I just have to say that the back and forth in this thread is hilarious.
Very entertaining.
Laughing with u not at though. No offense meant.
I just have to say that the back and forth in this thread is hilarious.
Very entertaining.
Laughing with u not at though. No offense meant.
None taken. My ability to do these things seems to be dependant on the day. Now that I’ve started taking maca powder daily I’m feeling much better TBH. Clearer headed, anxiety minimum to none, stress isn’t here ATM (please leave a message) LoL, I’m able to move easier though that could be unrelated, and I am getting a baseline euphoria I can’t explain fully that’s not like taking something and is more like my body isn’t freaking out and I’m finally feeling like I used to years ago. Altogether more research is needed as I do have a addictive personality thanks to my family on both sides thanks to the wonders of genetics and influence. It’s why I can’t take Valium or Xanax without supervision and someone metering my usage. I choose to not use them instead as the feeling of needing them always isn’t worth what they do to my body at that rate or really at all.
I hear that. I am extremely careful with my Xanax prescription. I don’t allow myself to take it if it’s going to be the 3rd day in a row. Figure at that point I’m only trying to get high. Usually my refills expire cuz I don’t fill them in time. They are always my last resort and saved for panic attacks only
Time for the end of week update…
Lucky 7’s
Lucky Charms
Both are still in transition starting the 2nd week since light flip…getting their stretch on. They were given Grow #2 drench on Monday and plain water on Friday… 4c (32oz) each both days. Neither received the transition foliar this last week as it should have been on Tuesday though forgot until Friday. Thats ok, Tuesday is coming around again
Clones - had to pull 3 as they had rotted out though the rest appear decent enough for 7 days since cut. Opened the vents on Wednesday, closed on Thursday, watered yesterday and opened vents until Tuesday
Charms F3’s - Lst work on Wednesday, gave plain water and adjusted their tie downs on Thursday and Grow #2 today…once the lowers get a bit bigger I am going to clone them then throw em into 12/12 to check sex. Meanwhile they are doing their thing with 3 Auto’s (Divyder, Co Cookies, & Candy Dawg), 1 of the 2 tomato plant’s and a Jamaican Haze Auto will be joining them soon
Homework this week:
Today: Plain Water Drench - 4c (32oz)
Wednesday: Look for sex…cut down male(s)
Thursday: Grow #2 (1tsp in 4c water) with 2 drops white bottle & Topdress with 2 Tb Insect Frass
Friday: Transition Foliar… 1/2 tsp per 2c water
Saturday: Look for sex…cut down male(s)
Sorry about the delay on my update. I found a mini fridge conveniently on my travels this morning. Hurt my neck and recovering as I type, but hey at least my seeds and spores have a better spot than a dark cool cabinet.
Yellow leaves, ones touching soil, and the middle leaf shading lower nodes all pruned off and once I’m back home I can water them. I’ve been trying to keep a constant habit of heading out every day around now until a bit after lights off. The timing wasn’t on purpose though as that’s the only time my friends are free.
No worries…congrats on the fridge!
Nice! In case I didn’t cover it before, leave the clippings in the pot to decompose
Its more important to get out/about and socialize with friends than tend to the plants at the exact same time…they are growing well and will survive
He’d cry if he seen the attention (more so lack of) that my plants get
How would you recommend I topdress? I’m not sure if I just spread it even on top and water in or scratch it into the topsoil.
The drench I’m not sure how to do that specifically either TBH. I usually just water without runnoff, but should I dump all 4 cups at once or a cup or so?
I can do the drench now. any specific way or just make sure the water all gets in the soil?
I just started slow with the first cup, then I just dumped the last cup in the middle, and with the 2nd cup I poured it around the edges and middle. Almost no runnoff at all LoL.
