I happened on a keeper, I’ve lost interest in walking on broken shards, lol!

I don’t usually plant a whole pack anyway, so if something extraordinary comes up, I can try again… or beg here for F2’s! I’m still waiting… :rofl:

Ha, this is my problem, too. Most everything I try works… for a while :roll_eyes:

I’ve used tap (well), spring, rain, distilled, RO, and pond water. Trying distilled again, and stuck them in a dvd case to vertically germinate (again!)… all 5 Cobra Lips are sporting itty bitty tails :slight_smile:

That was concern of mine when I first tried the float tek, but it didn’t happen. Maybe a little H2O2 might help for you? I used to think seeds would drown after 3 hours in the pool… I can believe some really stupid shit :sweat_smile:


I put the Cobra Lips into a DVD case yesterday, today they were ready for a dirt nap… well coco, and I hope they don’t nap :slight_smile:

5x of them in with the lone DBHPxOMG, 2x BBHP, and the maybe SSDD keeper.

Wiped tweezers, and planting paraphernalia with iso. Ran cups through the DW. Ran some H2O2 to water them in. I even used brand new flats. Forgot to UV-c the chamber, though, dang.

While I was mucking about with that, I figured I might as well take down BOO. She was ready, and starting to turn blackish.

Hmmm, the pics aren’t loading in the right order?

I left the 2x branchs I hope are pollinated… I don’t see any evidence :frowning:

These pics aren’t loading right, either, but you can get the jist :grinning:


That Bag of oranges is gorgeous! Hopefully only a few more weeks for me too. Killed it my friend, nicely done!


I think the plants are definitely looking better! They used to be pretty limp.


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 , just hoping there’s a few beans in there. Yours are looking really nice :slight_smile:

Thanks @JoeCrowe They were fucked, and I’m still not sure why. Had to flush a couple more than once, but they all got their turgor back… wish I could do the same, lol!


I know I’m a wuss, but I’m…

Tigermelon 2 x SSDD #1 finally straightened up after another flush, a bit of iron and some epsoms. She went under a 315 and 240 QB a few days ago, and got herself flipped last night.

She went to permanent press mode, I guess, and flattened out those wrinkly leaves.

She’s about 2’ above the pot rim. Got a little more than 5’ from ground to lights. I’m hoping she fills that up.

Temps are in the low 50’s F at lights out. Humidity is yo yo-ing between 45 and 60%. We are in for some arctic shit, so it’ll probably get down into the mid 50’s later this week. Might have to warm up her grub!

Her sister is a trouble maker. Multiple flushes, upcanned from a yogurt cup to a 1G airpot a couple of days ago after 100 days of not showing even a little bitty hair… but she has the little pointy things that give birth to the pistils… I hope, lol!

Her bottom 1/2 is sort of normal!

My seedling mojo seems to have taken a powder, along with the other traitor, my cloning mojo.
Back row L to R 2/6 Blueberry HP 23 Days from Seed, 1/5 Dragon’sBlood HP x OMG 34 DFS
The nearly empty cups are 4/5 Cobra Lips F2’s. 12 DFS

It is cold down there. Was 52°F in the big space, when I checked about noon. The clone/seedling box has a heat mat, and the bottoms of the cups are around 75°F. The top leaves are around 65° at lights out, not sure about lights on, I don’t really mess with them then.

8x SSDD keeper cuts have been in the ice tubes for 12 days. No roots, but they are not dead.

It’s gonna be cooolder this weekend, where’s a portal to hell when you need one?


You are not a wuss. I fucking hate people who are like,”42? Hah! Try negative-ten!” They’re both really cold; one’s just colder than the other.

Good tune, btw. Little Feat and Faces (I dunno why I always lump them together, but I do) are both those bands that, whenever I hear them, I’m like,”Man, I should make it a point to listen these guys more often…”

Plants look good! Haha. This time of year, what else can you do down in the crawl space but accept that everything is not ideal?


Ha, I am a wuss. I made us move from the mountains in VA down to NC cause it was warmer. It is warmer, but not by enough…I’d move further South, but Florida men scare me, lol! Double wuss!

They’re both body parts, understanderable :slight_smile:

Righto, a Little Feat tune a day keeps the Rock n Roll doctor away… oh wait, I like the rock n roll doc, lol!

Thanks, and some of them do. I’ve rejuvenated the sad SSDD keeper, but can’t put her into flower until those cuts show something. I do not want to lose her. She’s champing at the bit to flower, though… and there’s room, it’s a bit maddening.

