Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Ah, okay, so those could really be anything then, I guess. Larry Sunshine Daywrecker? Lavender, uh… Sour… um… Dawg? haha.

Well, that’ll be fun, anyway! Mystery seeds…

Maybe what she’s waiting on is to be flipped. Maybe she’ll straighten out then. I’ve had plants do that before, as I’m sure you have, too, where they look not the greatest in veg, but once they’re flipped, they’re fine.

I dunno. At this point, I really, really wanna see what happens with that plant haha, gonna be sad if it gets culled, especially after all this time.


Lumbo Southkorean Daydream

That’s cool, I used to browse that site often but never had an account. Seemed to be one of the later / lesser known public forums but still some good info there.


Ha, maybe I should just get some acid, then I won’t care! I did find a grow on here with a BOG LSD, but now I can’t find it. Anyway, it’s where I think these came from. I believe it started out to be F2’s, but no males, so there was a reversal. I wish I’d known they were fems. Not that I have anything at all against femmed seeds, I don’t, but I wouldn’t have dropped 6. If they all make it, and are indeed gals, I’ll be hard pressed for space. Some rejiggering may be on the horizon… and I was looking to make things easier, lol!

No, no I haven’t… mine only become more of a pita. It’s why I stopped that nonsense, lol! If I can get her looking healthily abbynormal, she’s in… and she does look like she might be coming around. If not, I could ship her out to you :slight_smile:


Gawddamn you… haha. That’s a good one, better than mine.

Yeah, but considering the little issues you’ve been having popping stuff lately, maybe six was a good idea.

Have you ever tried sprouting (and vegging for the first few weeks) seeds just, like, in your dining room or whatever during the winter? Or the kitchen counter or wherever? Some place not underground? Haha. It might make it easier than trying to get them going in the crawl in the winter.

I’ve been vegging the Banana Soap seedlings on the kitchen table for the hours that the light in the flowering tent is off, just because I don’t have a timer in the veg tent right now and I’m too broke to get one. So they’ve only been getting a little over eleven hours of “grow light” light a day in the veg tent; after that, I just move them onto the kitchen table and keep them there until I wake up in the morning and move them back in. Not ideal, but what can you do? Haha.

Until I can scrounge up fucking twenty bucks for a timer, anyway haha…

Thanks, but I’m good haha…


I do sprout them in the kitchen, sometimes, and was just thinking maybe I could grow 'em up a little in our sunroom, so that is a suggestion I’m taking under advisement. When it’s cold outside, though, when the sun’s not shining, it’s colder there than in the warm cozy, seedling/clone box in the crawl. The sunroom is all windows, and really cheap, inefficient ones. Still works fine for all the house plants, and outdoor plants that come indoors for the winter… but yes, if this finer coco doesn’t help, things might move.

I wrote that about 2 weeks ago, and forgot to hit reply, lol! Anyway, the finer coco only made the new seedlings go an extra day til they damped off! 1 out of 6 LSD made it.

I hope I’ve sterilized the box, cups, trays with UV-c, and have a dozen SSDD F2 testers floating… maybe I’ll get 2 up, lol!
I wrote that a while back, too.
The SSDD testers 12 DFS. Looks like 4x might be something… but none have damped off, yet. Next batch are gonna go upstairs, lol!

SSDD K clones have been flushed 2x, and still look like poo. LSD in the middle, was very slow to start, but may be something. This whole box is kinda depressing :frowning:

Blueberry HP 54 DFS, still waiting for a sign. She’s another mutant, had leaves with no serrations for a while.

Dragonsblood HP F2 66 DFF, she ain’t telling either. I’m on a mutant roll. She had leaves like a ducksfoot for a while… a regular fuckin’ zoo down here

On a brighter note, the sexually shy Tigermelon 2 x SSDD showed her stuff…at 129 days from seed! And she has decided she may not be a full mutant after all, we’ll see, lol. Her sis hardly stretched at all, so I’m letting her get to 3’… 1’ to go.

Her big sister is 34 days from flip, and she started showing some weirdness last week. A flush seemed to stop it, but still wtf?

Pistils are turning brow on the upper flowers, and are the same ones with the brown shit on the leaves, but she still smells like a delicious, soft, feminine treat. Weird, but wonderful.

And lastly, the old standby, SSDD K at 24 DFF. She righted herself nicely.

That’s if from the hole down under, hope it’s been a nice weekend for all, and thanks for stoopin’ in :slight_smile:


It happens. Plants look… good? Haha! I’m kidding, I think they look pretty dang smokeable, anyway.

That is weird with that one plant with the “no serrations” leaves, but maybe that might be, like, a “marker” of something special. Maybe? Haha.



Probably not, unless it means I’m never gonna show what sex I am, lol! Here she is now, Blueberry Hashplant, at a young 91 DFS. Still hasn’t picked a team, but she has serrations!

The Dragonsblood HP x OMG was given out by someone long ago dissapeared. Not sure if it’s a F2, or his cross. 103 DFS, and still not ready for a gender reveal party. Been a trend lately, the TM 2 XSSDD #1 took 129 days to show… so maybe in a couple of weeks?

SSDD K clones I did my best to drown. Lucky for them they were wearing their life preservers, which have been removed for the photo op.

I made some SSDD F2’s with my keeper and a frosty female that hermied from a timer fuckup. Dropped 12, 2x are still kicking… sort of. Both 53 DFS :laughing:

Dropped 6x L.S.D.'s from the Fall box… got 1 up. Glad they are fems! 64 DFS

Main stem thick… and hollow!

Got some variegated leaves, too, what ever that means :slight_smile:

Chopped the Tigermelon 2 x SSDD v2 #3 at 69 days. She lost the soft feminine smell, but has a soft spicey smell now. Sort of like muted xmas spices. It’s nice.

She started to show what I finally figured was a K deficiency around 30 days. It took me a while :frowning:

The undersides of her leaves are covered with trichs, way more so than the tops. She is pretty leafy,too. Been hanging for a couple of days.

Her packmate #1 is at 31 DFF. I’ve been adding KSO4 to her feeds, just in case! She’d been under a 315 on a mover, and took her sis’s spot under the 240QB & 315. I’ll raise her slowly. Neither TM stretched much, I was expecting another foot and 1/2, and maybe got 6 inches.

SSDD K5 took her place under the mover. 1 DFF

SSDD K at 61 days. She had a pretty fucked up childhood, but shook it off. She actually seems much sturdier that her moms. Much less viney. Hope I didn’t mislabel her! Sourish smell that some might call sour butter, I guess, though I’ve never smelled sour butter, lol! Had a slight berryish thing for a bit, but not now. Maybe a sharp headshop incense thing, IDK, I can’t describe smells, I oughta stop :rofl:

Was going to take her at 65 days, instead the usual 70… we’ll see.

Hope that wasn’t more than you wanted to know… thanks for stoopin’ in :slight_smile:


Yeah, what’s going on? Haha. Is it because you’ve been vegging those in the winter, maybe? It seems odd to me.

Is that the one that you vegged for like 180-billion days? Haha.

I love it when they get a little spicy, always seems to portend good things…


Eliphino, lol! It used to take around 60 days for slow ones, didn’t matter what time of year. I won’t be dropping any new seeds until July, so maybe the summer heat will pick up the pace :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nope, she was the “normal” one :slight_smile: Now the one that’s 30 days in took almost 4 1/2 months to show… time slows for everything in the crawl lately, except for me.

I sure hope so, I’d really like to experience Chem D, Uzbekistani HP, and Apollo 11 all in one smoke :rofl:


What’s that? I just googled it and all that came up was some dipshit’s IG and a bar in Vegas. Is this some sort of El Niño variation? Haha.

Hah! Yeah, that sounds like a good combination.


I read it with an English accent and it made more sense haha.


Like it says, lame in any language :rofl: I’ll get my coat…


Awesome updates! Looking great, those under-leaf trichs are craaaazy thick! :+1:


I took potpotpot’s suggestion and tried reading it out loud in both my cockney accent and my West End “proper” British accent and I still wasn’t getting it, but now I do, thanks to that Urban Dictionary thing.

It’s definitely lame haha. But I still love you haha!


So, after chopping the necrotic Tigermelon 2 x SSDD #3, I realized just how nice the rest of the plants are doing. It’s been a while! Nothing is looking lucky to be alive, the tips are just barely brown, nobody’s falling over… it’s an unusual time, and I should celebrate it while it lasts :rofl:

Took cuts off SSDD K and L.S.D. on the full moon just to see if that helped my shitty clone record… They are still upright!

All the rooted SSDD cuts are still rooted. The DBHP x OMG is looking himish, and the BBHP slightly herish… but both are looking like pot plants now.

The twisted SSDD K5 has untwisted. 4 DFF.

TM 2 x SSDD #1 is looking rather pulchritudiness :slight_smile: 33 DFF

SSDD K is one day from chop, and has finished chonking up nicely. 64 DFF

And Spring is sproinging outside.

Just wanted to get it all in the record for the next time I start whinging :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looking great bro, lots of goodness going on! Now I wanna try this ice cube tube method! You get those from Amazon @HorseBadorites this is awesome :star_struck:


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1. I probably did get those ice tube trays on Amazon, but I can’t remember :crazy_face: I did get the popsicle molds at Wall Mort. They are nice because they are clear, and I can see the roots before they come out the bottom. I’ve seen folks just use regular ice trays.

I drill a 3/8 or 1/2" hole in the bottom, then drop in a Chinese checker marble to keep the vermiculite from falling out, while letting the water wick and letting the roots show.

I’ve tried coco, and soiless, but vermiculite works the best.

It doesn’t always work for me. I’ve got some bad cloning juju, or something, but it works more than the other ways I try. :slight_smile:


That SSDD K is always a show-stopper in late flower. Great looking lady.


Thanks @Gonzo she appreciates that, lol!

Another dump!
We have roots! L.S.D. 's started showing after 16 days. They are all showing. These were the hugely hollow stem cuts just plonked in vermiculite in a popsicle mold on a whim. We’ll see if they amount to anything. I’m interested in seeing if the hollow has filled in, but I’ll wait to look till they fill the molds with roots.

One of the SSDD K’s has a root peeking out the bottom. They are always a challenge for me, so one will do.

Blueberry Hashplant still hasn’t shown pistils… It’s only been 107 days since I dropped it, so what’s the rush, right? She’s slowly coming out of her former funk, very slowly.

Dragonsblood HP x OMG is only 119 DFS. I thought I saw a hair, but can’t find it again… good thing I’m not a sex therapist.

Vegging L.S.D. got a little freaked out when I took out the 315 and put in a 150 LED at full power. I gotta learn how to use this newfangled stuff. The 315 was so old, probably wasn’t doing much… maybe 25W worth, lol! Anyway, she has perked up, and acting as weird as ever.

SSDD K5 17 DFF. I vegged her for a while, and put her in around 30" above her pot. I had to use training wheels on her yesterday. She’s not real viney, pretty sturdy for this particular cut. The last one was strong, too. All the past generations were pretty floppy, I’m not sure what has happened, but I like it.

This Tigermelon 2 X SSDD #1 is growing out much more nicely than her sister. I’ve been more conscientious about adding K, so no crispy margins, yet, and it’s been 47 days. She’s a bit different than her sis, too. Much chunkier buds, and anywhere from 3 to 7 leaf blades. No discernible smells, so I hope I didn’t screw that part up. I am liking her, she’s been very easy to keep up with.

4x leaves

3x w/ fasciated top.

I also took out 3x 4 tube 2’ T-5’s from the veg tent, and stuck 3x 100W LED’s in there. They were supposed to be daisy chainable, but danged if I could get them to work together.

The T5’s are daisy chained by plugging power cords from one to the other. Only one plug needs to go to a timer. These daisy chain dimming controller to dimming controller, and all 3 have to be plugged into a power source, d’oh! Technology! But hey, they were on sale, lol!

Thanks for stooping in!


Haha… It’s gotta be something you’re doing, though, right? Like, if it was just that Tigermelon cross from a while back (which looks fantastic, btw)(stinky plants are overrated haha, who cares if weed smells?!?) I’d think it was strain-specific, but with multiple different hybrids taking forever…

I was gonna say that maybe it’s because they’re in those small containers, but I’d think that that’d actually kind of “force” them to show sex more quickly. I dunno… haha. Still, it is kinda weird.

What LED did you get? Just curious, I’m not in the market for a new light or anything haha…