The cutting isn’t dead yet, but the spots on her stem look like blue green mold. Somehow it’s not growing or spreading, so I have a suspicion it’s a oxide or salt on her if not a stain. I’ve tried scratching at it and it doesn’t come off at all. It seems like it’s burning on the tips of new growth, but if anything I think I shocked it with how it’s frozen like that barely growing. That calyx looks like it’s sprouting a leaf LoL
At least the leaves from Zelda and Tulip were dried and composted in the soil my garlic, cilantro, sweet basil, garlic chives, purple basil, and clover are growing happy in.
The Basil here might need some nitrogen soon. I topped both as they were growing too fast😅
True story though he’ll loosen up with time, practice and confidence
Just sprinkle it on top of the soil/clover and leaves. It will release a bit at a time with each watering
Like we did in the 1" pots, each side gets a dump of water soooo 1c per side 1" away from the edge of the pot…that is key so water/nutrient feed doesn’t run out of the sides and the middle can pull it in as it goes through the pot
That works except pouring it into the middle - don’t do that as the middle gets too wet
Whatever works I figured you were using something in oz so been trying to remember to include that though I am pretty stuck on cups
She certainly is hanging in there isn’t she? Most moldy looking growth won’t hurt her though it means there is too much moisture and not enough air flow…any color other than white is a bad sign of impending doom least thats how I look at it whether its on the soil or during a ferment. I am not seeing any new growth on her though that doesn’t mean she isn’t working her roots…i’d pull her and try again though she isn’t hurting anything by being there either so up to you
I bet they love it…free humic and fulvic acid
Basil prefers 5.5-6.5ph so could be a bit out of range for it and the clover is getting too prolific enjoying the moist soil so back off on watering and let some of the clover die off, I am sure the basil will perk up again
I’m sure he will. He has an excellent teacher. I’m sure you’ll keep him on the correct path with your wisdom and grow style
I’m already a lot more comfortable doing things that would have overwhelmed me not long ago. She’s doing a great job for sure. Especially with everything going on in my life I’m shocked how calm I am😅
Maca makes me horny asf
I bought a kilo off fleabay then a few days later they sent another by mistake
It regulates hormones too.
I find it’s best to mix it in a blender with chocolate milk.
You get used to the taste after a while.
It’s cheaper to buy it normal then just bake it in the oven for a few minutes.
Maca root?
I can’t speak of the horny aspect as I feel the same as I did before taking it. I just know my mood has been more stable, mental clarity is up significantly, and it’s reduced my desire to smoke. Even when I do smoke a cig I feel like I’m forcing myself to finish after the first puff. Must be the 4 alkaloids in maca or something like that.
Don’t know about baking it or blending Maca but an old friend of mine called Boney funnily enough gave me some foreign tablets and they were some weird Indonesian ginseng and that puts ya horn right up
On the stopping smoking cigarettes side though @OniTenshu I was a massive smoker but I started kickboxing and Thai boxing so I would deprive my body of nicotine for like 5 hours a day while I was in the gym then by which point you get light headed from smoking cigarettes so it’s a turn off from it. Not saying to do that but find something you enjoy that keeps you super busy then eventually you will not feel any kind of need for a cigarette. Unless you want to keep smoking them ofc
New progress on the leaves and they seem to be focusing on existing leaves currently. One of the leaves has curled a back small finger backwards and to the side. I know that’s something I did wrong, but idk what.
Humidity is average 35-40% even when the soil needs watering.
I don’t want to continue smoking them no.
In general I’ve been only able to smoke when I see my friends as I bum a cig off them when we chill, but I’ve been asking less and less lately. Somehow being unable to smoke, dab, or have an edible at home from being out of everything has forced my constant urge to smoke something to deal with it.
I do the same thing as I do during a panic attack and concentrate on my breathing only. I look odd AF when I do it, but I’m not focusing on my line of sight or my face. That and Youtube to help drown out thoughts allowing my mind to call down.
Do you mean Tongkat Ali, that is some good shit.
The taste is absolutely disgusting you could never get used to it.
I found the best way to get that down was to chew up a biscuit then pour the spoon of powder in my mouth nd chew like fk