I hope I never sound like I’m complaining about growing in a crawl space. I am a stoner slob, and it suits me perfectly… except right now. Mrs Horse is obsessed with having the wood stove running full time. We have perfectly fine heat pumps that also pump heat into the crawl. The wood stove and the thermostat are in the same room. When the fire’s raging, the rest of the house, and crawl, are right chilly… what’s a poor old wuss to do? :rofl:


Everything looks good , it’s that time of year, I’m in Canada and the older I get the less I like the cold. I hear ya about Florida :wink:


Haha yup Florida people are nuts :100: Plenty of cool ones but it’s definitely nut central. The highways & roads are terrifying. People blow by doing 100+ regularly. It’s like everyone’s drunk 24-7. Fun to visit but I wouldn’t wanna live there :laughing:


Not at all, dude! It’s just how it is. It’s fucking winter time, cold as shit, everything’s wacky haha.

Florida men don’t scare me, but they do gross me out. I like the women, though. Those trashy, trashy women… haha.

I’ve said it before, but the only “good” thing about my mom dying is that I never have to even think about Florida again, never have to go there (not that I ever really went there to visit after I moved away anyway haha). It’s a gross place.

I would like some super-hot weather right now, though haha. If we ever move, though, it’ll probably be somewhere out of the US. Every time I think about,”Where could we move that’s warmer…?” the only options in the US are places I absolutely do not want to be haha.


You called it @minitiger I also love trashy women, the kind who hit on you in obvious/ridiculous ways :laughing: Terrible tattoos lol. Just the best and Florida sure has 90% of Americas supply. I hear Arizona/Nevada got a good % too


I was kidding about Florida, I actually like the place. I have a brother in Ponte Vedra, love the Keys, and my family had a business in Tampa…now the rest, I dunno, lol! There’s enough trashy women to go around right here, just gotta go to Wall Mort.

@middleman tip o’ the hat for reminding me about the ice tubes. They worked.

Just got to keep her alive. There’s a few more roots peeking out, so hooves crossed :slight_smile:

My seed starts have been pathetic lately. Last three drops, the seeds germinate, look good when I first put them in coco, but then damp off, or just fizzzle out.

I’ve been using a really chunky coco, which worked just fine for over a year. Not sure why things would change, but I thought that maybe the chunky coco wasn’t filling in completely around the tap root, leaving air pockets. I know with veggie and flower starts it’s good to firm the soil around the roots… so I got some finer coco. It seems to have worked.
6x LSD front two rows. What’s left of Cobra Lips F2’s, and a BBHP.

It’s still early, but I feel good about these. They were in the fall box, in a tiny tube I almost missed. I know nothing about them, just wanted something different. Anybody know the skinny?

There’s one BBHP, and really pitiful 1x Dragon’sblood HP X OMG still left.

SSDD Keeper is still vegging until I’m totally and unequivocally sure her cuts have taken. I hate grower stress! She’s over 2’ now, I want a big one!

Tigermelon 2 x SSDD #1 is just so weird I reckoned it wouldn’t hurt to wack her back, and if it did, I don’t need her. She still hasn’t shown any pre-flowers.

TM#1 before haircut, SSDD maybe keeper, BOO maybe revegging, IDK if I have the patience.

TM2 x SSDD #3 has been flipped for about a week… still no hairs. She’s also not stretching much. She does have one of the nicest smells of any plant I’ve vegged. Most of mine don’t smell much til they are in flower, but she has had it all along. It’s spicey, like all spice spicy, and in very, very feminine way. Not overpowering, just a presence, and so much like a beautiful , down to earth woman, at least the way I remember them, lol! I am in love :slight_smile:

Thanks for lookin’ in :slight_smile:


Hell yeah. Glad it worked. I actually just got some Root Riot cubes and a humidity tray/dome. Just to try something different.


Ha, I’ll be digging them out next! Seems the trick for me is to just try something different every time :laughing:


About which? Somebody just posted a picture or two of their BBHP on the Bodhi Plant Guide thread. I dunno too much about the other ones (or the BBHP haha) if that’s what you’re asking about, although LSD (assuming that’s BOG’s thing?) always sounded interesting.

Just flip iiiiiiiiit…. What’s it on now? Like day 100? What’re you waiting for? I mean, besides preflowers? Haha.

Are these f2’s? I’ve forgotten.

Anyway… Plants look good! Haha.


LSD, I’ve seen quite a few BBHP grows, it’s why I picked them up. :slight_smile:

I see BOG had a Sour LSD, and Barneys has L.S.D. These were just marked LSD. I’m assuming that whatever they are, they’re at least F2’s from a grow on OG, but I haven’t found it. There are a few other LSD’s, too.

The first weed site I joined was 420 Mag. Any mention of lsd, either pot or acid, was banned… always piqued my interest, lol!

I quit flipping ne’re do wells a while back. Don’t mind vegging them, and trying straighten them out, but it’s always been more trouble than it was worth to flip… and this one is not nearly as attractive as her sister!

They’re F1’s that were a 2018 freebie. Tigermelon 2 x SSDD. I guess B made a 2nd version. I don’t know what was the first. Hmmm… seems like I don’t much about anything I’ve got going right now, hope they’re nice surprises!

Thanks, man, just trying to do them justice, and check out some different smokes :yum: